Three Guidelines

Admission Policy
In April 2007, the Faculty of Letters set off on a new departure as “Department of Human Studies.” In commemoration of this new departure, Soka University Founder Daisaku Ikeda presented three new guiding principles.
1. Be students who respect and uphold the dignity of life.
2. Be global citizens who unite humankind.
3. Be leaders who fight for the victory of humanism.

These guiding principles show what we, the faculty of Letters should work on, and to specifically guide us to the path we should follow. Global issues, including various environmental problems, are becoming increasingly serious in this modern age. The fundamental questions regarding these global issues include, what it means to be a human being, how individuals should live their lives, as well as how society should be constructed. Without a basic understanding of the implications of these issues and an understanding of human existence, the direction of the 21st century cannot be determined. To address these issues, as the guiding principles convey, “respecting and upholding the dignity of life” is most essential at the present moment. The 21st century is regarded as the century of life, and it is vital that the “respect for the dignity of life” is widely established. Next, is to foster students as “global citizens” who can create human to human connections in today’s age of global diversity. Moreover, we hope to become humanistic champions and carry the banner of “humanism” wherever we go.

The three given principles convey the goal of the image of the ideal human being which the “Department of Human Studies” must strive to develop in its students. As a learning community, students and teachers should inspire each other, deepening and expanding each other’s thoughts and values, contributing to the realization of a tradition of value creation.

The Faculty of Letters is seeking students who excel in the skills of logical thinking, language, and communication, who have a deep interest in humanity and who wish to fulfill the previously mentioned guidelines.
Curriculum Policy
In the Faculty of Letters, disciplines such as language, philosophy, history, literature, sociology are captured as “humanistic education” which students learn from a “human” point of view. With the “humanistic education” as a common base, the faculty offers nine specialized courses (“majors”) which are “Cross-cultural Communication in English,” “Cross-cultural Communication in Japanese,” “Cross-cultural Communication in Chinese,” “Cross-cultural Communication in Russian,” “History and Philosophy,” “Culture and Representation,” “Global Japan Studies,” “Sociology” and “Social Welfare."

In the first year, students are expected to learn humanistic education in a wide range and, by doing research on “humanity” in such classes as “Invitation to Humanities” or other introductory classes, they should think about their specialized area and future career. They will also gain academic skills in “Basic Seminars.” Moreover, students will be able to cultivate their language skills by taking language classes.

In the second year, students will be separated into specialized courses (“majors”). They will study and research deeply within their specialized areas. Each major will help students acquire basic knowledge and cultivate their research skills for projects.

In the third and fourth years, “Practice” is compulsory and students will be trained to gain the intellectual understanding of their more specialized area studying with fewer students in a more concentrated environment. In these “Seminars,” besides basic research methods, presentation, discussion, and communication skills are cultivated. In addition, in the Faculty of Letters, writing a “graduation thesis” is compulsory. Through this work, we aim to produce students who are capable of discovering problems, doing good research and finding solutions.

In its ACADEMIA (Arts, Knowledge AnD English Major for International Arena) program, students can pursue their study only in English. They can graduate either as a Cross-Cultural Communication in English major or as a Global Japan Studies major.
Diploma Policy
In the Faculty of Letters, education is based on the dignity of life, treating each individual equally and viewing each individual as a global citizen. Its goal of education is to foster capable individuals who contribute to humanity in their own unique way and take action grounded on the humanistic principles. Specifically, students are encouraged to acquire the following points:
1. To have fundamental education and expertise in the humanities and social sciences to properly understand and appreciate human affairs.
2. To be able to communicate ideas freely and accurately in Japanese and foreign languages.
3. To be able to develop knowledge and ways to express it in the chosen field.
4. To be able to think logically and judge rightly, processing information in an appropriate way.
5. To respect cultural diversity and seek world peace founded on the dignity of life, as global citizens.
6. To understand what it means to learn and cultivate themselves as self-learners toward their own goals.
7. To show leadership and cooperativeness to build a humanistic society.