
Toda Tatsuki


Specialized field

Restoration Ecology, Aquatic Ecology, Aquatic Bioproduction Science, Water Treatment Technology and Engineering, Plankton Engineering

Research theme
  1. High-rate methane fermentation and microalgae cultivation using liquid fraction derived from aquatic plant biomass
  2. Methane fermentation granule formation using water hyacinth juice as a substrate
  3. Optimization of pyrohydrolysis and steam explosion as pretreatments for methane fermentation of aquatic plants
  4. Optimization of mixing and structure of a non-powered mixing methane fermentation tank and evaluation of its treatment performance using fluid analysis
  5. Examination of ammonia fermentation conditions for methane fermentation treatment of chicken manure
  6. Useful substance production by microalgae through salinity acclimation
  7. Evaluation of the effect of adding soil extracts on microalgae cultivation
  8. Evaluation of the effects of CO2 supply concentration and intermittent agitation on microalgae cultivation
  9. Mass cultivation of microalgae using CO2 derived from biogas
  10. Evaluation of photosynthetic activity and growth rate of microalgae under different nitrogen supply conditions
  11. Studies on pigment accumulation in marine copepods
Subjects in charge

[Undergraduate] Ecology, Ecological Environmental Engineering, Earth Science Experiments, Environmental Analytical Chemistry Experiments, Oceanography Training
[Graduate School] Restoration Ecology, Technology-Assisted Engineering, Sustainable Development Technology, Instrumental Analysis II

Specialized field

Restoration Ecology, Aquatic Ecology, Aquatic Bioproduction Science, Water Treatment Technology and Engineering, Plankton Engineering

Subjects in charge

[Undergraduate] Ecology, Ecological Environmental Engineering, Earth Science Experiments, Environmental Analytical Chemistry Experiments, Oceanography Training
[Graduate School] Restoration Ecology, Technology-Assisted Engineering, Sustainable Development Technology, Instrumental Analysis II

Main career, work history, and academic background

[Educational Background]
Graduated from the Department of Fisheries Science, Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University in 1984 (Bachelor of Fisheries Science)
1986: Completed Master's course at the Graduate School of Fisheries Science, Hokkaido University (Master of Fisheries Science)
1990: Completed doctoral course at the Graduate School of Agriculture, University of Tokyo (Doctor of Agriculture)

[Principal employment history].
1990 Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo
1991 Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering, Soka University Lecturer
2003 Professor, Department of Environmental and Symbiotic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, the same university
2005 Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Symbiosis, the same university Chair
2013 Director, Graduate School of Engineering, the same university Environmental Engineering for Symbiosis Major
Engineering, the same university, 2015 Dean
2021 Ditto Faculty of Science and Engineering Director
Other positions: Faculty of Education and Human Sciences, Yokohama National University; Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology; Graduate School, University of Shiga Prefecture, Adjunct Faculty; Visiting Professor, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

[Research Project]
He is the research director for the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Regional Revitalization Consortium, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's Private University Advanced Research Promotion Project's Industry-Academia Collaboration Project, and the Ministry of the Environment's Recycling-Based Society Creation Project. He is also the research director for the JST/JICA International Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) "Establishment of a Sustainable Tropical Fisheries Resource Production System through Establishment of Microalgae Mass Cultivation Technology (COSMOS)" project, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's Private University Branding Project "Research and Development of Appropriate Technology and Creation of New Regional Industrial Bases for the Creation of a Sustainable Recycling-Based Society in Developing Countries (PLANE3T)" project, and is currently developing international academic cooperation projects for the creation of a recycling-based society in Malaysia and Ethiopia.

Affiliated academic societies and organizations

Oceanographic Society of Japan
The Plankton Society of Japan
The Biogeographical Society of Japan
Japan Society of Waste Management
Water Environment Society
Biological Society of Washington
The Crustacean Society

Main Papers and Publications

[Scientific Papers]

* stands for peer-reviewed paper.

