Top Global University

Soka University Top Global University Creation Support Program

2014 Top Global University Project Launched

Soka University was selected for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's Top Global University Top Global University Project in 2014. The purpose of this project is to "provide focused support in combination with system reform to top universities conducting world-class education and research, and global universities that lead the way in internationalization, promoting thorough internationalization through collaboration with outstanding universities overseas and university reform, with the aim of improving the international competitiveness of Japan's higher education."

Selected themes

Creating a global center for human education
~ "Global Citizenship" Education Program to Lead the Way in Peace and Sustainable Prosperity ~

We support creative learning that will enable students to share their realizations and learning through intercultural exchange and to play an active role as global citizens. Over the 10 years of this project, our university has striven to develop "creative global citizens" with the aim of "building a global base for human education."

We implement a wide variety of programs to nurture students who will be able to play an active role in the international community in the future.

Four specific initiatives

Developing human and global abilities through "diversity".

In order to accelerate the global human resource development that our university has been promoting, we have been working on four projects: "Global Mobility," "Global Learning," "Global Administration," and "Global Core."
The four activities in this project have a factor called "diversity" at their roots. Diversity is an important method for recognizing and understanding various languages, cultures, and histories. To cultivate true global citizens, more concrete and realistic education as well as education that enhances "spirituality" are necessary. Soka University aims to cultivate human resources who can actually function on the world stage while striving for "diversity."

  • Global Mobility
    We will globalize our campus by increasing the number of students sent and accepted overseas.
  • Global Learning
    We aim to globalize our undergraduate and graduate education programs to foster "creative global citizens."
  • Global Administration
    We will globalize the university's governance and decision-making procedures.
  • Global Core
    We will globalize the university's governance and decision-making procedures.

Global Mobility

Based on Founding Spirit we aim to become a university open to the world!
Soka University fosters a global mindset

The founder of our university has high expectations for its students, saying, "Soka University students are the 'ambassadors,' 'builders,' and 'bearers' who will build bridges of peace and culture that should be built among the people." By further globalizing our campus, we aim to nurture students with the "ability to be aware of a diverse world," the "ability to understand different cultures," and the "passion for contributing to peace," and by cultivating human resources who can contribute to the international community and the local community, we will meet the needs of society.

Cultivating a global mindset that aims for peace and prosperity in the international community

By welcoming international students from around the world and by studying abroad in other countries, students can come into contact with students from various countries and regions around the world, as well as their societies and environments, which can lead to new discoveries and realizations. By providing as many opportunities as possible for such inspiration, we hope to foster a global mindset in our students.

Creating a diverse, global campus

The culture of a university campus is the third curriculum, and our campus is pulsating with Founding Spirit of "Be the highest seat of learning for humanistic education," and a culture of striving for the happiness of oneself and others and contributing to the world is deeply rooted in this culture. Within this culture, we will build a campus full of diversity as an open university that serves as a foundation for connecting and nurturing all students.

Past efforts
  • Introduction of pre-arrival entrance examinations and conditional admission system for undergraduate international students
  • Introduction of the International Baccalaureate examination system
  • Establishment of a "Study Abroad Information Station" to provide a place for studying abroad materials, consultations, and information gathering
  • Study abroad consultation sessions held by World Kai (a student group of people with study abroad experience)
  • A common subject, "International Understanding for Study Abroad," has been established, and students are able to design a four-year study plan to become global citizens with a view to studying abroad.
  • We have established a scholarship system, with over 85% of all international students receiving it.
  • The Japan Studies Center was opened and the fall admission system was introduced.
  • Graduate School of Engineering launches DD program with University of Valladolid, Spain
  • Establishment of international student dormitories

Expanding acceptance of international students

Providing Soka University's human education to young people around the world
Its value will soon spread throughout the world.

Our international students study Japanese language, Japanese culture, specialized knowledge, and more, as well as "human education" based on Founding Spirit founding. This education is aimed at cultivating "global citizens" who will lead the way in peace and sustainable prosperity. We hope that after they return to their home countries, they will be able to demonstrate the results of their human education, and that Soka University's "human education" will become a global standard and take root.

Powerful support to enhance the value of studying in Japan
Expanding and improving scholarship programs for international students

We have established a scholarship system that includes tuition exemptions and half-price reductions to reduce the financial burden on international students and provide an environment in which they can concentrate on their studies.

Providing career services for international students

We have expanded our career courses, job-hunting guidance, and consultation services for international students who wish to find work in Japan. We support human resources who connect their own countries with Japan and the world.

Improving student accommodation for international students

In 2017, we completed construction of international student dormitories (Takiyama International Dormitory for Men and Manyo International Dormitory for Women) where Japanese and international students live together. We promote human education in a multinational living environment.

Enhancing Japanese language and culture education programs

We have added an introductory level Japanese language course, expanding the current course from five levels to six levels, so international students with no prior experience of studying Japanese can study at our school with peace of mind.

Increasing the number of Japanese students sent abroad

Providing all students with the experience of living abroad
Learn about the world and eventually see the true Japan.

