Dean and Professor

Norio Kurosawa


Specialized field

Microbiology, molecular biology

Research theme

1) Taxonomy, physiology, genetics, and molecular biology of thermophilic and psychrophilic bacteria
2) Taxonomic study of protists in Antarctic lakes and the Southern Ocean
3) Phylogeographical study of copepods

Subjects in charge

Microbiology, Microbiology Experiments, Oceanography Training, Case Studies, General Science and Engineering, International Exchange

Specialized field

Microbiology, molecular biology

Research theme

1) Taxonomy, physiology, genetics, and molecular biology of thermophilic and psychrophilic bacteria
2) Taxonomic study of protists in Antarctic lakes and the Southern Ocean
3) Phylogeographical study of copepods

Subjects in charge

Graduate School: Microbial Ecology
Undergraduate: Microbiology, Microbiology Experiments, Marine Training, Case Studies, General Science and Engineering

Main career, work history, and academic background

Born in Kanagawa Prefecture in 1962
1985 Graduated from Kitasato University School of Health Sciences, Department of Chemistry
1995 Doctor of Philosophy (Kitasato University)
1985 Researcher, Asahi Denka Kogyo Co., Ltd.
1991: Full-time researcher at the Soka University Institute of Life Sciences
1991: Assistant Professor, Department of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, Soka University
1995: Lecturer Department of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, Soka University
1999 Visiting Researcher, University of Cincinnati
2000: Assistant Lecturer Department of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, Soka University
2001 JICA Short-term Expert (University Putra Malaysia)
2006 Professor, Department of Environmental Symbiosis Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Soka University
2012: Member of the Terrestrial Biology Group of the 54th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition
2015 Professor, Department of Science and Engineering for Sustainable Innovation Faculty of Science and Engineering Soka University

Affiliated academic societies and organizations

Molecular Biology Society of Japan, Society of Microbial Ecology, Society of Marine Biotechnology, Japanese Society of Extremophile Microbiology, Japanese Society of Hot Spring Sciences, Japanese Society of Hot Spring Regional Studies, Japanese Society of Archaea (Executive Director)
American Society for Microbiology, International Society for Extremophiles, Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography

