Global education and study abroad


It had three requirements: wisdom, courage, and compassion.
Nurturing creative global citizens

It has a network of 261 universities (as of July 10, 2024) in 69 countries and regions around the world. The international students it accepts are also from many different countries, and there is active international exchange on campus on a daily basis. In 2014, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "Top Global University Creation Support Program" was selected as a program by the government to support universities that collaborate with overseas universities and engage in world-class research with the aim of increasing their international competitiveness. Soka University's "Construction of a Global Center for Human Education - Education Program for Creative Global Citizens Leading Peace and Sustainable Prosperity" was selected as a program. We will cultivate creative global citizens by carrying out university reforms with the keywords of ability to lead a global society and diversity.

Many students who have been accepted to major companies take the programs for studying undergraduate classes in English and the study abroad programs. The World Language Center, which is responsible for all foreign language classes, offers language self-study facilities and extracurricular programs. The Global Citizenship Program (GCP), a cross-departmental program aimed at cultivating global citizens, is for students who have a strong desire to play an active role in the international community in the future. Non-repayable scholarships are provided for overseas training, so all students can participate.

Message President

Nurturing "creative global citizens" who take on bold challenges around the world

Since its founding in 1971, Soka University has striven to develop "creative individuals" who create value and contribute to society, based on Founding Spirit. It has also been committed to "human education" that develops the "intellect" of each student and brings out their "human potential." As a result of the various initiatives and results that have been undertaken, the university was selected for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "Global Human Resource Development Promotion Project" in 2012, and then for the same ministry's "Top Global University Creation Support" in 2014. We are extremely proud to have been selected for these projects, in light of Soka University's efforts and achievements, but at the same time we feel a greater sense of responsibility.

As the world's people move beyond national borders and become more closely connected and complex in our global society, our university has set the concept of this project as "Establishing a global base for human education - an educational program for 'global citizenship' that leads peace and sustainable prosperity." This is an initiative to develop education that fosters "creative global citizens" who can build consensus among people with diverse ideas and initiate movements to solve problems, and to build a base that can become a hub for such "global citizenship education."
As the slogan of this project is "Get Global, Be Bold," our university will cultivate "creative global citizens" who will boldly take on challenges in Japan and around the world.

President Soka University
Masashi Suzuki Suzuki

Vision for the future

Aiming to become a global center for human education

In the midst of globalization, it is important to find and practice creative solutions to the increasingly serious social issues that arise, based on the principle of coexistence, which is to "not build one's own happiness on the misfortune of others." For this reason, we aim to develop "creative global citizens" who recognize that the place they live in is an "open space" that is made up of complex connections with various societies with different cultural backgrounds, and who have the will and ability to lead the sustainable development of society through active solidarity with others, with "diversity" as a key factor.

2023: Building a global center for human education
Cultivating "global citizens" who will lead the way in peace and sustainable prosperity

Cultivating "creative global citizens"

Using basic academic ability as a foundation, we aim to develop students' "intellectual abilities" - the ability to analyze, integrate and create - as well as their "human abilities" - the ability to practically maintain their beliefs and cooperate with others; to develop individuals who can consider global issues as their own, understand differences in race, religion and culture, and work in solidarity with others from a borderless perspective.

Aiming for a campus filled with diversity

Faculty, staff, and students of different races, languages, cultures, and histories gather on campus from all over the world to study Soka University's "human education," and improve themselves through hard work. This is the very image of world peace. Interacting with people from different backgrounds is a great inspiration, and it cultivates human resources who aspire to coexistence with people of different cultures.

Sending out the power of "peace" to the world

Based on the network of research institutes and universities around the world with which our university has concluded exchange agreements, we will build a global base that provides high-level research activities and educational programs in the fields of "peace," "environment," "development," and "human rights" through inviting world-class researchers, conducting joint research, hosting international conferences, etc. Furthermore, we will open a graduate school, the "Graduate School of International Peace Studies," to foster "creative global citizens."

Our journey so far

Soka University has been promoting the internationalization of its educational programs and academic exchanges with the aim of nurturing human resources who will contribute to the world with the ideals of peace. We will introduce our progress in nurturing Global Citizens and our achievements in engaging with the world.