I want all students to have the experience of studying abroad. This is because studying abroad not only allows them to master a language and understand a different culture, but also allows them to have heart-to-heart exchanges with other people that transcend everything else. What they gain from studying abroad is a new view of themselves, Japan, and the world that they have never noticed before.

Study Abroad Outcomes Assessment (BEVI)
Nurturing diverse global citizens by expanding study abroad destinations
Expanding overseas volunteer and internship programs

We have implemented overseas internships in collaboration with companies in Australia and Canada, and will expand to Vietnam in the future. International volunteers participate in volunteer activities in Vietnam with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). We also provide credit recognition to participants of programs offered by the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE).

Expanding study abroad programs in Africa

We will increase the number of students with experience studying abroad in African countries to 50 per year by 2023. We will promote exchanges with a variety of developing countries and foster human resources who have the principles of coexistence and solidarity and who can connect people with each other.

Expanding non-English language learners

In order to produce a diverse range of human resources and to keep up with the diversification of the international community, our university offers 17 language courses. By 2023, we aim to expand our overseas exchange agreements from 47 countries and regions at the time of adoption to 66 countries and regions, and to produce 150 students who have achieved the equivalent of a TOEFL-iBT score of 80 in a language other than English.

Interviews with people who have studied abroad and study abroad diaries from around the world

We publish interviews with people who have actually studied abroad, as well as real diary entries from their study abroad destinations!
If you are considering studying abroad in the future, be sure to check this out!


Global Learning

For the development of globally competitive human resources
Developing an "international standard program"!

Based on our Founding Spirit, our university has been committed to nurturing "creative individuals" who are endowed with superior intellect and human abilities that can thrive in a dynamically changing world.
As globalization accelerates in our international society, the acquisition of advanced specialized knowledge and the refinement of language skills are becoming increasingly important factors. By globalizing the learning environment, we aim to foster "creative global citizens" who see the world's various problems as their own and who can coexist with others through communication.

Globally applicable communication skills

English is one of the most widely used languages in the world. In addition to our current efforts, we will improve advanced specialized knowledge and English language proficiency by expanding the number of courses that allow students to study specialized courses in English and graduate by taking classes only in English. In addition, in anticipation of an increase in international students, researchers, and teaching staff due to the globalization of our campus, we will enhance the content of Japanese language and Japanese studies that will deepen students' understanding of Japan.

Towards nurturing "creative global citizens"

We will establish a new "Global Citizenship Education Course Group" as a common subject that will cover "peace," "development," "environment," and "human rights." In line with our university's philosophy, we will work more concretely to cultivate "creative global citizens" who will take the lead in promoting peace and the sustainable development of society.

Making international compatibility the basis of education

When you want to play an active role on the international stage, it is essential to hone your language skills. This project will expand the number of English language courses available at universities that combine the quality and quantity of language learning and specialized knowledge. This will increase the opportunities for Japanese and international students to learn about diverse values and cultures in the same classroom, and ultimately improve education to help them acquire international competence, such as through international student exchanges on campus.

Initiatives aimed at improving international compatibility and quality
English Medium Program established in all faculties

We are promoting the teaching of general and specialized subjects in English, and in 2018 we established the "English Medium Program" in all faculties (except Faculty of Nursing), a course that allows students to graduate solely by taking classes in English.

Expansion of the Japanese-English Writing Center

To cultivate expressive abilities, we will increase the number of classes that utilize our report correction service and expand our English and Japanese writing centers to improve convenience.

Expanding opportunities for foreign language proficiency tests

We offer TOEIC®L&R IP TEST and TOEFL-ITP in-school English exams. We will subsidize part of the exam fees for English and Japanese Language Proficiency Tests.

Development of Double Degree (DD) Programs

The DD program offers two degrees, one from the University of Tokyo and one from an overseas university. The program is offered at the University of Buckingham, UK (Wen, Faculty of Law) and Beijing Language University, China (Faculty of Letters).

Proactively promoting active learning

The university was selected for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's 2014 "Acceleration Program for Revitalizing University Education" (AP), which aims to fundamentally strengthen human resource development functions, and will implement multifaceted education through active learning.

Graduate School-related Initiatives

In 2016, Graduate School of Economics Studies of Economics started the English Medium Program, and in 2018, the newly established Graduate Graduate School of International Peace Studies will also conduct half of its courses in English.

Interviews with people who have studied abroad and study abroad diaries from around the world

We publish interviews with people who have actually studied abroad, as well as real diary entries from their study abroad destinations!
If you are considering studying abroad in the future, be sure to check this out!


Global Administration

Faculty and staff are also Global Citizens
Realizing the globalization of the campus

We will implement reforms and policies to improve the ratio of foreign faculty members, improve systems, promote overseas training for faculty and staff, and personnel exchanges with overseas partner universities, and globalize campus governance, with the aim of creating a university that is internationally competitive and has strong international standing in both its faculty and university administration.

As Top Global University

In order to ensure continuous, high-quality mobility through exchanges with universities around the world, student exchanges, and international collaborative research with researchers, we will accelerate the globalization of university management that supports education and research, and establish a system as Top Global University.

