
Shinjiro Sato


Specialized field

Soil chemistry, soil physics, biochar, waste treatment, biomass reuse, methane fermentation digestate, tropical soil, tropical forest, plant cultivation, organic fertilizer, slow-release fertilizer, nutrient circulation, heavy metals, pollution treatment, phytoremediation

Research theme
  1. Effective use of organic waste in soil for the creation of a recycling-oriented society
    - Soil improvement effect and crop production by biochar
    - Fertilization of crops using methane fermentation digestate
  2. Tropical Soil Conservation
Subjects in charge

Soil Science, Inorganic Chemistry, Environmental Analytical Chemistry Experiments, Chemistry Experiments, Project Studies (International Technical Cooperation EP), Case Studies, International Exchange Theory, Seminars I and II, Graduation Research I and II

Specialized field

Soil chemistry, soil physics, biochar, waste treatment, biomass reuse, methane fermentation digestate, tropical soil, tropical forest, plant cultivation, organic fertilizer, slow-release fertilizer, nutrient circulation, heavy metals, pollution treatment, phytoremediation

Research theme
  1. Effective use of organic waste in soil for the creation of a recycling-oriented society
    - Soil improvement effect and crop production by biochar
    - Fertilization of crops using methane fermentation digestate
  2. Tropical Soil Conservation
Subjects in charge

Environmental Soil Science, Sustainable Development Technology Theory, English Thesis Writing Seminar

Main career, work history, and academic background

Born in Osaka Prefecture in 1970
1993 Graduated from the Department of English Literature Faculty of Letters Soka University
1995: Graduated from the Graduate School of Tsukuba University with a Master's degree in Environmental Science
2003: Completed doctoral program in soil and water science at the University of Florida, USA
Ph.D. (Soil Science)
2003 Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Cornell University, USA
2005 Postdoctoral Researcher, Southwest Florida Research and Education Center, University of Florida, USA
2010: Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Soka University
2015: Associate Professor, Department of Science and Engineering for Sustainable Innovation Faculty of Science and Engineering Soka University
2016 - 2021 Vice International Affairs Office, Soka University
2020: Professor, Department of Science and Engineering for Sustainable Innovation Faculty of Science and Engineering Soka University

Affiliated academic societies and organizations

Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
Japan Carbon Society
Carbon Society of Japan
Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Forestry Engineering
Japan Society of Waste Management
Japan Biochar Promotion Association
Soil Science Society of America
American Society of Agronomy

Main Papers and Publications

[Academic paper] (peer-reviewed)

