2019年02月17日 10時04分

留学日記(春季研修インド・セントスティーブンスカレッジ 2019年2月17日)

I have noticed that the man on the sign of the door of men’s toilet of the International Guest House stands with his legs opening. Because if it, he seemed a little stronger than Japanese toilet-sign men. I thought that the attitudes toward restroom of Indian and Japanese are little different. Before dinner we had Professor Ui Teramoto, who is a graduate of Soka university and now teaching Japanese at St. Stephen’s college. She is the first Japanese to teach at Delhi university. She showed us papers of her students and we wrote a few comments to encourage the students, which was really interesting. It was new to me to see my mother language was being studied by people from another country.

ページ公開日:2019年02月17日 10時04分
  • キャンパスガイド2023文学部
  • 英語DD
  • 中国語DD
  • 【留学日記】イギリス・バッキンガム大学 夏期語学研修
  • 【留学日記】インド・セントスティーブンカレッジ 春季語学研修