Main Papers and Publications

Watanabe K, Koyama M, Ueda J, Ban S, Kurosawa N, Toda T. Effect of operating temperature on anaerobic digestion of the Brazilian waterweed Egeria densa and its microbial community. Anaerobe (in press)
Matsui M, Kawamata A, Kosugi M, Imura S, Kurosawa N. Diversity of proteolytic microbes isolated from Antarctic freshwater lakes and characteristics of their cold-active proteases. Polar Science (in press)
Imaizumi Y, Nagao N, Yusoff FM, Kurosawa N, Kawasaki M, Toda T. Lumostatic operation controlled by the optimum light intensity per dry weight for the effective production of Chlorella zofingiensis in the high cell density continuous culture. Algal Research 20, 110-117 (2017)
Sakai HD, Kurosawa N. Exploration and isolation of novel thermophiles in frozen enrichment cultures derived from a terrestrial acidic hot spring. Extremophiles 20 (2), 207-214 (2016)
Suzuki S, Kurosawa N. Disruption of the gene encoding restriction endonuclease SuaI and development of a host-vector system for the thermoacidophilic archaeon Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. Extremophiles 20 (2), 139-148 (2016)
Satoh T, Yamamoto S, Kurosawa N. Chemical Characteristics of Solfataric-Acidic Pond Waters in the Kirishima Geothermal Area, Kagoshima Prefecture. Journal of Hot Spring Sciences. Sep;63(2):100-17 (2015)
Kosugi M, Kurosawa N, Kawamata A, Kudoh S, Imura S. Year-round micrometeorological data from the habitats of terrestrial photosynthetic organisms in Langhovde, East Antarctica, during 2013. JARE data reports. Terrestrial biology 8, 1-6 (2015)
Ueda J, Kurosawa N. Characterization of an extracellular thermophilic chitinase from Paenibacillus thermoaerophilus strain TC22-2b isolated from compost. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 31 (1), 135-143 (2015)
Kok SP, Tsuchiya K, Komatsu K, T Toda T, Kurosawa N. The protistan microplankton community along the Kuroshio Current revealed by 18S rRNA gene clone analysis: a case study of the differences in distribution interplay with ecological variability. Plankton and Benthos Research 9 (2), 71-82 (2014)
Ueda J, Yamamoto S, Kurosawa N. Paenibacillus thermoaerophilus sp. nov., a moderately thermophilic bacterium isolated from compost. International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 63 (Pt 9), 3330-3335 (2013)
Satoh T, Watanabe K, Yamamoto H, Yamamoto S, Kurosawa N. Bacterial Community Structures in the Solfataric-Acidic Ponds in the Kirishima Geothermal Area, Kagoshima Prefecture. Journal of Hot Spring Sciences. Sep;63(2):100-17 (2013)
Nishiyama M, Yamamoto S, Kurosawa N. Microbial community analysis of a coastal hot spring in Kagoshima, Japan, using molecular-and culture-based approaches. Journal of Microbiology 51 (4), 413-422 (2013)
Satoh T, Watanabe K, Yamamoto H, Yamamoto S, Kurosawa N. Archaeal community structures in the solfataric acidic hot springs with different temperatures and elemental compositions. Archaea 2013 (2013)
Taha AIBHM, Ahmed RZ, Motoigi T, Watanabe K, Kurosawa N, Okuyama H. Lipids in Cold-adapted Microorganisms (Chapter 11). In Yumoto I (ed) Cold-adapted Microorganisms. Caister Academic Press, Norfolk. 2013 Aug:189-214
Kurosawa N. Discovery of Thermostable Enzymes from Hot Environmental Samples by Metagenomic Approaches (Chapter 16). In Satyanarayana T et al (eds) Thermophilic Microbes in Environmental and Industrial Biotechnology, 2nd ed.: Biotechnology of Thermophiles. Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht. 2013 Apr:413-427
Kok SP, Kikuchi T, Toda T, Kurosawa N. Diversity analysis of protistan microplankton in Sagami Bay by 18S rRNA gene clone analysis using newly designed PCR primers. Journal of oceanography 68 (5), 599-613 (2012)
Nagao N, Tajima N, Kawai M, Niwa C, Kurosawa N, Matsuyama T, Yusoff FM, Toda T. Maximum organic loading rate for the single-stage wet anaerobic digestion of food waste. Bioresource technology 118, 210-218 (2012)
Kok SP, Kikuchi T, Toda T, Kurosawa N. Diversity and community dynamics of protistan microplankton in Sagami Bay revealed by 18S rRNA gene clone analysis. Plankton and Benthos Research 7 (2), 75-86 (2012)
Kawasaki Y, Aoki M, Makino Y, Sakai H, Tsuboi Y, Ueda J, Sonoda K, Watanabe K, Yamamoto S, Kurosawa N. Characterization of moderately thermophilic bacteria isolated from saline hot spring in Japan. Microbiology Indonesia 5 (2), 56-60 (2011)
Kimata-Kino, N., Ikeda, S., Kurosawa, N. & Toda, T. Saline adaptation of granules in mesophilic UASB reactors. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 65 (1), 65-72 (2011)
Kurosawa N, Sato S, Kawarabayasi Y, Imura S, Naganuma T. Archaeal and bacterial community structures in the anoxic sediment of Antarctic meromictic lake Nurume-Ike. Polar Science 4 (2), 421-429 (2010)
Watanabe K, Nagao N, Toda T, Kurosawa N. Bacterial community in the personal-use composting reactor revealed by isolation and cultivation-independent method. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B 45 (5), 372-378 (2010)
Watanabe K, Nagao N, Toda T, Kurosawa N. Bacterial Communities in Various Conditions of the Composting Reactor Revealed by 16S rDNA Clone Analysis and DGGE. In Singh OV, Harvey SP (eds) Sustainable Biotechnology. Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht. 2010:165-177
Watanabe K, Nagao N, Toda T, Kurosawa N. The dominant bacteria shifted from the order "Lactobacillales" to Bacillales and Actinomycetales during a start-up period of large-scale, completely-mixed composting reactor using plastic bottle flakes as bulking agent. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 25 (5), 803-811 (2009)
Nagao N, Watanabe K, Osa S, Matsuyama T, Kurosawa N, Toda T. Bacterial community and decomposition rate in long term fed-batch composting using woodchip and Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) as bulking agents. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 24 (8), 1417-1424 (2008)
Watanabe K, Nagao N, Toda T, Kurosawa N. Changes in bacterial communities accompanied by aggregation in a fed-batch composting reactor. Current microbiology 56 (5), 458-467 (2008)
Miyaguchi H, Kurosawa N, Toda T. Real-time polymerase chain reaction assays for rapid detection and quantification of Noctiluca scintillans zoospore. Marine biotechnology 10 (2), 133-140 (2008)
Watanabe K, Nagao N, Yamamoto S, Toda T, Kurosawa N. Thermobacillus composti sp nov., a moderately thermophilic bacterium isolated from a composting reactor. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 57 (7), 1473-1477 (2007)
Kurosawa N, Grogan DW. Homologous recombination of exogenous DNA with the Sulfolobus acidocaldarius genome: properties and uses. FEMS microbiology letters 253 (1), 141-149 (2005)
Kurosawa N, Itoh YH, Itoh T. Thermus kawarayensis sp. nov., a new member of the genus Thermus, isolated from Japanese hot springs. Extremophiles 9 (1), 81-84 (2005)

Specialized field

Microbiology, molecular biology

Research theme

1) Taxonomy, physiology, genetics, and molecular biology of thermophilic and psychrophilic bacteria
2) Taxonomic study of protists in Antarctic lakes and the Southern Ocean
3) Phylogeographical study of copepods