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  • International Liberal Arts Students Deliver a Research Presentation at the United States International Association


International Liberal Arts Students Deliver a Research Presentation at the United States International Association

    At the general meeting of the Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology that was held from October 17th to 19th in the State of Oregon, USA, three students, Ms. Sayaka Aono, Ms. Sakura Imamura, and Ms. Minami Nakane, representing the seminar of Associate Professor Johanna Zulueta of the Faculty of International Liberal Arts, gave an academic presentation.

    The presentation was recommended by a research group of clinical sociology, which is a school of Research Committee on Clinical Sociology (RC46, International Sociological Association, ISA), and the students took the podium at a session held by RC46.
    The theme of the presentation was “Sexual Violence in Japan and its Countermovement.” Ms. Aono, Ms. Imamura, and Ms. Nakane belong to BeLive Soka, a campus club that promotes awareness on sexual consensus. From a sociological perspective, they analyzed sexual consensus workshops and study groups on gender held at the university as an activity and how they are contributing to the prevention of issues such as sexual violence and sexual harassment. This presentation placed focus on the impact of sexual consensus workshops conducted by BeLive Soka.

    In part 1, they shared their analysis on the current status of sexual violence issues occurring in Japan and its relationship to university culture, and in part 2, they introduced advance research on the workshop and explained BeLive Soka’s unique know-how and its specific contents. Lastly, they presented the wisdom gained from student surveys related to awareness of sexual consensus.
    The presentation by Ms. Aono, Ms. Imamura, and Ms. Nakane was made to the students, professors, and researchers who gathered from various countries around the world. The current president of RC46, Professor Emma Porio of the prestigious Ateneo de Manila University, praised the students’ presentation and expressed her expectations toward their future activities.
    Through this conference, the students were able to deepen their exchanges with students, professors, and activists from other universities.