  1. Nishi, K., S. Akizuki, T. Toda, T. Matsuyama and J. Ida, 2022.
    Advanced light-tolerant microalgae-nitrifying bacteria consortia for stable ammonia removal under strong light irradiation using light-shielding hydrogel.
    - Chemosphere 297, 134252
  2. Koga, S., Y. Takayama, T. Toda, 2022.
    Suppression of cannibalism in the intertidal copepod Tigriopus japonicus (Mori, 1932) and improvements in population density using artificial substrates.
    - Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries 2(2), 146-150.
  3. Fujiwara, M., M. Koyama, S. Akizuki, S. Ban, T. Toda, 2022.
    Influence of lignocellulosic components on the anaerobic digestibility of aquatic weeds: - - Comparison with terrestrial crops.
    - Industrial Crops and Products 178, 114576.
  4. Kamal, S.Z., M. Koyama, F. Syukri, T. Toda, Q.N.M. Tran, K. Nakasaki, 2022.
    Effect of enzymatic pre-treatment on thermophilic composting of shrimp pond sludge to improve ammonia recovery.
    - Environmental Research 204, 112299.
  5. Akinori Fujita, Masatoshi Kishi, Mutsumi Sekine, and Ryuju Toda, 2022.
    Clarification of methane fermentation digestate by a combination of activated sludge treatment, slow sand filtration, and activated carbon filtration
    - Journal of the Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management 33, 1-10.
  6. Koyama, K., A. Kakiuchi, F. Syukri, T. Toda, Q.N.M. Tran, K. Nakasaki, 2022.
    Inoculation of Neurospora sp. for improving ammonia production during thermophilic composting of organic sludge.
    - Science of The Total Environment 802, 149961.
  7. Kishi, M., K. Tanaka, S. Akizuki, T. Toda, 2021.
    Development of a gas-permeable bag photobioreactor for energy-efficient oxygen removal from algal culture.
    - Algal Research 60, 102543          1.
  8. Afifudeen, C.L.W., A. Aziz, L.L. Wong, K. Takahashi, T. Toda, M.E. Abd Wahid, T.S. Cha, 2021.
    Transcriptome-wide study in the green microalga Messastrum gracile SE-MC4 identifies prominent roles of photosynthetic integral membrane protein genes during exponential growth stage.
    Phytochemistry 192, 112936.
  9. Takayama, T., M. Hirahara, T. Toda, 2021.
    Bioreactor cultivation of the planktonic copepod Acartia steueri Smirnov for egg collection.
    - Aquaculture Research 52 (11), 5912-5917.
  10. Akizuki S., G. Cuevas-Rodríguez, T. Toda, 2021.
    Effect of ammonia concentration on a microalgal-nitrifying bacterial photobioreactor treating anaerobic digester effluent.
    - Biochemical Engineering Journal 173, 108057.
  11. Qian, J., K. Shimotori, X. Liu, S. Ban, S. Akizuki, M. Fujiwara, T. Kodera, T. Toda, I. Akio, 2021.
    Enhancement of algal growth by Mg2+ released from anaerobic digestion effluent of aquatic macrophytes through photolysis.
    - Biochemical Engineering Journal 172, 108065
  12. Akizuki, S., H. Joo, M. Koyama, T. Toda, 2021.
    Mechanism of cell proliferation during starvation in a continuous stirred tank anaerobic reactor treating food waste.
    - Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 44 (8), 1659-1669.
  13. Masahiro Otake, Koichi Iego, Minami Hirahara, and Ryuju Toda, 2021.
    Effect of intermittent aeration on productivity of the marine diatom Chaetoceros gracilis
    - Plankton Engineering Research, 48-56.
  14. Masatoshi Kishi, Hidemi Onai, Kenji Tanaka, Akari Yoshida, and Ryuju Toda, 2021.
    Simultaneous process of microalgae cultivation and biogas purification using methane fermentation digestive liquid
    - Plankton Engineering Research, 58-73.
  15. Yoshiki Takayama, Tsubasa Yamamoto, and Ryuju Toda, 2021.
    Experimental cultivation of the brooding copepod Oithona oculata using a bioreactor
    - Plankton Engineering Research, 22-31.
  16. Shariff, M., S. Banerjee, T. Katayama, M. Nakakuni, M. Koyama, K. Nakasaki, M. Koyama, K. Nakasaki, T. Toda, 2021.
    Tolerance of Tetraselmis tetrathele to High Ammonium Nitrogen and Its Effect on Growth Rate, Carotenoid, and Fatty Acids Productivity.
    - Novel Technologies for Microalgae Utilization to Achieve Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  17. Belleza, D.F.C., Y. Kawabata, T. Toda, G.N. Nishihara, 2021.
    Effects of dead conspecifics, hunger states, and seasons on the foraging behavior of the purple urchin Heliocidaris crassispina.
    - Marine Ecology Progress Series 664, 133-148.
  18. Naoki Hata, Yoshinari Kanemoto, Masaaki Fujiwara, Tatsuju Toda, Shuhei Ban, 2021.
    Fertilizer properties of methane fermentation digestate produced by co-fermenting aquatic plants from the southern lake of Lake Biwa with vegetable residues and food waste. Effect of nitrification of digestate on the growth and quality of hydroponic leaf lettuce and komatsuna.
    - Water Resources and Environmental Research 34 (1), 1-9.
  19. Bhatia, P., M. Fujiwara, M.C.D. Salangsang, J. Qian, X. Liu, S. Ban, M. Myojin, T. Toda, 2021.
    Effect of Semi-Continuous Anaerobic Digestion on the Substrate Solubilisation of Lignin-Rich Steam-Exploded Ludwigia grandiflora.
    - Applied Sciences 11 (10), 4452.
  20. Farahin, A.W., I. Natrah, N. Nagao, F.M. Yusoff, M. Shariff, S. Banerjee, T. Katayama, M. Nakakuni, M. Koyama, K. Nakasaki, T. Toda, 2021.
    Tolerance of Tetraselmis tetrathele to high ammonium nitrogen and its effect on growth rate, carotenoid, and fatty acids productivity.
    - Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology. 19.
  21. Akizuki, S., G. Cuevas-Rodríguez, T. Toda, 2021.
    Nitrification of anaerobic digestate using a consortium of microalgae and nitrifiers in an open photobioreactor with moving bed carriers.
    - Chemosphere 263, 127948.
  22. Ohtake, M., R. Kurita, M. Tsunogai, G.N. Nishihara, T. Toda, 2021.
    Storage capacity for phosphorus during growth and maturation in a brown alga Sargassum macrocarpum.
    - Science of The Total Environment 750, 141221.
  23. Tanaka, K., M. Kishi, H. Assaye, T. Toda, 2020.
    Low temperatures in dark period affect biomass productivity of a cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis.
    - Algal Research 52, 102132.
  24. Bhatia, P., M. Fujiwara, S. Ban, T. Toda, 2020.
    Effect of steam explosion pre-treatment on methane generation from Ludwigia grandiflora.
    - Biomass and Bioenergy 142, 105771.
  25. Ohtake, M., G.N. Nishihara, Y. Inoue, K. Tsuchiya, T. Toda, 2020.
    Phosphorus demand and uptake during growth and maturation of the brown alga Sargassum macrocarpum.
    - Phycological Research 68 (4), 277-289.
  26. Qian, J., X. Liu, S. Ban, M. Fujiwara, T. Kodera, S. Akizuki, T. Toda, 2020.
    pH treatments in continuous cultivation to maximize microalgal production and nutrient removal from anaerobic digestion effluent of aquatic macrophytes.
    - Journal of Applied Phycology 32 (5), 3349-3362.
  27. Akizuki, S., G. Cuevas-Rodríguez, T. Toda, 2020.
    Anaerobic digestion effluent treatment using microalgae and nitrifiers in an outdoor raceway pond with fluidized carriers.
    - Water Science and Technology 82 (6), 1081-1091.
  28. Sekine, M., A. Yoshida, S. Akizuki, M. Kishi, T. Toda, 2020.
    Microalgae cultivation using undiluted anaerobic digestate by introducing aerobic nitrification–desulfurization treatment.
    - Water Science and Technology 82 (6), 1070-1080.
  29. Y. Takayama, M. Hirahara, X. Liu, S. Ban, T. Toda, 2020.
    Are egg production and respiration of the marine pelagic copepod Acartia steueri influenced by crowding?
    - Aquaculture Research 51 (9), 3741-3750.
  30. Akizuki, S., N. Natori, G. Cuevas-Rodríguez, T. Toda, 2020.
