
SIPS Students Attend Conference at Lakeland University Japan

    On June 3rd, Dr. Edwards, a SIPS faculty member, and some SIPS students attended Lakeland University Japan's 9th Annual Conference on Global Higher Education. The conference was held under the theme "Reflecting on the Past, Building Toward the Future." During the conference, several groups of our students presented their research related to the topics below:
    • Transformational Leadership Practices in Higher Education
    • Arts Based Approaches to Peace Education
    • Mental Health Literacy and Peer-Based Dialogue
    • Drama and Transformative Conflict Learning
    • Transrational Environmental Peacebuilding Education
    Through participating in the conference, they were able to gain experience sharing their research, receiving feedback, learning from others working on similar issues, and building connections with students and faculty from other universities in Japan and around the world.

