Dean and Professor

Junichi Ida


Specialized field

Nanomaterials, Nanobioscience, Functional materials and devices

Research theme
  1. Synthesis of thermosensitive polymers and their application to heavy metal ion recovery
  2. Development of amine-modified mesoporous silica membranes for carbon dioxide separation
Subjects in charge

Materials Science, Materials Science Experiments, Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering Experiments, Materials Science, Materials Science Experiments, General Theory of Science and Engineering, Seminars I and II, Japan Studies Program Engineering and Natural Sciences
Environmental Science II (Science to Understand the Global Environment, General Subject)

Specialized field

Environmental chemical engineering, materials engineering

Subjects in charge

Materials Science, Environmental Science and Engineering, Science of the Global Environment, Chemistry I and II, etc.

Main career, work history, and academic background

Born in Gunma Prefecture in 1972
1995 Graduated from the Department of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, Soka University
2000 Completed doctoral course at the same graduate school (Doctor of Engineering)
2000 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cincinnati
2005 Lecturer Department of Environmental Symbiosis Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Soka University
2007 Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Symbiosis Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Soka University

Main Papers and Publications

Hideo Yamamoto, Jun-ichi Ida and Tatsushi Matsuyama, "Immobilization of a Bio-Catalyst (Enzyme) on a Ceramic Surface Treated by the SPCP-CVD Method," Advanced Powder Technology, 7 (1996) 271-277.
Jun-ichi Ida, Hideo Yamamoto and Tatsushi Matsuyama, "Immobilization of Glucoamylase on Ceramic Membrane Treated by SPCP Method," Series of Chemical Engineering Symposium "Horizon of Biochemical Engineering", (1997) 33-36.
Junichi Ida, Hideo Yamamoto, "Enzyme immobilization on ceramic surfaces modified by vapor phase method," Chemical Engineering, 42 (1997) 64-69.
Jun-ichi Ida, Tatsushi Matsuyama and Hideo Yamamoto, "Surface Modification of a Ceramic Membrane by the SPCP-CVD Method Suitable for Enzyme Immobilization," Journal of Electrostatics, 49 (2000) 71-82.
Jun-ichi Ida, Tatsushi Matsuyama and Hideo Yamamoto, "Immobilization of Glucoamylase on Ceramic Membrane Surfaces Modified with a New Method of Treatment Utilizing SPCP-CVD," Biochemical Engineering Journal. 5 (2000) 179-184.
Jun-ichi Ida, Tatsushi Matsuyama and Hideo Yamamoto, "Surface Corona Discharge-Induced Plasma Chemical Process?Chemical Vapor Deposition (SPCP-CVD) as a Novel Method for Surface Modification of Ceramic Membranes." Advanced Powder Technology, 11 (2000) 343 -351.
Rentian Xiong, Junichi Ida and YS Lin, "Kinetics of Carbon Dioxide Sorption on Potassium-Doped Lithium Zirconate," Chemical Engineering Science, 58 (2003) 4377-4385.
Jun-ichi Ida and YS Lin, "Mechanism of High Temperature CO2 Sorption on Lithium Zirconate." Environmental Science & Technology, 37 (2003) 1999-2004.
Sangil Kim, Vadim V. Guliants, Junichi Ida and Jerry YS Lin, "Ordered Mesoporous Silica Membranes for Carbon Dioxide Separation from Flue Gas." Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, S225 (2003) 182-Fuel Part 1.
Jun-ichi Ida, Rentian Xiong and YS Lin, "Synthesis and CO2 Sorption Properties of Pure and Modified Lithium Zirconate." Separation and Purification Technology, 36 (2004) 41-51.
Sangil Kim, Junichi Ida, Vadim V. Guliants, and YS Lin, "Functionalized Mesoporous Silica Membrane for the Separation of Carbon Dioxide". International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, 4 (2004) 21-31.
Sangil Kim, Jun-ichi Ida, Vadim V. Guliants, and Jerry YS Lin, "Tailoring Pore Properties of MCM-48 Silica for Selective Adsorption of CO2." Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109 (2005) 6287-6293.
SJ Chung, JH Park, D. Li, Jun-ichi Ida, Izumi Kumakiri, YS Lin, "Dual-Phase Metal-Carbonate Membrane for High-Temperature Carbon Dioxide Separation". Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44 (2005) 7999- 8006.
Sangil Kim, Junichi Ida, Vadim V. Guliants, and Eva Marand, "Polysulfone and Mesoposous Molecular Sieve MCM-48 Mixed Matrix Membranes for Gas Separation", Chemistry of Materials, 18(2006)1149-1155.
Parveen Kumar, Junichi Ida, Sangil Kim, Vadim V. Guliants, and Jerry YS Lin, "Ordered Mesoporous Mmbranes: Effects of Support and Surfactant Removal Conditions on Membrane Quality", Journal of Membrane Science, 279 (2006) 539-547.
Junichi Ida, Tomoko Yoshikawa, Tatsushi Matsuyama, and Hideo Yamamoto, "TiO2 Coating on Silica Particle by Deposition of Sol-Gel Derived Nano Particles", Advanced Powder Technology, in printing, (2006).
Hiromasa Okada, Junichi Ida, Tomoko Yoshikawa, Tatsushi Matsuyama and Hideo Yamamoto, "Use of Sol-Gel Method for Titania Coating and the Effect of Support Silica Particle Size", Advanced Powder Technology, accepted, (2007).