    Application of nitrifying granular sludge for stable ammonium oxidation under intensive light.
    - Biochemical Engineering Journal 160, 107631.
  31. Iweh, N.S., M. Koyama, S. Akizuki, S. Ban, T. Toda, 2020.
    Novel wet-solid states serial anaerobic digestion process for enhancing methane recovery of aquatic plant biomass.
    - Science of The Total Environment 730, 138993.
  32. Hilaluddin, F., F.M. Yusoff, T. Toda, 2020.
    Shifts in diatom dominance associated with seasonal changes in an estuarine-mangrove phytoplankton community.
    - Journal of marine science and engineering 8 (7), 528.
  33. Nishi, K., S. Akizuki, T. Toda, T. Matsuyama, J. Ida, 2020.
    Development of light-shielding hydrogel for nitrifying bacteria to prevent photoinhibition under strong light irradiation
    - Process Biochemistry 94, 359-364.
  34. Fujiwara, M., M. Koyama, S. Akizuki, K. Watanabe, K. Ishikawa, S. Ban, T. Toda, 2020.
    Seasonal changes in the chemical composition and anaerobic digestibility of harvested submerged macrophytes.
    - BioEnergy Research 13 (2), 683-692.
  35. Y. Sugai, K. Tsuchiya, S. Shimode, T. Toda, 2020.
    Photochemical Production and Biological Consumption of CO in the SML of Temperate Coastal Waters and Their Implications for Air‐Sea CO Exchange.
    - Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 125 (4), e2019JC015505.
  36. Liu, X., M. Fujiwara, T. Kodera, K. Watanabe, S. Akizuki, M. Kishi, M. Koyama, T. Toda, S. Ban, 2020.
    Conditions for continuous cultivation of Chlorella sorokiniana and nutrient removal from anaerobic digestion effluent of aquatic macrophytes.
    - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 149, 104923.
  37. Ohtake, M., N. Natori, Y. Sugai, K. Tsuchiya, T. Aketo, G.N. Nishihara, T. Toda, 2020.
    Growth and nutrient uptake characteristics of Sargassum macrocarpum cultivated with phosphorus-replete wastewater
    - Aquatic Botany 163, 103208.
  38. Koyama, M., N. Nagao, F. Syukri, A. Abd Rahim, T. Toda, Q.N.M. Tran, K. Nakasaki, 2020.
    Ammonia recovery and microbial community succession during thermophilic composting of shrimp pond sludge at different sludge properties.
    - Journal of Cleaner Production 251, 119718.
  39. Sekine, M., S. Akizuki, M. Kishi, N. Kurosawa, T. Toda, 2020.
    Simultaneous biological nitrification and desulfurization treatment of ammonium and sulfide-rich wastewater: Effectiveness of a sequential batch operation.
    - Chemosphere 244, 125381.
  40. Akizuki, S., M. Kishi, G. Cuevas-Rodríguez, T. Toda, 2020.
    Effects of different light conditions on ammonium removal in a consortium of microalgae and partial nitrifying granules.
    - Water Research 171, 115445.
  41. Tsuchiya, K., T. Sano, N. Tomioka, A. Kohzu, K. Komatsu, R. Shinohara, S. Shimode, T. Toda, A. Imai, 2020.
    Incorporation characteristics of exogenous 15N-labeled thymidine, deoxyadenosine, deoxyguanosine and deoxycytidine into bacterial DNA.
    - PloS one 15 (2), e0229740.
  42. Y. Sugai, K. Tsuchiya, S. Shimode, T. Toda, 2020.
    Photochemical Production and Biological Consumption of Carbon Monoxide (CO) in the Sea Surface Microlayer of Temperate Coastal Waters: Implications for Air-sea CO Exchange.
    - Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020.
  43. F.M. Yusoff, A. Shakri, I.S. Ismail, T. Toda, 2020.
    Reduced reproductive capacity in Moina micrura Kurz, 1875 exposed to toxic Microcystis spp.
    - Asian Fisheries Science Journal (Malaysia).
  44. Shinichi Akizuki, Kento Nishi, Ryuju Toda, and Junichi Ida, 2020.
    Immobilization technology aimed at alleviating photoinhibition of nitrifying bacteria (Special feature: New developments in biotechnology)
    - Chemical engineering 65 (1), 19-24.
  45. Tachihana, S., N. Nagao, T. Katayama, M. Hirahara, F.M. Yusoff, S.Banerjee, M. Shariff, N. Kurosawa, T. Toda, K. Furuya, 2020.
    High productivity of eicosapentaenoic acid and fucoxanthin by a marine diatom Chaetoceros gracilis in a semi-continuous culture
    Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 1435.
  46. Yusoff, F.M., S. Banerjee, N. Nagao, Y. Imaizumi, M. Shariff, T. Toda, 2020.
    Use of microalgae pigments in aquaculture.
    - Pigments from Microalgae Handbook, 471-513.
  47. Kishi, M., K. Nagatsuka, T. Toda, 2020.
    Effect of membrane hydrophobicity and thickness on energy-efficient dissolved oxygen removal from algal culture.
    - Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 978.
  48. Kishi, M., Y. Yamada, T. Katayama, T. Matsuyama, T. Toda, 2019.
    Carbon Mass Balance in Arthrospira platensis Culture with Medium Recycle and High CO2 Supply.
    - Applied Sciences 10 (1), 228.
  49. Tsuchiya, K., T. Sano, N. Tomioka, A. Kohzu, K. Komatsu, R. Shinohara, N. Takamura, M. Nakagawa, Y. Sugai, V.S. Kuwahara, T. Toda, H. Fukuda, A. Imai, 2019.
    Seasonal variability and regulation of bacterial production in a shallow eutrophic lake.
    - Limnology and Oceanography 64 (6), 2441-2454.
  50. S. Akizuki, G. Cuevas-Rodríguez, T. Toda, 2019.
    Microalgal-nitrifying bacterial consortium for energy-saving ammonia removal from anaerobic digestate of slaughterhouse wastewater.
    - Journal of Water Process Engineering 31, 100753.
  51. Koyama, M., N. Nagao, F. Syukri, F.M. Yusoff, T. Toda, T.N.M. Quyen, K. Nakasaki, 2019.
    Effect of Ca(OH)2 dosing on thermophilic composting of anaerobic sludge to improve the NH3 recovery.
    - Science of the total environment 670, 1133-1139.
  52. Preparation and observation of SEM specimens of freshwater microorganisms using the water freeze-drying method - 2 (protists)
    Masahiko Kuwata, Noriaki Natori, Tatsuju Toda, Kazuaki Tanaka, Takeo Suzuki, 2019.
    - Journal of Limnology 80 (2), 73-82.
  53. Takayama, Y., T. Toda, 2019.
    Switch from production of subitaneous to delayed-hatching and diapause eggs in Acartia japonica Mori, 1940 (Copepoda: Calanoida) from Sagami Bay, Japan.
    - Regional Studies in Marine Science 29, 100673.
  54. Kimura, S., T. Yamada, S. Ban, M. Koyama, T. Toda, 2019.
    Nutrient removal from anaerobic digestion effluents of aquatic macrophytes with the green alga, Chlorella sorokiniana.
    - Biochemical Engineering Journal 142, 170-177.
  55. Metillo, E.B., J. Nishikawa, O.B.H. Ross, T. Yoshida, F. Md. Yusoff, P. Kuppan, S. Ohtsuka, H. Sekiguchi, T. Toda, S. Nishida, 2019.
    Diel patterns of zooplankton community structure in nearshore waters of different substrates off Tinggi and Sibu Islands, Malaysia, with special reference to copepods.
    - Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 22 (1), 86-102.
  56. Naoki Hata, Kaho Taguchi, Yoshinari Kanemoto, Gen Yoshida, Tomohiro Seyama, Tatsuju Toda, Shuhei Ban, 2019.
    The feasibility of using methane fermentation digestate from overgrown aquatic plants in the southern part of Lake Biwa as a culture medium for hydroponic cultivation.
    - Water Resources and Environmental Research 32 (2), 65-74.
  57. Nakajima, R., T. Yoshida, S.O. Sakaguchi, B.H.R. Othman, T. Toda, 2019.
    Spiny but subitaneous eggs: egg morphology and hatching in Acartia copepods in the tropics.
    - Zoological studies 58.
  58. F.M., Yusoff, N. Nagao, Y. Imaizumi, T. Toda, 2019.
    Bioreactor for microalgal cultivation systems: strategy and development.
    - Prospects of Renewable Bioprocessing in Future Energy Systems, 117-159.
  59. Ban, S., T. Toda, M. Koyama, K. Ishikawa, A. Kohzu, A. Imai, 219.
    Modern lake ecosystem management by sustainable harvesting and effective utilization of aquatic macrophytes.
    - Limnology 20 (1), 93-100.
