Department Chair and Professor

Sayaka Takase


Specialized field


Research theme
  1. Elucidation of the infection initiation mechanisms of retroviruses and influenza viruses
  2. Elucidation of the mechanism of gene expression regulation by retroviruses
  3. Elucidation of the gene regions and their roles in neuropathogenicity of murine leukemia viruses
Subjects in charge

Microbiology, Microbiology Experiments, Immunology, Case Studies I and II, Seminars I and II

Specialized field


Research theme

Molecular basis of viral infection initiation and gene expression

  1. Analysis of interactions between murine leukemia virus and influenza virus and cell surface molecules
  2. Elucidation of post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression in murine leukemia viruses
  3. Elucidation of the gene regions and their roles in neuropathogenicity of murine leukemia viruses
Main career, work history, and academic background

Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1957
1987: Completed doctoral course at Hokkaido University Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine.
He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Virology, NERC, UK, and a researcher at the National Institute of Neurology and Psychiatry, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry.
1991 Lecturer Department of Immunology, Institute of Life Science, Soka University
1997: Assistant Lecturer Department of Immunology, Institute of Life Science, Soka University
2001 Professor, Department of Immunology, Institute of Life Science, Soka University
2003 Professor, Department of Bioinformatics, Faculty of Engineering, Soka University

Affiliated academic societies and organizations

Japanese Society for Virology
Japanese Veterinary Medical Association
Molecular Biology Society of Japan
Japanese Society for Neurovirus Research

