Creation of a strong and efficient management system

In order to develop sustainability, we will establish quick and flexible organizational management and a stable financial foundation.

1Mid- to long-term financial plan

In order to achieve the goals outlined in “Soka University Grand Design 2021-2030,” financial soundness is essential. Led by the Financial Planning Committee, we will establish a sound, stable financial foundation by working to reduce expenses by discontinuing and merging existing projects and considering a policy to increase salaries through asset management, contributions, etc.

  • ①Formulate and execute a mid- to long-term financial plan

2Campus improvement

Based on our mid- to long-term financial plan, we will formulate a campus improvement plan to maintain and repair the distinguishing characteristics, including facilities and equipment such as the classrooms and buildings, and bring to light the unique features of this campus. In addition, in order to promote the SDGs, we will establish a greenhouse gas emission reduction target and begin considering the possibility of switching to renewable energy.

  • ①Formulate and execute a campus improvement plan
  • ②Consider a plan for a sustainable campus

3Information disclosure

Based on three policies, the “Diploma Policy” (policy for degree conferment), “Curriculum Policy” (policy for organization and implementation of the curriculum), and “Admission Policy” (policy for admission of new students), we will expand systematic and organized university education, which will comprehensively support the students’ learning, along with understanding and measuring educational results by enhancing the functions of IR (Institutional Research) and work to improve educational activities. Furthermore, in order to assess the achievement of the Diploma Policy from multiple perspectives, we will create a system that will not only assess results but also visualize qualities, capabilities, etc. We will also strive to disclose information on the state of management, including financial and governance information.

  • ①Visualize learning outcomes utilizing the functions of IR (Institutional Research)
  • ②Publicize information related to university management

4Improvement of brand strengthening

We will renew our brand system guidelines, and we will promote university branding activities by sharing content through various media, etc. In addition, we will increase our use of social media, video sharing services, etc. to strengthen communication with Japanese, as well as international high school students, their parents, and other stakeholders.

  • ①Promote a branding strategy based on new branding-system guidelines
  • ②Strengthen the social media strategy in response to the digital age