  60. Hirahara, M., F.M. Yusoff, T. Toda, 2018.
    High tolerance of the calanoid copepod Acartia steueri to the abrupt food concentration changes in an embayment.
    - Regional Studies in Marine Science 24, 40-47.
  61. Sekine, M., S. Akizuki, M. Kishi, T. Toda, 2018.
    Stable nitrification under sulfide supply in a sequencing batch reactor with a long fill period
    - Journal of Water Process Engineering 25, 190-194.
  62. Koyama, M., N. Nagao, F. Syukri, A. Abd Rahim, M.S. Kamarudin, T. Toda, T. Mitsuhashi, K. Nakasaki, 2018.
    Effect of temperature on thermophilic composting of aquaculture sludge: NH3 recovery, nitrogen mass balance, and microbial community dynamics.
    - Bioresource technology 265, 207-213.
  63. Cervantes-Avilés, P., J. Ida, T. Toda, G. Cuevas-Rodríguez, 2018.
    Effects and fate of TiO2 nanoparticles in the anaerobic treatment of wastewater and waste sludge.
    - Journal of Environmental Management 222, 227-233.
  64. Kishi, M., H. Takee, M. Kawai, N. Nagao, T. Toda, 2018.
    Sequential high rate algal ponds operation for enhanced treatment of organic wastewater.
    - Journal of Environmental Biology 39 (5), 835-842.
  65. Goto, M., N. Nagao, F.M. Yusoff, M.S. Kamarudin, T. Katayama, N. Kurosawa, M. Koyama, K. Nakasaki, T. Toda, 2018.
    High ammonia tolerance on growth rate of marine microalga Chlorella vulgaris.
    - Journal of Environmental Biology 39 (5), 843-848.
  66. Kishi, M., M. Kawai, K.T.M. Koyama, N. Nagao, T. Toda, 2018.
    Enhancement of microalgal production through bacterial mineralization of ethylene glycol.
    - Journal of Environmental Biology 39 (5), 725-731.
  67. Hirahara, M., T. Toda, 2018.
    Starvation tolerance of extraordinarily heavy embayment copepod Acartia steueri in Sagami Bay, Japan.
    - Plankton and Benthos Research 13 (3), 95-103.
  68. Natori, N., T. Toda, 2018.
    A multi-factor empirical model for calculation of naupliar ingestion rate of the embayment copepod Acartia steueri Smirnov (Copepoda: Calanoida).
    - Marine Biology 165 (7), 1-11.
  69. Zuraire, M., Z.C. Cob, T. Toda, B.H.R. Othman, T. Yoshida, 2018.
    Seasonal changes in abundance of four Acartia species (Copepoda, Calanoida) in the coastal waters of Peninsular Malaysia; relationship with monsoon transition.
    - Regional Studies in Marine Science 22, 101-111.
  70. Masahiko Kuwata, Kazuaki Tanaka, Takeo Suzuki, Tatsuju Toda, Noriaki Natori, 2018.
    Preparation and observation of SEM specimens of freshwater microorganisms using the water freeze-drying method-1 (cyanophytes).
    - Journal of Limnology 79 (2), 101-108.
  71. Sugai, Y., K. Tsuchiya, S. Shimode, T. Toda, 2018.
    Seasonal variations in microbial abundance and transparent exopolymer particle concentration in the sea surface microlayer of temperate coastal waters.
    - Aquatic Microbial Ecology 81 (3), 201-211.
  72. Akizuki, S., T. Toda, 2018.
    An anaerobic-aerobic sequential batch process with simultaneous methanogenesis and short-cut denitrification for the treatment of marine biofoulings
    - Waste Management 74, 168-176.
  73. Toda, Tatsuju, Ban, Shuhei, 2018.
    Characteristics of overgrown aquatic plant biomass and its sustainable use.
    - Recycling and Utilization 42 (157), 101-107.
  74. Abd Rahman, A.R., Z.C. Cob, Z. Jamari, A.M. Mohamed, T. Toda, O.H. Ross, 2018.
    The effects of microalgae as live food for Brachionus plicatilis (rotifer) in intensive culture system.
    - Tropical life sciences research 29 (1), 127.
  75. Akizuki, S., N. Nagao, T. Toda, 2018.
    A multifunctional single-stage process for the effective methane recovery and denitrification of intermittently discharged wastes
    - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 127, 201-208.
  76. Kishi, M., T. Toda, 2018.
    Carbon fixation properties of three alkalihalophilic microalgal strains under high alkalinity
    - Journal of applied phycology 30 (1), 401-410.
  77. Takayama, Y., K. Nakamura, S. Shimode, T. Toda, 2018.
    First record of Acartia japonica Mori, 1940 (Copepoda, Calanoida) from Sagami Bay, the Pacific coast of Japan.
    - Coastal Marine Science 41 (1), 11-14.
  78. Kenji Tsuchiya, Mutsuto Ehama, Yoshihide Yasunaga, Yuko Nakagawa, Minami Hirahara, Masatoshi Kishi, Keiko Mizubayashi, and Tatsuju Toda, 2018.
    Seasonal and spatial variations in nutrients in the coastal waters of the northern Goto Islands, Nagasaki Prefecture.
    - Coastal Marine Research 55 (2), 125-138.
  79. Takahashi, K., A. Kuwata, T. Suzuki, T. Toda, K. Ide, 2017.
    Diel changes of food sources and their contributions to nutrition of Orientomysis mitsukurii in a sandy shore environment.
    - Aquatic Biology 26, 229-244.
  80. Koyama, M., N. Nakahashi, K. Ishikawa, S. Ban, T. Toda, 2017.
    Anaerobic co-digestion of alkali-pretreated submerged macrophytes and acidified food waste for reduction of neutralizing agents.
    - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 125, 208-213.
  81. Watanabe, K., M. Koyama, J. Ueda, S. Ban, N. Kurosawa, T. Toda, 2017.
    Effect of operating temperature on anaerobic digestion of the Brazilian waterweed Egeria densa and its microbial community.
    - Anaerobe 47, 8-17.
  82. Koyama, M., K. Watanabe, N. Kurosawa, K. Ishikawa, S. Ban, T. Toda, 2017.
    Effect of alkaline pretreatment on mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digestion of a submerged macrophyte: inhibition and recovery against dissolved lignin during semi-continuous operation.
    - Bioresource technology 238, 666-674.
  83. Tsuchiya, K., V.S. Kuwahara, T.M. Yoshiki, R. Nakajima, S. Shimode, T. Kikuchi, T. Toda, 2017.
    Response of phytoplankton and enhanced biogeochemical activity to an episodic typhoon event in the coastal waters of Japan.
    - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 194, 30-39.
  84. Kodera, T., S. Akizuki, T. Toda, 2017.
    Formation of simultaneous denitrification and methanogenesis granules in biological wastewater treatment.
    - Process Biochemistry 58, 252-257.
  85. Natori, N., M. Kuwata, T. Suzuki, T. Toda, 2017.
    A novel fracturing device to observe the gut contents of copepod nauplii using a scanning electron microscope.
    - Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 15 (6), 567-571.
  86. Kuwahara, VS, K. Kubo, T. Toda, A. Slamet, Y. Trihadiningrum, 2017.
    Primary School Children and Teachers' Perceptions of Environmental Education in Surabaya, Indonesia.
    - Soka University Faculty of Education and Graduate School of Teacher Education
  87. Koyama, M., S. Yamamoto, K. Ishikawa, S. Ban, T. Toda, 2017.
    Inhibition of anaerobic digestion by dissolved lignin derived from alkaline pre-treatment of an aquatic macrophyte.
    - Chemical Engineering Journal 311, 55-62.
  88. Imaizumi, Y., N. Nagao, F.M. Yusoff, N. Kurosawa, N. Kawasaki, T. Toda, 2016.
    Lumostatic operation controlled by the optimum light intensity per dry weight for the effective production of Chlorella zofingiensis in the high cell density continuous culture.
    - Algal research 20, 110-117.
  89. Azmi, A.A., T. Yoshida, T. Toda, O.H. Ross, Z.C. Cob, 2016.
    Comparison of zooplankton abundance and community in seagrass and non-seagrass areas of Merambong shoal.
    - AIP Conference Proceedings 1784 (1), 060002.
  90. Kuwata, M., K. Tanaka, T. Suzuki, T. Toda, N. Natori, 2016.
    Fine Structure of Freshwater Microorganisms.
    - Microscopy 65 (suppl 1), i30-i30.
  91. Kawai, M., N. Nagao, N. Kawasaki, A. Imai, T. Toda, 2016.
    Improvement of COD removal by controlling the substrate degradability during the anaerobic digestion of recalcitrant wastewater.