Conference presentation Jun-ichi Ida, Tatsushi Matsuyama and Hideo Yamamoto, "Particle Charging at High Temperature by Boxer Charger," 1st International Particle Technology Forum/AIChE, Denver (USA), August 1994.
Jun-ichi Ida, Tatsushi Matsuyama and Hideo Yamamoto, "A New Method of Treating Ceramic Surface by SPCP-CVD, and Its Application," '96 China-Japan Symposium on Particuology, Beijing, China, May 1996.
Jun-ichi Ida, Tatsushi Matsuyama and Hideo Yamamoto, "A New Method of Treating Ceramic Surface by SPCP-CVD, and its Applications," World Congress on Particle Technology 3, Brighton (UK), July 1998.
Jun-ichi Ida, Tatsushi Matsuyama and Hideo Yamamoto, "Titanium Coating of Glass Beads for Packed Bed Photo-Catalytic Reactors," World Congress on Particle Technology 3, Brighton (UK), July 1998.
Jun-ichi Ida, Jerry Y.S. Lin, "Mechanism of Carbon Dioxide Sorption/Desorption on Lithium Zirconate," 2001 Annual AIChE Meeting. Reno, USA, November 2001.
Sangil Kim, Vadim V. Guliants, Junichi Ida, YS Jerry, "Ordered Mesoporous Silica Membranes for Carbon Dioxide. Separation from Flue Gas", 225th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, USA, March 23-27 2003.
Junichi Ida, Sangil Kim, Y.S. Lin and Vadim V. Guliants, "Ordered Meso- and Microporous Silica Membranes for CO2 Separation from Flue Gas", 20th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, September 15-19, 2003.
Vadim V. Guliants, Sangil Kim, Junichi Ida, and Y.S. Lin, "Ordered Mesostructured Silica Membranes for Carbon Dioxide Separation from Flue Gas", AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 18, 2003.
Parveen Kumar, Hatem Alsyouri, Vadim V. Guliants, Sangil Kim, Junichi Ida, and Y.S. Lin, "Ordered MCM-48 Membranes Containing Surface-Grafted Amino Groups for CO2/N2 Separation", 8th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes, Cincinnati, USA, July 19-22, 2004.
Sangil Kim, Parveen Kumar, Junichi Ida, Hatem Alsyouri, Vadim V. Guliants, Y.S. Lin, "Amine Modified Silica Membranes for Separation of CO2 Under Ambient Conditions: Gas Transport and Separation Properties", AIChE Annual Meeting, Austin, USA, November 7-12, 2004.
S.J. Chung, D. Li, Junichi Ida, J.H. Park, J.Y.S. Lin, "Dual-Phase Inorganic Membrane for High Temperature Carbon Dioxide Separation", AIChE Annual Meeting, Austin, USA, November 7-12, 2004.
S.J. Chung, J.H. Park, D. Li, Junichi Ida, J.Y.S. Lin, "Dual-Phase Inorganic Membrane for High Temperature Carbon Dioxide Separation", ACS National Meeting, San Diego, USA, March 13-18, 2005.
Vadim V. Guliants, Junichi Ida, Sangil Kim, Parveen Kumar, Jerry Y.S. Lin, "PEI/MCM-48 Composite Membranes for Carbon Dioxide Separation", 22th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, September 12-15, 2005.
Hiromasa Okada, Tomoko Yoshikawa, Junichi Ida, Tatsushi Matsuyama, Hideo Yamamoto, "Characterization of TiO2 Coated Particles Prepared by Sol-Gel Method", The Korea-Japan International Symposium on Powder Science and Technology: The 43rd Symposium on Powder Science and Technology, Busan, Korea, November 2-4, 2005.
Parveen Kumar, Sangil Kim, Junichi Ida, Vadim V. Guliants, Y.S. Lin, "Synthesis and Characterization of PEI/MCM-48 Composite Membranes for Carbon Dioxide Separation", NAMS 2006, Chicago, USA, May 12-17, 2006.
P. Kumar, S. Kim, J. Ida, V. Guliants, J. Y.S. Lin, "PEI/MCM-48 Membranes for Carbon Dioxide Separation”, 2006 Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences Inaugural User Meeting, Oak Ridge, USA, June 14-15, 2006.
Parveen Kumar, Sangil Kim, Junichi Ida, Vadim Guliants, Jerry Y.S. Lin, "PEI/MCM-48 Composite Membranes for Carbon Dioxide Separation”, 9th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes, Lillehammer, Norway, June 25-29, 2006.
Parveen Kumar, Vadim V. Guliants, Sangil Kim, Junichi Ida and Jerry Y. S. Lin, "PEI/MCM-48 Composite Membranes for Carbon Dioxide Separation”, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, November 12-17, 2006.
Eri Sasaki, Fumio Kurayama, Jun-ichi Ida, Tatsushi Matsushi and Hideo Yamamoto, "Preparation of microcapsules by electrostatic atomization", 2006 International Symposium on Electrohydrodynamics (2006 ISEHD), Buenos Aires, Argentine, December 4-6, 2006.
Specialized field

Nanomaterials, Nanobioscience, Functional materials and devices

Research theme
  1. Synthesis of thermosensitive polymers and their application to heavy metal ion recovery
  2. Development of amine-modified mesoporous silica membranes for carbon dioxide separation