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  • IRISE provided materials for the book Critical Biography: Josei Toda, Part 2


IRISE provided materials for the book Critical Biography: Josei Toda, Part 2

IRISE provided some materials for the book Critical Biography: Josei Toda Part 2, published by Daisan Bunmeisha, published on March 16. (Written by the Editorial Committee of The Origin of Soka Kyoiku no Genryu)

This book was published by adding and revising newly discovered facts to the 27-part series of “Soka Kyoiku no Genryu: Part 2 Josei Toda” which was featured in the monthly magazine Daisan Bunmei, from August 2014 to October 2016 editions. This is the second volume of the series, following Critical Biography: Josei Toda Part 1, which was published in December 2019.

Together with Critical Biography: Tsunesaburo Makiguchi which was published in June 2017, the three-volume critical biography of “Soka Kyoiku no Genryu” is now complete. In addition to a brief chronological record of Mr. Josei Toda, this book includes “monographs, articles, preface, lectures, speeches, talks, Q&A sessions, etc.”

In the Afterword of this book, it is stated that “the compilation of this book was made possible thanks to the cooperation of many libraries, including the Ikeda Research Institute for Soka Education (IRISE).”