    - Journal of environmental management 181, 838-846.
  92. Shuhei Ban, Ryuju Toda, Kanako Ishikawa, and Fumito Takatsu, 2016.
    Possibilities for a sustainable lake recycling society through the sustainable use of aquatic plant biomass (Feature: Roles and issues of submerged plants (aquatic plants) in lake ecosystems).
    - Environmental Technology 45 (9), 478-483.
  93. Akizuki, S., T. Matsuyama, T. Toda, 2016.
    An anaerobic-aerobic sequential batch system using simultaneous organic and nitrogen removal to treat intermittently discharged organic solid wastes.
    - Process Biochemistry 51 (9), 1264-1273.
  94. Sugai, Y., K. Tsuchiya, V.S. Kuwahara, S. Shimode, K. Komatsu, A. Imai, T. Toda, 2016.
    Bacterial growth rate and the relative abundance of bacteria to heterotrophic nanoflagellates in the euphotic and disphotic layers in temperate coastal waters of Sagami Bay, Japan.
    - Journal of oceanography 72 (4), 577-587.
  95. Ross, O., T. Toda, T. Kikuchi, 2016.
    A new species of Nebalia (Crustacea, Leptostraca) from coral reefs at Pulau Payar, Malaysia.
    - Pensoft Publishers.
  96. Othman, B.H.R., T. Toda, T. Kikuchi, 2016.
    A new species of Nebalia (Crustacea, Leptostraca) from coral reefs at Pulau Payar, Malaysia
    - ZooKeys, 37.
  97. Hirahara, M., Y. Chikaraishi, T. Toda, 2015.
    Isotopic discrimination of 15N/14N of amino acids among the calanoid copepod Acartia steueri and its food items, eggs, and fecal pellets.
    - Researches in Organic Geochemistry 31 (1), 29-32.
  98. Tsuchiya, K., V.S. Kuwahara, K. Hamasaki, Y. Tada, T. Ichikawa, T. Yoshiki, R. Nakajima, A. Imai, S. Shimode, T. Toda, 2015.
    Typhoon-induced response of phytoplankton and bacteria in temperate coastal waters.
    - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 167, 458-465.
  99. Tsuchiya, K., T. Sano, N. Kawasaki, H. Fukuda, N. Tomioka, K. Hamasaki, Y. Tada., S. Shimode, T. Toda, A. Imai, 2015.
    New radioisotope-free method for measuring bacterial production using [15N5]-2′-deoxyadenosine and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC–MS) in aquatic environments.
    - Journal of Oceanography 71 (6), 675-683.
  100. Nakajima, R., T. Yoshida, B.H.R. Othman, T. Toda, 2015.
    Monsoonal changes in the planktonic copepod community structure in a tropical coral-reef at Tioman Island, Malaysia.
    - Regional Studies in Marine Science 2, 19-26.
  101. Eio, E.J., M. Kawai, C. Niwa, M. Ito, S. Yamamoto, T. Toda, 2015.
    Biodegradation of bisphenol A by an algal-bacterial system.
    - Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22 (19), 15145-15153.
  102. Kishi, M., M. Kawai, T. Toda, 2015.
    Heterotrophic utilization of ethylene glycol and propylene glycol by Chlorella protothecoides.
    - Algal Research 11, 428-434.
  103. Nakajima, R., Y. Tanaka, T. Yoshida, T. Fujisawa, A. Nakayama, Y. Fuchinoue, B.H.R. Othman, T. Toda, 2015.
    High inorganic phosphate concentration in coral mucus and its utilization by heterotrophic bacteria in a Malaysian coral reef.
    - Marine Ecology 36 (3), 835-841.
  104. Abd Rahman, A.R., Z.C. Cob, Z. Jamari, A.M. Mohamed, T. Toda, O.H. Ross, 2015.
    - Jurnal Teknologi 76 (1).
  105. Koyama, M., S. Yamamoto, K. Ishikawa, S. Ban, T. Toda., 2015.
    Enhancing anaerobic digestibility of lignin-rich submerged macrophyte using thermochemical pre-treatment.
    - Biochemical Engineering Journal 99, 124-130.       
  106. Akizuki, S., T.K. Wong, Y. Aoki, G. Cuevas-Rodríguez, C. Niwa, T. Toda, 2015.
    Effects of substrate COD/NO2−-N ratio on simultaneous methanogenesis and short-cut denitrification in the treatment of blue mussel using acclimated sludge.
    - Biochemical Engineering Journal 99, 16-23.
  107. Kuwahara,V.S., S. Nozaki, J. Nakano, T. Toda, T. Kikuchi, S. Taguchi, 2015.
    18-year variability of ultraviolet radiation penetration in the mid-latitude coastal waters of the western boundary Pacific.
    - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 160, 1-9.
  108. Razak, A.A.R., C.C. Zaidi, J. Zainoddin, A.M. Majid, T. Toda, B.H.R. Othman, 2015.
    Effect of Seaweeds as Biofilters for Mass Culture of Rotifer Brachionus plicatilis.
    - SAINS MALAYSIANA 44 (6), 891-898.
  109. Kok, SP., T. Kikuchi, T. Toda, N. Kurosawa, 2015.
    Molecular phylogenetic and diversity analysis of protistan microplankton based on 18S rRNA gene sequences.
    - Bulletin of the Plankton Society of Japan 62 (1), 49-53.
    Kesan Penggunaan Rumpai Laut sebagai Agen Penapis Semula Jadi dalam Pengkulturan Intensif Rotifer Brachionus plicatilis.
    Sains Malaysiana 44 (6), 891-898.
  111. Eio, E.J., M. Kawai, K. Tsuchiya, S. Yamamoto, T. Toda, 2014.
    Biodegradation of bisphenol A by bacterial consortia.
    - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 96, 166-173.           
  112. Tsuchiya, K., T. Toda, 2014.
    - Environmental Research Journal 8 (4).
  113. Koyama, M., S. Yamamoto, K. Ishikawa, S. Ban, T. Toda, 2014.
    Anaerobic digestion of submerged macrophytes: chemical composition and anaerobic digestibility.
    - Ecological engineering 69, 304-309.
  114. Imaizumi, Y., N. Nagao, F.M. Yusoff, S. Taguchi, T. Toda, 2014.
    Estimation of optimum specific light intensity per cell on a high-cell-density continuous culture of Chlorella zofingiensis not limited by nutrients or CO2.
    - Bioresource technology 162, 53-59.
  115. Nakajima, R., D.J. Lindsay, T. Yoshida, B.H.R. Othman, T. Toda, 2014.
    Short‐term temporal variation in gelatinous zooplankton populations over 48 hours in a coral reef at Redang Island, Malaysia.
    - Marine Ecology 35 (2), 254-260.
  116. Kok, S.P., K. Tsuchiya, K. Komatsu, T. Toda, N. Kurosawa, 2014.
    The protistan microplankton community along the Kuroshio Current revealed by 18S rRNA gene clone analysis: a case study of the differences in distribution interplay with ecological variability.
    - Plankton and Benthos Research 9 (2), 71-82.
  117. Kawai, M., N. Nagao, N. Tajima, C. Niwa, T. Matsuyama, T. Toda, 2014.
    The effect of the labile organic fraction in food waste and the substrate/inoculum ratio on anaerobic digestion for a reliable methane yield.
    - Bioresource technology 157, 174-180.      
  118. Tsuchiya, K., V.S. Kuwahara, T. Yoshiki, R. Nakajima, H. Miyaguchi, N. Kumekawa, T. Kikuchi, T. Toda, 2014.
    Phytoplankton community response and succession in relation to typhoon passages in the coastal waters of Japan.
    - Journal of plankton research 36 (2), 424-438.
  119. Nakajima, R., T. Yoshida, B.H.R. Othman, T. Toda, 2014.
    Biomass and estimated production rates of metazoan zooplankton community in a tropical coral reef of Malaysia.
    - Marine Ecology 35 (1), 112-131.
  120. Nakatomi, N., M. Hirahara, N. Natori, T. Toda, S. Yamamoto, 2014.
    Change in metabolism and nitrogen isotopic composition of amino acids through egg production of the calanoid copepod Acartia steueri.
    - Researches in Organic Geochemistry 29, 61-64.
  121. Kok, S.P., K. Tsuchiya, K. Komatsu, T. Toda, N. Kurosawa, 2014
    The protistan microplankton community along the Kuroshio Current revealed by 18S rRNA gene clone analysis.
  122. Kenji Tsuchiya, Yukio Komatsu, Ryuju Toda, and Norio Kurosawa, 2014.
    Abstract of paper published in Plankton and Benthos Research.
    - Bulletin of the Plankton Society of Japan 61 (2), 154-156.
  123. Nakajima, R., T. Yoshida, B.A.R. Azman, H. Yamazaki, T. Toda, B.H.R. Othman, K. Zaleha, A.W.M. Effendy, 2014.
