SIPS Alumni: Jeoung Jiyun from South Korea. Graduate Year: 2020

2023/10/12 15:44

Journey of Growth at SIPS: Navigating Peace through Environmental Policy

    Jeoung Jiyun graduated from Soka University's Graduate School of International Peace Studies (SIPS) in 2020. With a background in environmental policy planning and design, Jiyun was drawn to SIPS by her deep curiosity about coexisting harmoniously with nature and her initial dream of traveling the world and making friends from different countries. She has found fulfillment through her daily interactions with classmates and professors at SIPS so it felt like a global adventure despite not physically visiting those countries.

    During her SIPS journey, Jiyun faced challenges especially regarding meeting thesis and assignments deadlines. Her determination to complete tasks on time, from tests to dissertation writing, led to significant personal development. The professors at SIPS also provided valuable insights into environmental and economic policies, which Jiyun applies in her current PhD studies and work as a full-time researcher in the Climate and Environment Modelling Laboratory. One of her proudest moments was her selection as a reviewer for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2023 to assess nations' efforts in carbon emissions mitigation. She was able to engage in informal and formal dialogue and negotiation processes with the UNFCCC Secretary and Finland Government. This achievement came in the midst of the third anniversary of graduating from SIPS, making it a significant victory and milestone for her.

    Jiyun encourages current and future SIPS students to be the "25% Tipping Point" for positive change. In general, we believe that we need over 51 percent people in order to make real social change. According to Damon Centola's research finding, however, when 25% of a population embraces an idea, the storm finally emerges from the teacup! With this fascinating finding, she firmly believes that the strong bonds within SIPS students allow all of us to serve as the catalyst for a ripple effect, breaking down barriers that hinder progress towards a better society. As a pioneer of SIPS, she is looking forward to all of us becoming an important person who contributes to society and creates histories in the name of SIPS.

    ページ公開日:2023/10/12 15:44