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  • 留学日記(春季研修インド・セントスティーブンスカレッジ 2019年2月16日)

2019年02月16日 12時40分

留学日記(春季研修インド・セントスティーブンスカレッジ 2019年2月16日)

We had an egg and a slice of toast with chai in this morning. After having breakfast,we went to Jaipur called “pink city” . There are many beautiful buildings,courts and palaces. I learned pink city symbolized hospitality. I guess Amel king who built Water palace in 1827 was kind person.Because he painted pink when Albert king of Italy came to Jaipur in 1876,This spirit is similar to Japanese “omotenashi”spirit.It was really beautiful place and I love it. In addition, I learned that elephant is symbol of family and power of got, and camel is symbol of life in India. I was a lot of fun because every incidents are really meaningful.So I was impressed of everything every time.

ページ公開日:2019年02月16日 12時40分
  • キャンパスガイド2023文学部
  • 英語DD
  • 中国語DD
  • 【留学日記】イギリス・バッキンガム大学 夏期語学研修
  • 【留学日記】インド・セントスティーブンカレッジ 春季語学研修