    A preliminary study of small scavenging crustaceans collected by baited traps in a coral reef of Bidong Island, Malaysia.
    - Malaysian Journal of Science 33 (2), 59-66.
  124. Akizuki, S., K. Izumi, N. Nagao, T. Shiotani, C. Niwa, T. Toda, 2013.
    Effect of COD/NO3−–N ratio and seed sludge on simultaneous methanogenesis and denitrification in intermittent organic solid waste treatment.
    - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 84, 8-13.
  125. Nakajima, R., K. Tsuchiya, N. Nakatomi, T. Yoshida, Y. Tada, F. Konno, T. Toda, V.S. Kuwahara, K. Hamasaki, B.H.R. Othman, T.C. Segaran, A.W.M. Effendy, 2013.
    Enrichment of microbial abundance in the sea-surface microlayer over a coral reef: implications for biogeochemical cycles in reef ecosystems.
    - Marine Ecology Progress Series 490, 11-22.
  126. Nakajima, R., T. Yoshida, Y. Fuchinoue, T. Okashita, T. Maekawa, M.R.M. Kushairi, B.H.R. Othman, T. Toda, 2013.
    Sedimentation impacts on the growth rates of the scleractinian coral Acropora formosa from fringing reefs of Tioman Island, Malaysia.
    - Sains Malaysiana 42 (9), 1201-1205.
  127. Mizubayashi, K., V.S. Kuwahara, T.C. Segaran, K. Zaleha, A.W.M. Effendy, M.R.M. Kushairi, T. Toda, 2013.
    Corrigendum to “Monsoon variability of Ultraviolet Radiation (UVR) attenuation and bio-optical factors in the Asian tropical coral-reef waters”[Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 126 (2013) 34–43].
    - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 129, 206         .
  128. Mizubayashi, K., V.S. Kuwahara, T.C. Segaran, K. Zaleha, A.W.M. Effendy, M.R.M. Kushairi, T. Toda, 2013.
    Monsoon variability of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) attenuation and bio-optical factors in the Asian tropical coral-reef waters.
    - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 126, 34-43.
  129. Toda, Tatsuju, Nagao, Nobuo, 2013.
    Microbial enrichment technology in single tank wet methane fermentation and continuous high-load processing of food waste (Special feature: Explanation of the budget, research contents, and future policy for the use of sewage sludge resources in FY2013)
    - Recycling and Utilization 37 (140), 36-42.
  130. Takata, M., K. Fukushima, M. Kawai, N. Nagao, C. Niwa, T. Yoshida, T. Toda, 2013.
    The choice of biological waste treatment method for urban areas in Japan—An environmental perspective.
    - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 23, 557-567.
  131. Tsuchiya, K., T. Yoshiki, R. Nakajima, H. Miyaguchi, V.S. Kuwahara, S. Taguchi, T. Kikuchi, T. Toda, 2013.
    Typhoon-driven variations in primary production and phytoplankton assemblages in Sagami Bay, Japan: a case study of typhoon Mawar (T0511).
    - Plankton and Benthos Research 8 (2), 74-87.
  132. NAKAJIMA, R., T. YOSHIDA, B.H.R. OTHMAN, T. TODA, 2013.
    First record of a blue-pigmented Acartiid copepod in the tropical coral reef waters of Malaysia.
    - Galaxea, Journal of Coral Reef Studies 15 (2), 27-28.
  133. Kawai, M., I.F. Purwanti, N. Nagao, A. Slamet, J. Hermana, T. Toda, 2012.
    Seasonal variation in chemical properties and degradability by anaerobic digestion of landfill leachate at Benowo in Surabaya, Indonesia.
    - Journal of environmental management 110, 267-275.
  134. Teruhisa Endo, Tatsuya Matsuyama, and Ryuju Toda, 2012.
    Changes in saccharification rate of marine algae by dry grinding.
    - Proceedings of the Symposium on Powder Science and Technology 50, 146-149.
  135. Kok, S.P., T. Kikuchi, T. Toda, N. Kurosawa, 2012.
    Diversity analysis of protistan microplankton in Sagami Bay by 18S rRNA gene clone analysis using newly designed PCR primers.
    - Journal of oceanography 68 (5), 599-613.
  136. Takata, M., K. Fukushima, N. Kino-Kimata, N. Nagao, C. Niwa, T. Toda, 2012.
    The effects of recycling loops in food waste management in Japan: Based on the environmental and economic evaluation of food recycling.
    - Science of the total Environment 432, 309-317.
  137. Nagao, N., N. Tajima, M. Kawai, C. Niwa, N. Kurosawa, T. Matsuyama, F.M. Yusoff, T. Toda, 2012.
    Maximum organic loading rate for the single-stage wet anaerobic digestion of food waste
    - Bioresource technology 118, 210-218.
  138. Kawai, M., M. Kishi, M.R. Hamersley, N. Nagao, J. Hermana, T. Toda, 2012.
    Biodegradability and methane productivity during anaerobic co-digestion of refractory leachate.
    - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 72, 46-51.
  139. Kok, S.P., T. Kikuchi, T. Toda, N. Kurosawa, 2012.
    Diversity and community dynamics of protistan microplankton in Sagami Bay revealed by 18S rRNA gene clone analysis.
    - Plankton and Benthos Research 7 (2), 75-86.
  140. Yoshida, T., E.J. Eio, T. Toda, B.H.R. Othman, 2012.
    Food size dependent feeding and egg production of Acartia pacifica from a tropical strait.
    - Bulletin of Marine Science 88 (2), 251-266.
  141. T. Yoshida, H. Matias-Peralta, F.M.D. Yusoff, T. Toda, B.H.R. Othman, 2012.
    Zooplankton research in Malaysia: Current status and future prospects.
    - Coast Mar Sci 35 (1), 208-213.
  142. Yoahida, T., C.F. Liong, A.M. Majid, T. Toda, B.H.J. Othman, 2012.
    Temperature effects on the egg development time and hatching success of three Acartia species (Copepoda: Calanoida) from the Strait of Malacca.
    - Zoological Studies 51 (5), 644-654.
  143. Takahashi, K.T., S. Kawaguchi, M. Kobayashi, T. Toda, A. Tanimura, M. Fukuchi, T. Odate, 2011.
    Eugregarine infection within the digestive tract of larval Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba.
    - Polar biology 34 (8), 1167-1174.
  144. Yoshiki, T., T. Ono, A. Shimizu, T. Toda, 2011.
    Effect of hydrostatic pressure on eggs of Neocalanus copepods during spawning in the deep-layer.
    - Marine Ecology Progress Series 430, 63-70.
  145. Nakajima, R., T. Toda, T. Yoshida, B.H.R. Othman, A. Shibata, 2011.
    Quality and quantity of particulate organic carbon in a coral reef at Tioman Island, Malaysia.
    - Sains Malaysiana 40 (12), 1375-1382.
  146. Kimata-Kino, N., S. Ikeda, N. Kurosawa, T. Toda, 2011.
    Saline adaptation of granules in mesophilic UASB reactors.
    - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 65 (1), 65-72.
  147. Nakajima, R., T. Yoshida, K. Fujita, A. Nakayama, Y. Fuchinoue, B.H.R. Othman, T. Toda, 2010.
    Release of particulate and dissolved organic carbon by the scleractinian coral Acropora formosa.
    - Bulletin of marine science 86 (4), 861-870.
  148. Izumi, K., Y. Okishio, N. Nagao, C. Niwa, S. Yamamoto, T. Toda, 2010.
    Effects of particle size on anaerobic digestion of food waste.
    - International biodeterioration & biodegradation 64 (7), 601-608.
  149. Toda, T., N. Nagao, N. Kurosawa, 2010.
    Circulatory Biomass Energy Recovery System and Method.
    - US Patent App. 12/225,387.
  150. Kuwahara, V.S., R. Nakajima, B.H.R. Othman, M.R.M. Kushairi, T. Toda, 2010.
    Spatial variability of UVR attenuation and bio-optical factors in shallow coral-reef waters of Malaysia.
    - Coral Reefs 29 (3), 693-704.
  151. Watanabe, K., N. Nagao, T. Toda, N. Kurosawa, 2010.
    Bacterial Communities in Various Conditions of the Composting Reactor Revealed by 16S rDNA Clone Analysis and DGGE.
    - Sustainable Biotechnology, 165-177.
  152. Yoshida, T., K. Akagi, T. Toda, M.M.R. Kushairi, A.A.A. Kee, B.H.R. Othman, 2010.
    Marine Ecosystem Research Centre, Faculty of Science and Technology Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 43600 Bangi, Selangor DE, Malaysia.
    - Sains Malaysiana 39 (3), 395-403.