The history of Global Citizen training

1971 Established:
Creative people are the ideal type of person that Soka University aims to cultivate, as advocated by our founder, Daisaku Ikeda. Based on Founding Spirit, we aim to cultivate individuals who are able to tackle the problems facing humanity with sincerity, who can freely use their wisdom to solve problems in any environment, who can strengthen themselves, and who can contribute to the happiness of others.
1975 Exchange agreement with the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Accepted six Chinese government-sponsored international students (the first Chinese students since the normalization of diplomatic relations).
1976 Japanese language course opened
1980 Concluded an exchange agreement with Peking University (the first with a Japanese university).
1987 Los Angeles branch campus opened
1993 Silk Road Research Center opens
1995 International Exchange Center opened
1999 World Language Center established
the year of 2000 Education and Learning Support Center established
Founding of the Da Vinci Award
2001 Faculty Faculty of Economics International Program begins
Soka University of America opens
2006 Beijing office opened
2007 Soka University the Grand Design Initiative formulated:
It outlines a strategy for realizing the unchanging mission of our university in 2020, the 50th anniversary of our founding. We aim to embody Founding Spirit while building a diverse campus.
Selected as part of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "University Student Employability Development Support Project"
Japan Asia Studies Program launched
2010 Global Citizenship Programme launched
2011 Japan Studies Center opened
year 2012 Selected for Go Global Japan, a program to support the development of global human resources who will drive economic and social development
2014 Selected for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "Top Global University Creation Support Program":
As the international community advances, we aim to develop "creative global citizens" who have advanced foreign language skills, can build consensus with others, and can lead the way in peace and sustainable prosperity.
Adopted for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "University Education Renewal Acceleration Program"
Faculty of International Liberal Arts established
2015 Faculty of Economics SUCEED (Soka University Courses for Comprehensive Economic Education), English Track opened
2016 Korea office opened
Thailand office opened
International Business Studies Program (IBSP) Studies Program" (IBSP) opened
Global Core Center opened
2017 International student dormitories (Takiyama International Dormitory for men and Manyo International Dormitory for women) opened.
TESOL and King Mongkut's University of Technology in Thailand launch partnership program
Started accepting refugee students based on the "Refugee Higher Education Program" agreement with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Comprehensive partnership agreement signed with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
2018 Graduate School Graduate School of International Peace Studies established
International Baccalaureate entrance exam begins
English Medium Program opened in all faculties (except Faculty of Nursing)
Philippines office opened
Establishment of a new "World Citizenship Course" for global citizenship education with the themes of peace, environment, development, and human rights
The Southeast Asian Association of Higher Education (ASAIHL) Annual General Meeting was held in Japan for the first time
2019 Introduction of the "TA Scholarship System" for international graduate students
Full-scale implementation of the BEVI (Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory) method for measuring and evaluating learning outcomes through short-term and long-term study abroad programs
The Center for South Asian Studies opens at Institute for the Comparative Study of Cultures
Our university's Peace Research Institute has concluded agreements with the Institute for Peace Studies at Jeju National University in South Korea, the Center for Peace and Public Affairs at Hanshin University in South Korea, and the Institute for Peace and Human Rights at Mahidol University in Thailand.
Soka University's Soka Education Research Institute signs academic agreement with DePaul University's "Daisaku Ikeda Educational Research Institute" in the United States
Conclusion of an exchange agreement with the newly established "Daisaku Ikeda Joint Institute for Education and Development" at the University of Alcala in Spain
The Graduate School of Engineering (connected to the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Science and Engineering) introduced a system of early graduation and enrollment, as well as a five-year integrated course.
Education and Research Collaboration Agreement Signed with Consortium of 18 Federal Universities in Northeast Brazil
Agreement on Cooperation concluded with the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)
Faculty of Education and Graduate School of Teacher Education join the UNESCO Associated Schools Support University Network (ASPUnivNet)
"Africa and SDGs: Creating a brighter future for Africa through value creation" was held as a post-event of the 7th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD7) (co-hosted by the Global Core Center Office and the SDGs Promotion Center)
2020 Development and implementation of online study abroad programs and short-term overseas training programs
COIL education program launched at Faculty of Science and Engineering
Part of the international joint research project with African countries was selected for the JST/JICA Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) program.
President Baba (at that time) becomes president of the Southeast Asian Association of Higher Education (ASAIHL).

As part of the 50th anniversary celebrations, we will be holding a series of events titled "Value Creation x SDGs" on a regular basis.

