Soka University Landmarks

Soka University Landmarks (for printing)

Google Maps (In Preparation)

The menu is arranged in alphabetical order according to the category of the landmarks.

Click on the name of the landmark. The map will display its photo and origin.

Some of the images on the map are copyrighted. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of the images is prohibited.

List of landmarks

The landmarks are listed by category.
Please access the Google Maps version above to view the photos and origin.

Landmarks introduced on Google Maps
Bronze statues
No. Landmark Installation Date
1 Bronze Statues
Right [Statue of Angel and Blacksmith]
Left [Statue of Angel and Printer]
2 April 1971
2 Statue of Lion and the Sky
(Soka Lion)
24 July 1999
(18 March 1977)
3 Statue of Victor Hugo 17 March 1991
4 Statue of Leo Tolstoy 2 November 1991
5 Statue of Walt Whitman 1 November 1992
6 Statue of Marie Curie 4 April 1994
7 Statue of Leonardo da Vinci 1 November 1999
8 Statue of Alisher Navoiy 26 March 2004
9 Statue of Rabindranath Tagore 8 September 2009
10 “Brilliant Song of Youth and Peace” Statue 12 October 2013

Pond and Bridge
No. Landmark Installation Date
1 Pond of Literature Before February 1971
2 Pond of Exploration 16 September 1979
3 New Century Bridge 2 November 1989
4 Bridge of Literature 17 March 1991

No. Landmark Installation Date
1 The Garden of Departure 29 September 1973
2 The Garden of Morning Sunshine 29 September 1973
3 The Peace Garden 17 March 1977
4 The Garden of Clear Skies 18 March 1977
5 The Starry Sky Garden 18 March 1977
6 The Garden of Dawn Bells 25 October 1981
7 The Garden of Literature  1 April 1995

No. Landmark Installation Date
1 Renaissance Square 17 March 1991
2 Uten Square 17 March 1991
3 Friendship Plaza 14 March 2009
4 Seishun (Youth) Square 14 March 2009
5 Garden of Mentor and Disciple 30 March 2009
6 Tagore Square 8 September 2009
7 Tenku Garden 4 September 2013

Monument and Poems Inscribed
No. Landmark Installation Date

Monument of “The Classic House”

22 June 1970

2 Monument of “The Founding Spirits of Soka University”

24 November 1972


Monument of “The Pledge of the Pioneers”

18 April 1974


Monument of “The Origin of Zhou Cherry Tree”

2 November 1975


Monument of “Soka University”

10 April 1976

6 Monument of the Landscape Gardening

10 July 1976


Monument of “Golden Bridge”

11 July 1976

8 Monument of the “July Meeting”

11 July 1976

9 Monument of “Education”


10 Monument of “Japan-China Friendship Farm”

15 February 1977


Monument of
“The Origin of Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao Cherry Trees”

7 April 1979


Monument of “Light of Learning”

1 November 1980


Monument of Ko-kyu

12 June 1985


Monument of “The Vow of Ko-yu”

13 August 1985


Monument of “The Founding Spirit of Soka Women’s College”

15 March 1988


Monument of “Insuishigen” (Proverb: When you drink water, think of its source)

18 March 1992


Monument of “Guidelines given to the Baseball Club”

21 March 1996


Monument of “Waka Poem to the Baseball Club”

18 March 1998


Monument of the “New Ko-yu Post”

July 1999


Monument inscribed with Ikeda’s waka poem commemorating the completion of the Central Tower

21 March 2000


Monument of “The Origin of Soka University”

21 March 2000


Monument inscribed with Ikeda’s long poem written to distant learning students

14 August 2001


Monument of “The Successors of the 21st Century”

10 March 2002


Monument of “Japan-China Friendship”

8 September 2003


Monument of “True Victory in life lies in playing humanistic baseball”

18 November 2005


Monument of Soka Women’s College Student Song “Glorious Youth”

20 March 2008


The Eternal Monument to Soka Education

2 April 2009

No. Landmark Installation Date
1 Taiyo-no-oka (Sun Hill) 25 August 1973
2 Midori-no-oka (Green Hill) 25 August 1973
3 Utagoe-no-oka (Hill of Singing Voices) 29 September 1973
4 Hagi-no-oka (Hill of Japanese Bush Clover) 29 September 1973
5 Asahi-no-oka (Hill of the Morning Sun) 29 September 1973
6 Roman-no-oka (Hill of Romance) 29 September 1973
7 Chiyu-no-oka (Hill of Wisdom and Courage) 30 September 1978
8 Kibo-no-oka (Hill of Hope) Before 1992
9 Seigan-no-oka (Hill of the Vow) March 2009

No. Landmark Installation Date
1 Hill of Romance March 1976
2 Hill of Eternal Castle 8 November 1984
3 Hill of Mentor and Disciple 10 November 1984
4 Sky Hill 14 July 1985

No. Landmark Installation Date
1 Heian-mon Gate March 1976
2 Main Gate 10 April 1976
3 Eiko-mon Gate  30 September 1978
4 Ouka-mon Gate  30 September 1978
5 Eichi-mon Gate September 1978
6 Takiyama-mon Gate April 2009
7 Sodai-mon Gate 30 March 2009
No. Landmark Installation Date
1 Eiko-no-michi (Path of Glory) 29 September 1973
2 Path of Japanese Bush Clover Before January 1974
3 Path of Philosophy
(Path of Sakuras)
Completed 15 March 1976
(April 2005, nickname given)
4 Path of Spring Breeze 11 July 1976
5 Path of Sunrise 11 July 1976
6 Path of Sunset 11 July 1976
7 Path of Friendship 30 September 1978
8 Path of the Constellation 30 September 1978
9 Path of Friendly exchanges 30 September 1978
10 Path of the Dawn 30 September 1978
11 Path of Exploration Before November 1978
12 Path of Moonlight 16 September 1979
(Opened on 4 November 1977)
13 Vigorous Road 16 September 1979
14 Path of the White Phoenix 15 May 1980
15 Path of Autumn leaves 28 July 1980
16 Road of Thousand Flowers 18 September 1982
17 Champs-Elysees Road 3 April 1985
18 Sky Gate Path 3 April 1985
19 Sodai Silk Road 1 April 2004
20 The Road of Thunberg's Meadowsweet 15 April 2005
21 Shining Road April 2009
22 Path of Soka Education April 2009
23 Wisdom Road 31 March 2012 (Opening)
Grounds & Tennis Courts
No. Landmark Installation Date
1 First Athletic Field 22 September 1976
2 World Athletic Field
(Baseball Field)
2 November 1984
3 Ikeda Athletic Field 5 April 2008
4 Victory Athletic Field 14 March 2009
5 Passion Court
(Tennis Court)
April 1984
6 Victory Court
(Tennis Court)
19 March 1990

No. Landmark Installation Date
1 Staircase of Athens 30 September 1978
2  Sunrise Staircase 11 July 1976
3 Rainbow Staircase 3 April 1985

No. Landmark Installation Date
1 Takiyama Tower 4 November 1977
2 Clock Tower
(in front of Ikeda Auditorium)
20 March 1981
3 Clock Tower
(in front of A Building)
July 1984
4 University Clock Tower 6 July 1991
5 Light of Learning Tower 6 April 1993
6 Clock Tower of Peace 4 November 2001
7  Clock Tower of Glory 26 July 2002