  153. Gan, S.Y., B.A.R. Azman, T. Yoshida, A.M. Majid, T. Toda, K. Takahashi, B.H.R. Othman, 2010.
    Comparison of day and night mysid assemblages in a seagrass bed by using emergence traps, with key to species occurring at Pulau Tinggi, Malaysia.
    - Coastal Marine Science 34 (1), 74-81.
  154. *Izumi, K., Y. Okishio, N. Nagao, C. Niwa and T. Toda, 2010.
    Effect of particle size on anaerobic digestion of food wastes.
    - International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation.
  155. *Takahashi, K.T., S. Kawaguchi, G. W. Hosie, T. Toda, M. Naganobu and M. Fukuchi, 2010.
    Surface zooplankton distribution in the Drake Passage recorded by Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) in late austral summer of 2000.
    - Polar Science, 3(4): 235-245.
  156. Toda, Tatsuju, Nagao, N., Yonemoto, K., and Niwa, C., 2010.
    Continuous treatment by UASB method using solubilized food waste as substrate.
    - Water and Wastewater, 58(8): 66-74.
  157. *Nakajima, R., A. Nakayama, T. Yoshida, M. R. M. Kushairi, B. H. R. Othman and T. Toda, 2010.
    An evaluation of photo line-intercept transect (PLIT) method for coral reef monitoring.
    - Galaxea, 12: 37-44.
  158. *Nakajima, R., T. Yoshida, B. H. R. Othman and T. Toda, 2010
    High detritus/phytoplankton content in net-plankton samples from coral reef water: Source of over- estimation in zooplankton biomass by measuring seston weight.
    -Plankton and Benthos Research, 5(2): 69-73.
  159. *Kuwahara, V. S., R. Nakajima, B. H. R. Othman, M. M. R. Kushairi and T. Toda, 2010.
    Spatial variability of UVR attenuation and bio-optical factors in shallow coral reef waters of Malaysia.
    -Coral Reefs. 29:693-704.
  160. *Watanabe, K., N. Nagao, T. Toda and N. Kurosawa, 2010.
    Bacterial Community in the Personal-Use Composting Reactor Revealed by Isolation and Cultivation-Independent Method.
    - Journal of Environmental Science and Health, part B, 45(5): 372-378.
  161. *Yoshida, T., K. Akagi, T. Toda, M. M. R. Kushairi, A. A. A. Kee and B. H. R. Othman, 2010.
    Evaluation of fish behavior and aggregation by underwater videography in an artificial reef in Tioman Island, Malaysia.
    -Sains Malaysia, 39(3):395-403.
  162. *Nakajima, R., T. Yoshida, B. H. R. Othman and T. Toda, 2009.
    Diel variation of zooplankton in the tropical coral-reef water of Tioman Island, Malaysia.
    - Aquatic Ecology, 43:965–975.
  163. *Nakajima, R., T. Yoshida, B. A. R. Azman, K. Zaleha, B. H. R. Othman and T. Toda, 2009.
    In situ release of coral mucus by Acropora and its influence on the heterotrophic bacteria.
    - Aquatic Ecology, 43:815–823.
  164. Kimata-Kino, N., S. Ikeda, N. Kurosawa and T. Toda, 2009.
    Saline Adaptation of Granule in Up-Flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactors.
    - Proceedings of The 3rd IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition: Manuscripts CD-ROM.
  165. Nagao, N., S. Osa and T. Toda, 2009.
    Large scale fed-batch composting using artificial bulking agents for high-rate degradative treatment of food waste in urban area, Japan.
    - Proceedings of The ISWA/APESB World Congress 2009: Section poster 19-203, 7pp.
  166. Tajima, N., N. Nagao, C. Niwa and T. Toda, 2009.
    A high cell density anaerobic digestion for food waste treatment at high organic loading rate.
    - Proceedings of The ISWA/APESB World Congress 2009: Section poster 1-253, 9pp.
  167. Kawai, M., I. F. Purwanti, N. Nagao, J. Hermana and T. Toda, 2009.
    Chemical characteristics of leachate at the Benowo landfill in Surabaya city, Indonesia.
    -Proceedings of The ISWA/APESB World Congress 2009: Section landfilling 2-379, 7pp.
  168. Nakajima, R., T. Yoshida, A. Shibata, B. H. R. Othman and T. Toda, 2009.
    Size composition of particulate organic matter in a coral reef at Tioman Island, Peninsular Malaysia.
    -Proceedings of International Conference on Marine Ecosystem: 209-220. (→97- Sains Malaysia.)
  169. *Komemoto, K., Y. G. Lim, Y. Onoue, N. Nagao, C. Niwa and T. Toda, 2009.
    Effect of temperature on VFA’S and biogas production in anaerobic solubilization of food waste.
    -Waste Management, 29: 2950-2955.
  170. *Shibata, A., H. Yasui., H. Fukuda., H. Ogawa., T. Kikuchi, T. Toda and S. Taguchi, 2009.
    Fate of the bacterial cell envelope component, lipopolysaccharide, that is sequentially mediated by viruses and flagellates
    -Costal Marine Science, 33(1): 39-45.
  171. *Takahashi, K. T., S. Kawaguchi and T. Toda, 2009.
    Observation by electron microscopy of a gregarine parasite of Antarctic krill: Its histological aspects and ecological explanations.
    -Polar Biology, 32: 637-644.
  172. *Obata, M., T. Toda and S. Taguchi, 2009.
    Using quantum yield as a monitoring system for microalgal production.
    -Journal of Applied Phycology, 2: 315-319.
  173. *Watanabe, K., N. Nagao, T. Toda and N. Kurosawa, 2009.
    The dominant bacteria shifted from the order Lactobacillales to Bacillales and Actinomycetales during a start-up period of large-scale, completely-mixed composting reactor using plastic bottle flakes as bulking agent.
    -World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 25: 803-811.
  174. *Okada, N., Y. Onoue, B. H. R. Othman, T. Kikuchi and T. Toda, 2009.
    Description of naupliar stages in Acartia steueri Smirnov (Copepoda: Calanoida).
    -Journal of Crustacean Biology, 29(1): 70-78.
  175. Miyaguchi, H., Kuwabara, S., Kurosawa, N., Toda, T., and Taguchi, T., 2008.
    Studies on the planktonic and benthic organisms in the western part of Sagami Bay, Japan Part 2.
    - Bulletin of the Plankton Society of Japan, 55(1): 67-68.
  176. *Takahashi, K. T., M. Kobayashi, S. Kawaguchi, J. Saigusa, A. Tanimura, M. Fukuchi, M. Naganobu and T. Toda, 2008.
    Circumpolar occurrence of eugregarinid protozoan Cephaloidophora pacifica associated with Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba.
    -Antarctic Science, 20(5):437-440.
  177. *Yoshiki, T., B. Yamanoha, T. Kikuchi, A. Shimizu and T. Toda, 2008.
    Hydrostatic pressure-induced apoptosis on nauplii of Calanus sinicus.
    -Marine Biology, 156: 97-106.
  178. *Nakajima, R., T. Yoshida, B. H. R. Othman and T. Toda, 2008.
    Diel variation in abundance, biomass and size composition of zooplankton community over a coral-reef in Redang Island, Malaysia.
    -Plankton and Benthos Research, 3:216-226.
  179. Fukushima, K., Y. Onoue, N. Nagao, C. Niwa and T. Toda, 2008.
    LC-CO2 evaluation of integrated anaerobic digestion processes for food waste treatment in Japan.
    -Conference Proceedings of 6th International Conference ORBIT 2008: 677-682.
  180. Komemoto, K., Y. G. Lim, Y. Onoue, N. Nagao, C. Niwa and T. Toda, 2008.
    Temperature effect on the anaerobic solubilization of food waste.
    -Conference Proceedings of 6th International Conference ORBIT 2008: 351-357.
  181. Watanabe, K., N. Nagao, T. Toda and N. Kurosawa, 2008.
    Bacterial community succession during a start-up period of large-scale composting reactor
    -Conference Proceedings of 6th International Conference ORBIT 2008: 78-87.
  182. *Watanabe, K., N. Nagao, T. Toda and N. Kurosawa, 2008.
    Changes in bacterial community accompanied by aggregation in a fed-batch composting reactor.
    -Current Microbiology, 56:458-467.
  183. *Nagao, N., K. Watanabe, S. Osa, T. Matsuyama, N. Kurosawa and T. Toda, 2008.
    Bacterial community and decomposition rate in long term fed-batch composting using woodchip and Polyethylene therephthalate (PET) as bulking agents.
    -World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 24: 1417-1424.
  184. *Hideo Miyaguchi, Masashi Katsuura, Ryuta Yamamoto, Takashi Hirabayashi, Shuhei Ban, Tatsuju Toda, and Hideo Yamamoto, 2008.
    Aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna of the Tohoro River wetland in northeastern Hokkaido [Reference material].
    -Journal of the Japanese Society of Limnology. 69:143-153.
  185. *Miyaguchi, H., N. Kurosawa and T. Toda, 2008.
    Real-time polymerase chain reaction assays for rapid detection and quantification of Noctiluca scintillans zoospore.
    -Marine Biotechnology, 10(2): 133-140.
  186. *Lim, Y. G., C. Niwa, N. Nagao and T. Toda, 2008.
    Solubilization and methanogenesis of blue mussels in saline mesophilic anaerobic biodegradation.
    -International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 61:251-260.
  187. Lim, Y. G., K. Watanabe, N. Nagao, C. Niwa, N. Kurosawa and T. Toda, 2007.
    Solubilization and methanogenesis in mesophilic anaerobic digestion of blue mussels.
    -Proceedings of The 11th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion (AD11) Bioenergy for our future: Manuscripts CD-ROM.
  188. Yoshiki, T., A. Shimizu and T. Toda, 2007.
    Pressurizing system for observation of marine zooplankton.
    -Proceedings of Oceans’07: 07031-023.
  189. Lim, Y. G., C. Niwa, N. Nagao and T. Toda, 2007.
    Mesophilic anaerobic digestion as a post-treatment for biofouling blue mussels.
    -Proceedings of Oceans’07: 061214-056.
  190. *Watanabe, K., N. Nagao, S. Yamamoto, T. Toda and N. Kurosawa, 2007.
    Thermobacillus composti sp. nov., a moderately thermophilic bacterium isolated from composting reactor.
    -International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 57: 1473-1477.
  191. *Yamada, K., K. Takahashi, C. Vallet, S. Taguchi, and T. Toda, 2007.
    Distribution, life history and production of three species of Neomysis in Akkeshi-ko estuary, northern Japan.
    -Marine Biology, 150: 905-917.
  192. *Toda, T., T. Okashita, K. Kushairi, R. Nakajima, W. Chen, K. T. Takahashi, B. H. R. Othman and M. Terazaki, 2007.
    Community structures of coral reefs around Peninsular Malaysia.
    -Journal of Oceanography, 63: 113-123.