  • Commemorative speech by South African Ambassador to Japan H.E. Mr. Ngonyama
  • Commemorative speech by Executive Director Fihn of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)
  • "Value Creation x SDGs" Week (Theme: Peace and Human Rights)
  • A joint project with the University of Alcala, Spain, and Soka University of America
Setting up a virtual office for international students
2021 Formulation of "Soka University Grand Design 2021-2030":
The plan was formulated as a new 10-year mid- to long-term plan to mark the 50th anniversary of the university's founding in 2021. Based on concepts such as "global citizenship education," "achieving the SDGs," and "building a diverse campus," the plan sets the theme of "a university that nurtures global citizens who put value creation into practice."
Agreement signed between the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representation in Japan and the Japan Association for UNHCR on a graduate school recommendation admissions system for refugees
(Our university is the first institution to conclude an agreement for both undergraduate and graduate programs.)
Pathways Japan (PJ) and the Japan ICUF have begun accepting Ukrainian students.
Kenya office opened at the University of Nairobi in Kenya
A new department, the "Global Initiatives Office," will be established, which will include the research institute and the Global Core Center office.
Participated in the project "Development and dissemination of objective evaluation tests for the effectiveness of international exchange programs" (led by Hiroshima University), which was adopted by the "University Internationalization Promotion Forum" project, and participated as a partner school in the "Strategic Partnership" network construction project to strengthen international competitiveness.
"Soka Global Perspectives" lecture series launched
"Promoting the SDGs and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons" hosted by Peace Research Institute (SUPRI)
In collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Japan, an exhibition entitled "Thinking about 'Humanity' in Our Time" was held (partnership: Embassy of Switzerland in Japan, Maison Franco-Japonaise, French National Institute for Japanese Studies, and UNHCR in Japan).
2022 Special lecture on the Southern African Development Community (SADC) will be held as a general subject course.
Graduate School of Education opened
Signed an MOU with IBAVI (International Beliefs and Values Institute) and established the IBAVI Japan branch.
-Began implementing diploma policy achievement measurement using BEVI
The first "Global Citizenship Education Symposium" was held as the final event of the university's 50th anniversary project, which aims to build a global base for global citizenship education.
President Suzuki appointed as a member of the board of directors of the Southeast Asian Association of Higher Education (ASAIHL)
2023 Minor program "SDGs" launched
A Malaysian research center was established within Faculty of International Liberal Arts as one of the key research centers.
Second Annual General Meeting of the Southeast Asian Association of Higher Education (ASAIHL) held
International Conference on "Promoting Security and Sustainability at the G7 Hiroshima Summit"
2024 "Post Top Global University Project Kick-off Symposium" held

Global Education Program

We implement a wide variety of programs to nurture students who will be able to play an active role in the international community in the future.

Global Education Program for All Faculties

World Language Center

Soka University's World Language Center (WLC) was established at the same time as Central Tower was completed in September 1999, and moved to Global Square GLOBAL SQUARE, in September 2013. Its mission statement states that the goal is to produce global citizens who will be active on the international stage of the 21st century through the promotion of foreign language and intercultural understanding skills.
WLC manages language education at Soka University, while also offering a variety of extracurricular programs. We hope that students will become proficient in using English as a communication tool while they are still students, so we have opened the Chit Chat Club and the English Forum, which are English-only conversation spaces. We also have a Writing Center and an English study consultation room. As a space for languages other than English, we have the Global Village, where staff from international students around the world support students in improving their language skills. WLC will continue to provide better curricula and programs in order to realize our mission statement.

Global Citizenship Program

Soka University launched the Global Citizenship Program (GCP) in 2010.
This program embodies Founding Spirit of "Be a fortress that protects the peace of humanity" and further expands the potential of students who aim to play an active role on the international stage in the future. It is positioned as the Honors Program at Soka University. It is also an attempt to gather the excellent educational resources of Soka University as one of the main projects of the Grand Design Initiative for the 50th anniversary of the university's founding. We will cultivate human resources who have the courage, drive, and leadership to turn the skills they acquire into wisdom and contribute to world peace and the happiness of people.

Global Leader College

This is an extracurricular course run by the Career Center with the aim of cultivating human resources who will lead society, with the two keywords "Global" and "Leader."
This course is based on the idea of "creative people" and "global citizens" that Soka University aims to foster leaders who can play an active role in the real world. GLP provides a system that allows students to acquire the basic skills to become global leaders in the future by honing their ability to think for themselves and express themselves.

Global Education Programs in Each Faculty

Faculty of Economics
International Programs (IP)

By "studying economics in English," we aim to develop individuals who have not only economic knowledge but also international communication skills.

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This is a four-year program in which students study specialized subjects such as economics in English together with international students from around the world.

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Faculty of Law
A wide variety of international programs

You can find a program that suits your needs, such as Faculty of Law 's unique overseas study and training programs and courses taught in English.

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Peace and Human Rights (PHR) program [EMP]

This is a program where you can learn about international peace, human rights, and the environment in English.

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Global Lawyers Program (GLP)

This program aims to train students to become lawyers who have a keen sense of human rights from an international perspective and can use the law to solve a variety of problems.

