SDGs, finance, etc.,
Carefully selected themes that are needed in high schools!
Researching the ideal way to work
(Normal edition/Part-time job edition)
Now that lifestyles are becoming more diverse...
I want them to think about work.
In addition to career perspectives, students will also consider life events such as marriage and child-rearing, as well as various risks associated with work such as non-payment of wages, and will learn from labor law to consider ideal working styles that address these.
SDGs x Companies
Action plan for the future
The SDGs are too broad a topic,
Not sure where to start?
While the speed of change is accelerating and the future is difficult to predict, there is a demand for "entrepreneurship" to create new businesses and take on risks. Therefore, we will consider an action plan for the future based on the SDGs.
The era of 100-year lifespans?!
Exploring the "finance" we need going forward
In home economics,
I want to use this knowledge in teaching financial education.
As society continues to live longer, it is essential to plan for the future of money to support a long lifespan that is said to be 100 years. We will consider the need for financial literacy (correct knowledge and judgment regarding money) to live a stable life throughout one's life.
Exploring "money" and "finance"
Creating an opportunity to easily understand financial education in home economics classes
By taking a personal approach to finance and thinking about the true nature of "money," participants will imagine the source and destination of money by comparing it to a bath and dividing it into "flow" and "stock." They will also connect it to the relationship between finance and the SDGs.
Career Exploration "Resume of the Future"
We want them to have a global perspective and work on a portfolio with an eye to the future.
We will provide you with an opportunity to face your true self through the challenges of two of Japan's leading adventurers, and to use backcasting to help you realize your dreams by creating a resume for the future.
Explore the fundamentals of programming
Programming has become a necessity
I'm not sure where to start.
Experience AI applications using Scratch By combining Scratch, a block-based visual programming language, with extended function blocks that can handle image recognition and other functions, you will be able to experience developing applications that use AI.
What is inquiry-based learning?
When starting inquiry-based learning, I would like a specialist teacher to explain what inquiry-based learning is.
Faculty members and seminar students from the Graduate School of Teacher Education, who also wrote the textbook for the "Comprehensive Inquiry Time," will give a presentation on the basics of inquiry-based learning, including concrete examples of results.
Actual class scene
The lectures were easy to follow and easy to understand. I thought the group discussion method was good. There were some things I didn't understand about investment, finance, exchange rates, etc., so I wanted to learn more.
Because we are so close to each other, we had a lot in common and it helped us.
I realized that even with the same amount of money, different people have completely different perspectives.
The university student supporter gave us some good advice when we couldn't come up with an opinion in the group.