27) Mihretie, FA, A. Tsunekawa, N. Haregeweyn, E. Adgo, M. Tsubo, T. Masunaga, DT Meshesha, K. Ebabu, Z. Nigussie, S. Sato, ML Berihun, Y. Hashimoto, A. Kawbota, M. Bayable. 2022. Exploring teff yield variability related with farm management and soil property in contrasting agro-ecologies in Ethiopia. Agricultural Systems 196: 103338.
26) Ahmed, M., A. Nigussie, S. Addisu, B. Belay, J. Lehmann, S. Sato. 2021. Valorization of animal bone waste for agricultural use through biomass co-pyrolysis and bio-augmentation. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 12: xx-yy.
25) Zhang, J., N. Zhang, FMG Tack, S. Sato, DS Alessi, P. Oleszczuk, H. Wang, X. Wang, S. Wang. 2021. Modification of ordered mesoporous carbon for removal of environmental contaminants from aqueous phase: A review. Journal of Hazardous Materials 418: 126266.
24) Qi, JY, S. Sato. 2021. Magnesium-modified biochars for nitrate adsorption and removal in continuous flow system. Bulletin of Plankton Eco-Engineering Research 1: 32-46.
23) Ahmed, M., A. Nigussie, S. Addisu, B. Belay, S. Sato. 2021. Valorization of animal bone into phosphorus biofertilizer: Effects of animal species, thermal processing method, and production temperature on phosphorus availability. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 67: 471-481.
22) Himeno, M., Sato, S. 2021. Nutrients availability from biochar fertilizers derived from organic wastes. Wood Carbonization Research 17: 45-54. (in Japanese) Evaluation of nutrient salt elution from biochar. Journal of Wood Carbonization Society 17: 45-54.
21) Ugwu, VU, AL Nnadi, CV Adubasim, S. Sato, CM Igwenagu, SE Obalum, CA Igwe. 2020. Organic-waste aerator could completely displace poultry-droppings manure in nursery media based on coarse-textured soil: evidence with cashew seedlings. Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON): 38 Annual Conference, 941-951.
20) Moriyama, Y. and S. Sato. 2020. Effect of biochar application on suppression of ammonia volatilization from anaerobic digestion effluent mixed with soil as a nitrogen source. Wood Carbonization Research 17: 8-16.
19) Wang, S., M. Zhao, M. Zhoua, YC Li, J. Wang, B. Gao, S. Sato, K. Feng, W. Yin, AD Igalavithana, P. Oleszczuk, X. Wang, YS Ok. 2019. Biochar-supported nZVI (nZVI/BC) for contaminant removal from soil and water: a critical review. Journal of Hazardous Materials 373: 820-834.
18) Adubasim, CV, CM Igwenagu, GO Josiah, SE Obalum, UM Okonkwo, IM Uzoh, S. Sato. 2018. Substitution of manure source and aerator in nursery media on sandy loam topsoil and their fertility indices 4 months after formulation. International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture 7: 305-312.
17) Watanabe, S. and S. Sato. 2015. Priming effect of bamboo (Phyllostanchys edulis Carrière) biochar application in a soil amended with legume. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 61: 934-939.
16) Ozores-Hampton, M., F. Di Gioia, S. Sato, E. Simonne, and K. Morgan. 2015. Effects of nitrogen rates on nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium partitioning, accumulation, and use efficiency in seepage- irrigated fresh market tomatoes. HortScience 50: 1636-1643.
15) Mizuta, K. and S. Sato. 2015. Soil aggregate formation and stability induced by starch and cellulose. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 87: 90-96.
14) Sato, S. and S. Morita. 2014. Changes of nitrogen dynamics in a soil amended with an anaerobic digestion effluent by organic material application. Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal 292: 1-8. (in Japanese) Sato, Shinjiro, Morita, Shuhei. 2014. Changes in nitrogen dynamics in soil treated with methane fermentation digestate due to organic input. Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Forestry Engineering 292: 1-8.
13) Sato, S., KT Morgan, M. Ozores-Hampton, K. Mahmoud, and EH Simonne. 2012. Nutrient balance and use efficiency in sandy soils cropped with tomatoes under seepage irrigation. Soil Science Society of America Journal 76: 1867 -1876.
12) Sato, S., EG Neves, D. Solomon, B. Liang, and J. Lehmann. 2009. Biogenic calcium phosphate transformation in soils over millennial time scales. Journal of Soils and Sediments 9: 194-205.
11) Sato, S., KT Morgan, M. Ozores-Hampton, and EH Simonne. 2009. Spatial and temporal distributions in sandy soils with seepage irrigation: II. Phosphorus and potassium. Soil Science Society of America Journal 73: 1053-1060 .
10) Sato, S., KT Morgan, M. Ozores-Hampton, and EH Simonne. 2009. Spatial and temporal distributions in sandy soils with seepage irrigation: I. Ammonium and nitrate. Soil Science Society of America Journal 73: 1044-1052 .

9) Morgan, K. T., K. E. Cushman, and S. Sato. 2009. Release mechanisms for slow- and controlled-release fertilizers and strategies for their use in vegetable production. HortTechnology 19: 10-12.
8) Sato, S. and KT Morgan. 2008. Nitrogen recovery and transformation from a surface or sub-surface application of controlled-release fertilizer on a sandy soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition 31: 2214-2231.
7) Sato, S. and NB Comerford. 2008. The non-recoverable phosphorus following sorption onto a Brazilian Ultisol. Biology and Fertility of Soils 44: 649-652.
6) Sato, S. and NB Comerford. 2006. Organic anions and phosphorus desorption and bioavailability in a humid Brazilian Ultisol. Soil Science 171: 695-705.
5) Sato, S. and NB Comerford. 2006. Assessing methods for developing phosphorus desorption isotherms from soils using anion exchange membranes. Plant and Soil 279: 107-117.
4) Sato, S. and NB Comerford. 2005. Influence of soil pH on inorganic phosphorus sorption and desorption in a humid Brazilian Ultisol. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 29: 685-694.
3) Sato, S., D. Solomon, C. Hyland, Q. Ketterings, and J. Lehmann. 2005. Phosphorus speciation in manure and manure-amended soils using XANES spectroscopy. Environmental Science and Technology 39: 7485-7491.
2) Lehmann, J., Z. Lan, C. Hyland, S. Sato, D. Solomon, and Q. Ketterings. 2005. Long-term dynamics of phosphorus forms and retention in manure-amended soils. Environmental Science and Technology 39: 6672-6680.
1) Inukai, N., Kudo, Y. S. Sato, N. Hayakawa. 2004. A study on tidal change of wind-driven flow in a straight-line, coastal area. Annual Journal of Coastal Engineering 51: 356-360. (in Japanese) Shinjiro Sato, Hayakawa, N. 2004. Study on the fluctuation of wind-driven currents near a straight coast. Proceedings of the Marine Engineering Society, Vol. 51: 356-360.