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International Peace and Diplomacy Course

We aim to train students to acquire a high level of English proficiency that is acceptable in the international community, and to develop global leaders who will contribute to solving global problems based on "human dignity."

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Faculty of Letters
Art, Knowledge AnD English Major for the International Arena (AKADEMIA) [EMP]

A group of English medium programs that allow students to acquire in-depth knowledge and skills across the academic fields of language, humanities, and social sciences.

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Chinese Double Degree Course

Students can obtain bachelor's degrees from both Soka University and Beijing Language and Culture University. Students will take Chinese language education for foreigners at Beijing Language and Culture University and learn Chinese comprehensively.

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Faculty of Business Administration
Global Programs

The Global Program (GP) is a group of courses taught in English that is unique to Faculty of Business Administration and aims to cultivate professional talent with an international perspective.

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Overseas Business School Study Abroad Program

This is a study abroad program where you can study at one of the world's top business schools. The aim is to acquire the knowledge and skills to be active globally through high-quality study abroad.

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Global Program English Track (GPET) [EMP]

This is a program where international students and Japanese students can effectively learn, in English, the business management knowledge necessary to become a global business leader.

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Global Business Leaders Course

This is one of the courses offered by Faculty of Business Administration, and it aims to produce business leaders who will be active on the global stage. Students learn about business through English subjects and acquire international problem-solving skills.

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Faculty of Education
Pegasus Club

This is a training environment where students Faculty of Education can learn English in-depth, and is a program for students who aim to become educators in the global era.

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Faculty of Science and Engineering
Initiatives to develop global human resources

We offer a wide variety of programs, including a flexible curriculum that allows students to graduate in four years even if they study abroad, courses offered in English, overseas training sponsored by Faculty of Science and Engineering, and an overseas technical cooperation educational program.

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Faculty of Nursing
International Nursing Training

In order to develop nurses with a global mindset, we will implement international nursing training that utilizes our university's extensive international exchange network.

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Faculty of International Liberal Arts [EMP]
All students have studied abroad for one semester

All students will experience studying abroad at one of five partner study abroad destinations for one semester from the end of their first year until the end of the first half of their second year. They will acquire practical English skills, intercultural understanding, and basic learning abilities for life abroad.

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All undergraduate classes are conducted in English

All specialized subjects at the undergraduate school are taught in English, and we aim to develop students who can acquire advanced English language skills, "the ability to negotiate with the world," and make the world their own stage.

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Graduate School Global Education Program

The English Medium Program [EMP] is also offered at the graduate school. There are graduate schools where the program is conducted only in English and graduate schools where it is conducted in both Japanese and English, so please check the page of each graduate school for details.
*For more detailed information about the program, please see the English website.

Graduate School of Letters, Major of International Language Education, English Education (TESOL)

Our experienced faculty members, who hold degrees in education (English language education), will provide instruction in English. Through mutual interaction with graduate students from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds, we aim to nurture future English language education experts who will be able to develop their skills not only in Japan, but in their respective countries and regions.

Graduate School of Letters, English Literature Doctoral program

With a comprehensive selection of courses in American literature, British literature, English language studies, and English Language Education Pedagogy, the program aims to graduate professionals with a broad range of academic knowledge. Central to achieving this goal is thorough individualized instruction tailored to the research theme of each doctoral student.

Graduate School of Engineering (Information Systems Science Major, Bioinformatics, and Environmental Engineering for Symbiosis Major)

The Graduate School of Engineering aims to develop talented individuals who can enhance their expertise and create new science and technology that contributes to the sustainable development of humanity, as well as talented individuals with flexible problem-solving abilities that can deal with the various issues facing global society.

Graduate School of Economics, Major of Economics, International Business Studies (IBSP)

Through three specialized subjects (accounting and finance, management and business strategy, and international business and economics) and internships, IBSP aims to develop talent to thrive in Asia's global business community.

Graduate School of International Peace Studies (SIPS)

Graduate School of International Peace Studies conducts research and education in the field of "International Peace Studies," which includes "International Relations" and "Peace Studies," and aims to cultivate creative "Global Citizenship" with the ability to plan and propose policies.

What is the English Medium Program (EMP)?

This is a general term for courses that allow both international and Japanese students to graduate by taking classes entirely in English, and Soka University currently offers 11 of these courses (as of 2019).
We have expanded the number of classes taught in English, not only in specialized subjects but also in general subjects. This allows international students to obtain a degree in a specialized field without facing the barrier of Japanese language, and Japanese students can study in English together with international students, providing a valuable opportunity to experience the world. It is also possible to flexibly combine EMP subjects and subjects taught in Japanese. This allows students to take on the challenge of specialized academic studies that match their language proficiency level.