Main Papers and Publications

Original Papers (2006-2014)
Machinaga A, Takase-Yoden S (2014) A 38 nt region and its flanking sequences within gag of Friend murine leukemia virus are crucial for splicing at the correct 5' and 3' splice sites. Microbiol. Immunol. 58, 38-50.
Hiono T, Okamatsu M, Nishihara S, Takase-Yoden S, Sakoda Y, Kida H (2014) A chicken influenza virus recognizes fucosylated α2,3 sialoglycan receptors on the epithelial cells lining upper respiratory tracts of chickens. Virology 456-457, 131 –138
Machinaga A, Takase‐Yoden S (2014) Polyadenylation of Friend murine leukemia virus env‐mRNA is affected by its splicing. Microbiol. Immunol. 58, 474–482.
Ichimiya T, Nishihara S, Takase-Yoden S, Kida H, Aoki-Kinoshita KF (2014) Frequent glycan structure mining of influenza virus data revealed a sulfated glycan motif that increased viral infection. Bioinformatics 30, 706–711.
Choo YC, Seki Y, Machinaga A, Ogita N, Takase-Yoden S (2013) The 0.3-kb fragment containing the R-U5-5'leader sequence of Friend murine leukemia virus influences the level of protein expression from spliced mRNA. Virol J. 10:124
Choo YC, Seki Y, Takase-Yoden S (2013) Kinetic studies of the effect of a 17 nucleotide difference in the 0.3 kb region containing the R-U5-5' leader sequence of Friend murine leukemia virus on viral gene expression. Microbiol. Immunol. 57, 594–599.
Seki, Y., Mizukura, M., Ichimiya, T., Suda, Y., Nishihara, S., Masuda, M., and Takase-Yoden, S. (2012) O-Sulfate Groups of Heparin are Critical for Inhibition of Ecotropic Murine Leukemia Virus Infection by Heparin. Virology 424, 56-66.
Seki, Y., Hirano, N., Mizukura, M., Watanabe, R., and Takase-Yoden, S. (2011) Narrowing down the critical region within env gene for determining neuropathogenicity of murine leukemia virus A8. Microbiol. Immunol 55, 694-703.
Yamamoto, N., and Takase-Yoden, S. (2009) Analysis of cis-regulatory elements in the 5' Untranslated region of murine leukemia virus controlling protein expression. Microbiol. Immunol. 53, 140-148.
Yamamoto, N., and Takase-Yoden, S. (2009) Friend murine leukemia virus A8 regulates Env protein expression through an intron sequence. Virology 385, 115–125.
Takase-Yoden, S., Wada, M., and Watanabe, R. (2006) A Viral non-coding region determining neuropathogenicity of murine leukemia virus A8 is responsible for envelope protein expression in the rat brain. Microbiol. Immunol. 50, 197-201.
Watanabe, R. and Takase-Yoden, S. (2006) Neuropathology induced by infection with Friend murine leukemia viral clone A8-V depends upon the level of viral antigen expression. Neuropathology 26,188-195.
Kanamatsu, T., Watanabe, R., and Takase-Yoden, S. (2006) Cerebral metabolism in brains of rats infected with neuropathogenic murine leukemia viruses. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 68, 259-265.
Original Papers (1999-2005)
Takase-Yoden, S. and Watanabe, R. (2005) A 0.3 kb fragment containing the R-U5-5' leader sequence is essential for the induction of spongiform neurodegeneration by A8 murine leukemia virus. Virology, 336, 1-10.
Hirano, T., Watanabe, R. and Takase-Yoden, S. (2005) Increased expression of c-myc is associated with thymoma in rats infected with murine leukemia virus A8. Microbiol. Immunol. 49, 1069-1074.
Nakai, R., Takase-Yoden, S., and Watanabe, R. (2005) Analysis of the distribution of neuropathogenic retroviral antigens following PVC211 or A8-V infection. Microbiol. Immunol. 49, 1075-1081.
Yamakawa. K., Takase-Yoden, S., and Watanabe, R. (2005) Interruption of env gene expression depending on the length of the SV40 early region used for the polyA signal. Jpn. J. Infect. Dis. 58, 380-382.
Takase-Yoden, S. and Watanabe, R. (2004) Unique three-repeat sequences containing FVa, LVb/C4, and CORE motifs in LTR-U3 of friend murine leukemia virus clone A8 accelerate the induction of thymoma in rat. Virology, 326, 29-40.
Fukumitsu, H., Takase-Yoden, S., Furukawa, S., Nemoto, K., Ikeda, T., and Watanabe, R. (2002) Implantation of BDNF producing packaging cells into brain. Cell Transplant. 11, 459 -464.
Takase-Yoden, S. and Watanabe, R. (2002) Identification of genetic determinants that regulate tumorigenicity of Friend murine leukemia virus in rats. Microbiol. Immunol. 46, 885-890.
Watanabe, R., Takase-Yoden, S., Fukumitsu, H., and Nakajima, K. (2002) Cell transplantation to the brain with microglia labeled by neuropathogenic retroviral vector system. Cell Transplant. 11, 471-473.
Takase-Yoden, S. and Watanabe, R. (2001) Distribution of ecotropic retrovirus receptor protein in rat brains detected by immunohistochemistry.J. Gen. Virol. 82, 1815-1820.
Ikeda, H., Kato, K., Suzuki, T., Kitani, H., Matsubara, Y., Takase-Yoden, S., Watanabe, R., Kitagawa, M., and Aizawa, S. (2000) Properties of the naturally occurring soluble SU protein of ecotropic MuLV: Binding specificity and possible conformational change after binding to receptor.J. Virol. 74, 1815-1826.
Takase-Yoden, S. and Watanabe, R. (1999) Contribution of virus-receptor interaction to distinct viral proliferation of neuropathogenic and nonneuropathogenic murine leukemia virus in rat glial cells. J. Virol. 73, 4461-4464.
Takase-Yoden, S. and Watanabe, R. (1999) High incidence of meningeal infiltration by leukemic cells after infection of chimeric virus between neuropathogenic and nonneuropathogenic retroviruses. J. Neurovirol. 5, 414-420.
Watanabe, R. and Takase (Yota), A. (2005). Spongiform encephalopathy caused by neuropathogenic mouse retrovirus infection. Neuroimmunology 13, 247-253.
Takase-Yoden, S. and Watanabe, R. (2003) Role of glial cells in neuropathogenesis of murine leukemia viruses. Current Topics in Virology 3, 119-124.

Specialized field


Research theme
  1. Elucidation of the infection initiation mechanisms of retroviruses and influenza viruses
  2. Elucidation of the mechanism of gene expression regulation by retroviruses
  3. Elucidation of the gene regions and their roles in neuropathogenicity of murine leukemia viruses