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  • 留学日記(春季研修インド・セントスティーブンスカレッジ 2019年3月3日)

2019年03月03日 16時18分

留学日記(春季研修インド・セントスティーブンスカレッジ 2019年3月3日)

Firstly, we went to Red Fort. It was very beautiful so I was very comfortable. There were so many squirrels, there were very cute and made me healing.
Secondly, we went to shopping! I bought something that I like. I surprised that everything is very cheaply than Japan. I want to buy more!
Thirdly, I attended prom night of SSC. It was very very exciting because I have never been feel atmosphere like that.
Lastly, I went to the Starbucks! I felt it was the same as Japan. I drank a cup of cocoa. It was so delicious!

ページ公開日:2019年03月03日 16時18分
  • キャンパスガイド2023文学部
  • 英語DD
  • 中国語DD
  • 【留学日記】イギリス・バッキンガム大学 夏期語学研修
  • 【留学日記】インド・セントスティーブンカレッジ 春季語学研修