[Books and other publications] (Peer-reviewed)
3) Akizuki, S., S. Sato, SA Legesse, G. Cuevas-Rodríguez. 2021. Treatment of piggery wastewater with an integrated microalgae-nitrifiers process: current status and prospects. In: Integrated and Hybrid Process Technology for Water and Wastewater Treatment, AW Mohammad and WL Ang (ed. ). pp. 595-616. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
2) Yachigo, M. and S. Sato 2013. Leachability and vegetable absorption of heavy metals from sewage sludge biochar. In: Soil Processes and Current Trends in Quality Assessment, MC Hernandez-Soriano (ed.). pp. 399-416. InTech, Rijeka, Croatia.
1) Sato, S. and KT Morgan. 2011. Nutrient mobility and availability with selected irrigation and drainage systems for vegetable crops on sandy soils. In: Soil Health and Land Use Management, MC Hernandez-Soriano (ed.). pp. 89-110. InTech, Rijeka , Croatia.

[Other papers] (non-peer reviewed)
5) Cristian, RM, Y. Hirata, Nicolás Flores Z., Arodí Bernal M., Elcia Souza B., N. Kurosawa, J. Ida, Sergio Silva M., S. Sato, and Germán Cuevas R. 2015. Medicago sativa In: Memorials del Congresso Nacional AMICA, NEC Rivera (ed.). ID: AMI-139. Asociación Mexicana de Ingeniería Ciencia y Gestión Ambiental, Ciudad de México, México.

4) Morgan, K.T., S. Sato, and E. McAvoy. 2009. Preliminary data on phosphorus soil test index validation in southwest Florida. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 122: 233-239.
3) Ozores-Hamton, M., E. Simonne, K. Morgan, K. Cushman, S. Sato, C. Albright, E. Waldo, and A. Polak. 2009. Can we use controlled release fertilizers (CRF) in tomato production? 2009 Florida Tomato Institute Proceedings 10-14.
2) Sato, S., K.T. Morgan, M. Ozores-Hampton, and E.H. Simonne. 2009. NPK spatial and temporal distributions and leaching in sandy soils cropped with tomato under seepage irrigation. Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida Proceedings 68: 1-10.
1) Sato, S., D. Solomon, C. Hyland, Q. Ketterings, and J. Lehmann. 2006. Phosphorus speciation in manure and manure-amended soils using XANES spectroscopy. National Synchrotron Light Source 2006 Activity Report 2-56-2-57.

Major awards, exhibitions and collaborative works

5) Young Researchers Oral Presentation Excellence Award (Soil Improvement Materials Category)
Tomohiro Kodaira, Shinjiro Sato. 2021. Adsorption and desorption performance of ammonium and phosphate by functional biochars derived from coffee grounds treated with different metals. Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. September 14-16, 2021. Hokkaido Conference (online). Abstracts Vol. 67. Abstract: 7-2-2.
4) Excellent Presentation Award - Encouraged Section
Ester del Amo Mateos, Shinjiro Sato 2020. Adsorption and mechanism of modified biochars by phosphoric acid for lead and cadmium. 18th Wood Charcoal Chemistry Society Research Presentation. September 25, 2020. Ritsumeikan University (online). Abstracts p. 36-39.
3) Excellent Presentation Award - Encouragement Category
Masatoshi Himeno, Shinjiro Sato 2019. Evaluation of nutrient release from biochar fertilizers made from organic fertilizers. 17th Wood Charcoal Chemistry Society Research Presentation. June 6-7, 2019. University of Tokyo. Abstracts p. 42-43.
2) Excellent Presentation Award - Encouraged Section
Yuki Moriyama, Shinjiro Sato 2017. Suppression of ammonia volatilization from Ethiopian soil using corncob-derived biochar. 15th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Wood Charcoal Chemistry. 1-2 June 2017. Kyushu University. Abstracts p. 1-2.
1) Graduate Student Poster Award
Kinoshita, S. and S. Sato. 2013. Effect of sugarcane-bagasse biochar on retention of ammonium and nitrate in soils cropped with Komatsuna (Brassica rapa). ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting. November 3-6, 2013. Tampa, Florida, USA. Abstract: 91-4.


2) Toda, T., Kishi, M., Sato, S., Okamura, K., Kodera, T., Sekine, M., Fujiwara, M., Kaneda, A.. Plant treatment method and plant treatment system. International application number PCT/JP2020/040414. October 28, 2020.
1) Toda, T., Kishi, M., Sato, S., Okamura, K., Kodera, T., Sekine, M., Fujiwara, M., Kaneda, A.. Plant treatment method and plant treatment system. Patent application 2019-198161. October 2019. Filed.

Specialized field

Soil chemistry, soil physics, biochar, waste treatment, biomass reuse, methane fermentation digestate, tropical soil, tropical forest, plant cultivation, organic fertilizer, slow-release fertilizer, nutrient circulation, heavy metals, pollution treatment, phytoremediation

Research theme
  1. Effective use of organic waste in soil for the creation of a recycling-oriented society
    - Soil improvement effect and crop production by biochar
    - Fertilization of crops using methane fermentation digestate
  2. Tropical Soil Conservation