Chair and Professor

Shuichiro Goda


Specialized field Protein Science, Biophysics, Enzyme Science
Research theme

Structure and function of enzymes from hyperthermophilic archaea
Conformational changes of pore-forming proteins

Specialized field

Biochemistry, biophysics, protein science, enzymology

Research theme

Structure and function of enzymes from hyperthermophilic archaea
Conformational changes of pore-forming proteins

Subjects in charge

General theory of biomolecular science, protein function science, special theory of enzyme science

Main career, work history, and academic background

Born in Kanagawa Prefecture in 1972
1995 Graduated from the Department of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, Soka University
1997 Completed master's program at University of Tsukuba
2000 Completed doctoral course at Osaka University Graduate School (Doctor of Science)
2000 Postdoctoral Researcher, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
2002: Assistant Professor, Department of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tokushima University
2006 Lecturer Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University
2007: Associate Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University
2007 Visiting researcher, Imperial College London, UK (until May 2008)
2020: Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Soka University

Affiliated academic societies and organizations

The Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan
Society for Extremophiles
Japanese Biochemical Society
Protein Science Society of Japan
Biophysical Society of Japan

Main Papers and Publications
  • Book: Learning the Basics of Life Science for the First Time, Kagaku Dojin

  • Selected peer-reviewed papers
    “A novel carbohydrate-binding surface layer protein from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii”
    Goda S., Koga T., Yamashita K., Kuriura R., Ueda T.
    Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry (2018) 82:1327-1334.
    “Hemolytic Lectin CEL-III Heptamerizes via a Large Structural Transition from a-Helices to a b-Barrel during the Transmembrane Pore-Formation Process”
    Unno H., Goda S, Hatakeyama T.
    J. Biol. Chem. (2014) 289:12805-12812.
    “Effects of detergents on the oligomeric structures of the hemolytic lectin CEL-III as determined by small-angle X-ray scattering”
    Goda S., Sadakata H., Unno H., Hatakeyama T.
    Biosci Biotechnol Biochem (2013) 77:679–81.
    “Effects of Ca2+ on Refolding of the Recombinant Hemolytic Lectin CEL-III”
    Hisamatsu K., Unno H., Goda S., Hatakeyama T.
    Biosci Biotechnol Biochem (2009) 73:1203-1205.
    “Intersubunit interaction induced by subunit rearrangement is essential for the catalytic activity of the hyperthermophilic glutamate dehydrogenase from Pyrobaculum islandicum”
    Goda S, Kojima M, Nishikawa Y, Kujo C, Kawakami R, Kuramitsu S, Sakuraba H, Hiragi Y, Ohshima T.
    Biochemistry (2005), 44: 15304-15313.
    “The first archaeal agmatinase from anaerobic hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii, cloning, expression, and characterization.”
    Goda S, Sakuraba H, Kawarabayasi Y and Ohshima T.
    Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (2005), 1748: 110-115.
    “How additives influence the refolding of immunoglobulin-folded proteins in a stepwise dialysis system Spectroscopic evidence for highly efficient refolding of a single-chain Fv fragment”
    Umetsu M, Tsumoto K, Hara M, Ashish K, Goda S, Adschiri T and Kumagai I.
    J Biol Chem (2003), 278:8979-8987
    “Elongation in a b-Structure Promotes Amyloid-like Fibril Formation of Human Lysozyme”
    Goda S, Takano K, Yamagata Y, Maki S, Namba K and Yutani K.
    J Biochem (2002), 132:655-661.
    “Effect of the Extra N-terminal Residues on the Stability and Folding of Human Lysozyme Expressed in Pichia pastoris”
    Goda S, Takano K, Yamagata Y, Katakura Y and Yutani K
    Protein Engineering (2000), 13:299-307.
    “Amyloid Protofilament Formation of Hen Egg Lysozyme in Highly Concentrated Ethanol Solution”
    Goda S, Takano K, Yamagata Y, Nagata R, Akutsu H, Maki S, Namba K and Yutani K.
    Protein Science (2000), 9:369-375.
    “The Superreactive Disulfide Bonds in a-lactalbumin and Lysozyme”
    Gohda S, Shimizu A, Ikeguchi M and Sugai S.
    Journal of Protein Chemistry (1995), 14:731-737.


Specialized field

Protein Science, Biophysics, Enzyme Science

Research theme

Structure and function of enzymes from hyperthermophilic archaea
Conformational changes of pore-forming proteins