Foreign faculty members include faculty members with foreign nationality, Japanese faculty members who have obtained a degree from a university overseas, and Japanese faculty members who have a total of one year or more of teaching and research experience abroad.
Foreign national staff are staff of foreign nationality, Japanese staff who have obtained a degree from a university overseas, and Japanese staff who have a total of one year or more of work or training experience abroad.
The percentage of female faculty and staff members as a result of promoting gender equality.
Securing and organizing teaching staff with strong global skills
Initiatives regarding foreign faculty and staff

We will recruit excellent foreign faculty members through international open recruitment, and actively hire Japanese faculty members who have earned doctoral degrees at graduate schools overseas. We will also promote the internationalization of university administration by hiring foreign staff.

Initiatives regarding female faculty members

We will consider gender balance when hiring faculty and staff, and actively promote the appointment of female faculty members to participate in decision-making processes for university management.

Undergraduate Entrance Examination Initiatives

Faculty of International Liberal Arts has adopted Japan's International Baccalaureate-accredited schools as designated schools for its designated school recommendation entrance examination, and from 2018, other liberal arts faculties have also begun to conduct International Baccalaureate recommendation entrance examinations.

Overseas Office Initiatives

Following the Beijing, South Korea, and Thailand offices, we will open a Philippines office in 2018 and a Nairobi office in 2021. We will work to support international and Japanese students studying abroad and strengthen collaboration with other universities.

Faculty Development/Staff Development Initiatives

In order to further improve the international standard of our teaching capabilities, we will invite excellent faculty members from both within Japan and overseas, and develop short-term and long-term FD training programs. As part of our SD efforts, we will send faculty members to overseas universities and to overseas degree programs, such as administrator training courses.

List of faculty members for long-term overseas FD programs
Interviews with people who have studied abroad and study abroad diaries from around the world

We publish interviews with people who have actually studied abroad, as well as real diary entries from their study abroad destinations!
If you are considering studying abroad in the future, be sure to check this out!


Global Core

From Soka University to the world…
This will become a global center for human education.

"Global Core" is a concept to create a base that will be the core of nurturing "global citizens." By opening the "Global Core Center" and establishing the Graduate Graduate School of International Peace Studies, we will consider "peace," "development," "environment," and "human rights" together with the world, and promote research and exchange projects with the theme of "building a peaceful and sustainable global society." With the Center at its core, Soka University will become a global base for "human education."

Past efforts
  • Multilingualization of the Soka University official website
  • Establishment of the Global Core Center to drive the globalization of Soka University
  • Global business collaboration among faculties, graduate schools, research institutes, etc.
2018 ASAIHL (The Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning) Conference - Higher Education for Diversity and Global Citizenship -

The annual general meeting of the Southeast Asian Association of Higher Education (ASAIHL) was held at Soka University for the first time in Japan.

2023 ASAIHL (The Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning) Conference - The Role of Universities in Realizing Inclusiveness and Resilience in a Global Society -

The second ASAIHL General Assembly was held.

2023 ASAIHL Conference
For a future of peace, development, environment and human rights
Establishment of the Global Core Center

The Global Core Center is an extension of the Global Education Promotion Center, which currently promotes the globalization of our university, and replaced the former organization in 2016. The Center will play a key role in building a "global hub for human education" that fosters "creative global citizens" by conducting research and exchange projects on the theme of "building a peaceful and sustainable global society" as well as establishing a global citizenship education program that includes the establishment of a graduate Graduate School of International Peace Studies Studies."

Establishment of the Graduate Graduate School of International Peace Studies

In 2018, the Graduate Graduate School of International Peace Studies was established to conduct research and education on "International Peace Studies," which includes "International Relations" and "Peace Studies." English is used as the language of instruction, and the curriculum places emphasis on cultivating policy planning and proposal skills at the individual level, with small class sizes.

Organizational structure for a global center of human education

The Global Core Center will be established to ensure the successful implementation of this project, which aims to become "a global center for human education," "foster creative global citizens," and "university-wide globalization," and to achieve its goals.

Interviews with people who have studied abroad and study abroad diaries from around the world

We publish interviews with people who have actually studied abroad, as well as real diary entries from their study abroad destinations!
If you are considering studying abroad in the future, be sure to check this out!


Overall picture of the SGU concept

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Soka University Grand Design Initiative /SGU Concept Timeline

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Soka University Global Education Brochure

Please see the brochure for information about Soka University's Top Global University Project.

Top Global University Project

We have published a logic model (which clearly shows the relationships leading to the achievement of goals) for Soka University's initiatives.
(Last updated: July 26, 2019)

We have published our post-project initiatives and financial plans (efforts toward achieving self-sufficiency).
(Last updated: July 30, 2019)

Toyo Keizai Top Global University Special Feature

The book, "The History of the Challenges and Future Prospects of a 'Top Global University' Selected by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology," includes the results of past efforts, future developments, and interviews with the Dean of Faculty of International Liberal Arts and international students studying at the university.