
Summary of research achievements in FY2021

    The research achievements of the SATREPS-EARTH project in FY2021 are summarized.


    In FY2021, both Ethiopian and Japanese researchers have conducted active online meetings and research activities in each country as much as possible despite the restricted travel between Japan and Ethiopia caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and domestic conflicts in Ethiopia. As a result, we published 5 original papers (one is in press), 2 chapters (one is in press), 2 invited lectures, 10 presentations at international conferences, 13 presentations at Japanese domestic conferences, and achieved 2 awards.

     Although there are still issues such as destabilization of world affairs this year, 6 international students from Ethiopia arrived in Japan and start their research at Japanese side institutes. In addition, we are preparing to provide research equipment with the JICA budget and dispatch Japanese researchers to Ethiopia to further advance the research activities of both countries!

    Click here for a list of research achievements.
