Harvard University
Nur Yalman
Professor of Social Anthropology and of Middle Eastern Studies
Senior Fellow

The 20th century saw much violence. The worst of it permanently etched in our minds was the great tragedy of modern terror visited upon Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The 21st century, so far, has also been a time of intolerable violence, wars and much confusion all around.

The passage to a more peaceful world is the universal hope of humanity. It is obvious that this will only be achieved through far ranging dialogues to allow for humane understanding to flourish between peoples, nations, cultures and civilizations.

President Ikeda has attempted to encourage such a culture of peace, dialogue, humanity and empathy through his powerful annual messages to the United Nations over many years with all the impressive means at this disposal. His untiring efforts also include those noteworthy series of searching and far ranging dialogues with great leaders from many countries over the urgent human condition at this time.

The Soka University of Japan is a vitally important institution closely associated with these ideas and this vision of a world at Peace. The University was clearly intended to promote a new hopeful generation both in Japan and around the world that is alert to the demands for dialogue and understanding between peoples. This is certainly a fundamental Buddhist outlook, but it is indeed shared in different modes by all the great religious spiritual traditions of the world.

I had the great pleasure of meeting President Baba, President Harada, Faculty, the other teaching staff and the lively and enthusiastic students of Soka University when I was endowed with a special honour on my visit in 2015. Participating in the celebrations at Soka University in Japan gave me an immense sense of hope for the future. It allowed me to share in the enthusiasm of the admirable faculty and students in this noble task that is before all of us.

On this memorable occasion when we are marking the 50th milestone in the history of Soka University of Japan, it gives me particular pleasure to celebrate and congratulate all the members of this great University, and all those who have helped it to flourish in their great achievements so far. May the noble work of Soka University of Japan for education, for the higher learning and for Peace in the world never cease in the years to come.

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