SIPS Alumni: Ankita Sehgal from India. Graduate Year: 2020


Journey of Growth at SIPS: Empowering Changemakers

    Ankita Sehgal from India is the first batch of alumni from Soka University's Graduate School of International Peace Studies (SIPS). She was drawn to SIPS because of her interest in sustainable development and the university founders’ philosophy of peace. As Soka University looked beyond academic achievements and sought students who study with purposes, this resonated with her as SIPS offered the ideal platform for her to pursue her interests and connect with real-life situations.

    As a first batch student at SIPS, Ankita initially struggled with understanding research methodologies. However, with the unwavering support provided by the faculty, she emerged with a newfound appreciation for the beauty of research. Through these experiences, she learned time management, research methodologies, and the ability to handle criticisms under a strong sense of community within the SIPS family.

    Today, Ankita is a kindergarten teacher committed to educating children about fostering a mindset of peace and sustainability while allocating time for non-profit organization work. SIPS provided her with opportunities to attend youth conferences in Nagasaki. She also presented her paper in UN 75 in Hiroshima. There, she met with the atomic bomb survivors for the first time which solidified her understanding of the urgency of peace education in Japan and throughout the world. Currently, Ankita is also a trainee under the research group of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and recognized as youth for disarmament by United Nations office of disarmament affairs, where she actively contributes to initiatives aimed at nuclear disarmament. This invaluable exposure has empowered Ankita to educate her students about friendship and the importance of creating a peaceful world without nuclear weapons.

    To current and future SIPS students, Ankita encourages them to embrace the opportunities that SIPS offers. This program prepares ordinary people with the right mindset to contribute to peace and sustainability in diverse fields. Soka University helps students to grow courageously and equip them with the knowledge and values to create positive change in their community and beyond.
