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  • Makiguchi Memorial Education Foundation Scholarship Award Ceremony Held at the Faculty of International Liberal Arts


Makiguchi Memorial Education Foundation Scholarship Award Ceremony Held at the Faculty of International Liberal Arts

    The award ceremony for the 2023 Makiguchi Memorial Education Foundation Scholarship at the Faculty of International Liberal Arts was held Friday 27th January at the Global Square building. Granted with the support of the Makiguchi Memorial Education Foundation, this scholarship is awarded to students participating in study abroad programs in the Faculty of International Liberal Arts.

    The Makiguchi Memorial Education Foundation’s Board Chairman Mikiya Takanashi gave a speech after Faculty Head Laurence MacDonald’s opening address at the ceremony. Chairman Takanashi introduced the Makiguchi Memorial Education Foundation Scholarship which was started by Daisaku Ikeda—Makiguchi Tsunesaburo’s successor, the founder of the Soka Gakkai School—in order to raise students that would contribute to people’s happiness and world peace. He went on to say, “Every single one of you in the Faculty of International Liberal Arts is an important individual with a grand mission to contribute to society through your study abroad. Please be mindful of your health and enjoy a fruitful experience as an exchange student.” He then presented this year’s recipients with their scholarship certificates.

    Lastly, Soka University’s Chairperson of the Board of Trustees Yasunori Tashiro gave a speech in which he expressed his gratitude for the great support of the Makiguchi Memorial Education Foundation, and then said, “Embark on your studies abroad with the philosophy to respect all humans, which lays at the heart of Soka education. We will be praying for everyone’s success from Japan. Please take care of your health and enjoy a meaningful study abroad.”

    The following comments were made by students.

    During my study abroad I want to actively take part in whatever I can take part in—such as volunteer work or events at the university—and I want to experience lots of different cultures and learn new things. I’ll also never forget the gratitude I have for those that have helped me, and I’m really looking forward to these next 4 months studying and growing in Canada. (Studying at Simon Fraser University, Canada)

    This is my first time studying abroad, and my chest is bursting with happiness and excitement. Of course, being in Australia will help improve my English, but I also want to deepen my understanding of different cultures, so I’ll be actively interacting with my host family and local people. In addition to that, I want to gain experience contributing to society by volunteering, and I think the experience will be a great opportunity to help shape my career. (Studying at Griffith University, Australia)