  193. *Shibata, A., A. Imai, S. Hara, T. Kikuchi, T. Toda and S. Taguchi, 2007.
    Quantitative difference in bacterial abundance determined with each protocol for SYBR Green I and 4’6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) methods.
    -Plankton and Benthos Research, 2: 63-66.
  194. *Koyama, A., V. S. Kuwahara, A. Shibata, T. Toda, T. Kikuchi and S. Taguchi, 2007.
    Seasonal variability in chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the Sakawa River and Sagami Bay, Japan.
    -Limnology, 8:211-217.
  195. Lim, Y. G., C. Niwa, N. Nagao, S. Yamamoto and T. Toda, 2006.
    Nutrients uptake by mesophilic anaerobic digestion of blue mussels.
    -Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology: 547-553.
  196. Nagao, N., S. Osa, T. Matsuyama and T. Toda, 2006. Evaluation of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) as the bulking agent in solid state fermentation for organic waste treatment.
    -Proceedings of the 11th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress: ID236.
  197. Kimata-Kino, N., H. Kamauchi, T. Matsuyama, N. Kurosawa, N. Nagao, C. Niwa and T. Toda, 2006.
    Granulation of digestive sludge in the up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor.
    -Proceedings of the 11th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress: ID 485.
  198. Kamauchi, H., N. Kimata-Kino, T. Matsuyama, N. Kurosawa, N. Nagao, C. Niwa and T. Toda, 2006.
    Metal absorption through the granulation process of the up-flow anaerobic sludge bed reactor.
    -Proceedings of the 11th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress: ID 496.
  199. Lim, Y. G., C. Niwa, N. Nagao, S. Yamamoto and T. Toda, 2006.
    The effect of salinity on mesophilic anaerobic digestion of blue mussels.
    -Proceedings of the 11th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress: ID 383.
  200. *Akio Shimizu, Asako Yoshiki and Ryuju Toda, 2006.
    High pressure system for measuring the effects of pressure on zooplankton and egg hatching.
    -High Pressure Science and Technology, 16(4): 563-570.
  201. *Shimode, S., T. Toda and T. Kikuchi, 2006.
    Spatio-temporal changes in diversity and community structure of planktonic copepods in Sagami Bay, Japan.
    -Marine Biology, 148: 581-597.
  202. *Shibata. A., Y. Goto, H. Saito, T. Kikuchi, T. Toda and S. Taguchi, 2006.
    Comparison of SYBR Green I and SYBR Gold stains for enumerating bacteria and viruses by epifluorescence microscopy.
    -Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 43:223-231.
  203. *Onoue, Y., S. Shimode, T. Toda and T. Kikuchi, 2006.
    Reproductive strategy of Acartia steuri in Sagami Bay, Japan.
    -Coastal Marine Science, 30(1): 353-359.
  204. *Nakajima, R., T. Toda, T. Yoshida and B. H. R. Othman, 2006.
    Diel variation and trophic structure in coral reef zooplankton of Peninsular Malaysia. 
    -Coastal Marine Science, 30(1): 336-343.
  205. *Yoshida, T., T. Toda, F. MD. Yusoff and B. H. R. Othman, 2006.
    Seasonal variation of zooplankton community in the coastal waters of the Straits of Malacca.
    -Coastal Marine Science, 30(1): 320-327.
  206. *Othman B. H. R. and T. Toda, 2006.
    Pontellid copepods from Singapore.
    -Coastal Marine Science, 30(1): 305-319.
  207. *Miyaguchi, H., T. Fujiki, T. Kikuchi, V. Kuwahara and T. Toda, 2006.
    Relationship between the bloom of Noctiluca scintillans and environmental factors in the coastal waters of Sagami Bay, Japan.
    -Journal of Plankton Research, 30(3): 313-324.
  208. *Yoshiki, T., T. Toda, T. Yoshida and A. Shimizu, 2006.
    A new hydrostatic pressure apparatus for studies of marine zooplankton.
    -Journal of Plankton Research, 28 (6): 563-570.
  209. Watanabe, K., N. Nagao, T. Toda and N. Kurosawa, 2005.
    Bacterial communities in solid-state fermentation reactor for organic waste composting.
    -Proceedings of 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering: Manuscripts CD-ROM.
  210. Nagao, N., S. Osa, T. Matsuyama, N. Kurosawa and T. Toda, 2005.
    Study on hyblid recycling system of SSF (Solid State Fermentation) and SmF (Submerged Fermentation) for organic solid waste treatment.
    -Proceedings of 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering: Manuscripts CD-ROM.
  211. *Nagao, N., S. Osa, T. Matsuyama, I. Namiki, H. Yamamoto and T. Toda, 2005.
    Optimization of washing rate in a hybrid recycling system of solid state and submerged fermentation.
    -Process Biochemistry, 40: 3321-3326.
  212. *Yoshida, T., T. Toda, V. Kuwahara, S. Taguchi and B. H. R. Othman, 2004.
    Rapid response to changing light environment of the calanoid copepod Calanus sinicus.
    -Marine Biology, 145:505-513.
  213. *Yoshida, T., T. Toda, Y. Hirano, T. Matsuda and S. Kawaguchi, 2004.
    Effect of temperature on embryo development time and hatching success of the Antarctickrill Euphausia superda Dana in the laboratory.
    -Marine and Freshwater Behaviors and Physiology, 37(2):137-145.
  214. *Takahashi, K.T., S. Kawaguchi, M. Kobayashi and T. Toda, 2004.
    The variability in abundance of eugregarines living in the Antarctic krill.
    -Polar Bioscience, 17:16-25.
  215. *Onoue, Y., T. Toda and S. Ban, 2004.
    Morphological features and hatching patterns of eggs in Acartia steueri from Sagami Bay, Japan.
    -Hydrobiologia, 511:17-24.
  216. Nagao, N., T. Matsuyama and T. Toda, 2004.
    Feasibility and pilot scale studies on hybrid recycling system of SSF and SmF for organic solid waste treatment.
    -Proceedings of 2nd Bangi World Conference on Environmental Management: 47-53.
  217. Nakajima, R., T. Toda, T. Yoshida and B. H. R. Othman, 2004.
    Trophic structure of pelagic ecosystem in tropical coral reef: Which size fraction is the most important?
    -Proceedings of 3rd Annual Seminar on Sustainability Science and Management: 366-370.
  218. Kee Alfian, B. A. A., T. Fujita, T. Maekawa, T. Toda and B. H. R. Othman, 2004.
    Taburan Diadema setosum di Pulau Tioman, Malaysia.
    -Proceedings of 3rd Annual Seminar on Sustainability Science and Management: 353-356.
  219. Okashita, T., W. Chen, T. Toda and B. H. R. Othman, 2004.
    Community structure of coral reefs around Peninsular Malaysia.
    -Proceedings of 3rd Annual Seminar on Sustainability Science and Management: 338-340.
  220. Yoshida, T., T. Toda and B. H. R. Othman, 2004.
    Seasonal variation in zooplankton biomass and community in the coastal waters of the Straits of Malacca: A preliminary study.
    -Proceedings of 3rd Annual Seminar on Sustainability Science and Management: 305-307
  221. Iwasaki, N., T. Kikuchi, T. Toda, T. Fujita, M. R. M. Kushairi and B.H.R.Othman, 2004.
    Stable isotope study on food web in Malaysian coral waters: preliminary results and proposal.
    -Proceedings of the 1st Joint Seminar on Coastal Oceanography: 165-170.
  222. *Fujiki, T., T. Toda, T. Kikuchi, H. Aono and S. Taguchi, 2004.
    Phosphorus limitation of primary productivity during the spring-summer blooms in Sagami Bay, Japan.
    -Marine Ecology Progress Series, 283:29-38.
  223. *Toyokawa, M., T. Toda, T. Kikuchi, H. Miyake and J. Hashimoto, 2003.
    Direct observations of a dense occurrence of Bolinopsis infundibulum (Ctenophora) near the seafloor under the Oyashio and notes on their feeding behavior.
    -Deep Sea Research, Part 1, 50:809-813.
  224. *Takahashi, K. T., S. Kawaguchi, M. Kobayashi and T. Toda, 2003.
    Parasitic eugregarines change their spatial distribution within the host digestive tract of Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba.
    -Polar Biology, 26:468-473.
  225. *Sugawara, T., K. Hamasaki, T. Toda and S. Taguchi, 2003.
    Response of natural phytoplankton assemblages to solar ultraviolet radiation (UV-B) in the coastal water, Japan.
    -Hydrobiologia, 493:17-26.
  226. *Nagao, N., T. Matsuyama, H. Yamamoto and T. Toda, 2003.
    A novel hybrid system of solid state and submerged fermentation with recycle for organic solid waste treatment.
    -Process Biochemistry, 39:37-43.
  227. *Fujiki, T., T. Toda, T. Kikuchi and S. Taguchi, 2003.
    Photoprotective response of xanthophyll pigments during phytoplankton blooms in Sagami Bay, Japan.
    -Journal of Plankton Research, 25(3):317-322.
  228. *Takahashi, K. T., S. Kawaguchi, M. Kobayashi, G. W. Hosie, M. Fukuchi and T. Toda, 2002.
    Zooplankton patterns in relation to the Antarctic Polar Front Zones recorded by Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) during 1999/2000 Kaiyo Maru cruise.
    -Polar Bioscience, 15:97-107.
  229. *Nagao, N., T. Toda, K. Takahashi, K. Hamasaki, T. Kikuchi and S. Taguchi, 2001.
    High ash contents in net-plankton samples from shallow coastal water: possible source of error in dry weight measurement as zooplankton biomass.
    -Journal of Oceanography, 57:105-107.
  230. Iwasaki, N., T. Kikuchi, T. Toda, T. Fujita, and B. H. R. Othman, 2001.
    Preliminary results of a stable isotope study on food web in Malaysian coral waters.
    -Proceedings of the 11th JSPS Joint Seminar on Marine Science: 232-237.
  231. Miyaguchi, H., T. Fujiki, T. Kikuchi, S. Taguchi and T. Toda, 2001.
    Abundance and size variability of Noctiluca scintillans in Manazuru Port, Sagami Bay, Japan.
    -Proceedings of 11th JSPS Joint Seminar on Marine Science: 180-189.
  232. Imai, A., Shibata, A., Kikuchi, T., Toda, T., and Taguchi, T., 2001.
    Comparison of two epifluorescence counting methods of bacteria in the ocean 〜4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) versus SYBR Green I method〜.
    -Actinia, 14:31-36.
  233. *Hisayuki Watanabe, Issei Takahashi, Tomohiko Kikuchi, and Ryuju Toda, 2000.
    Distribution and seasonal occurrence of Nauplius y (Crustacea: Maxillopoda: Facetotecta) in Manazuru Port, Sagami Bay, Central Japan.
    -Taxa (Journal of the Japanese Society of Systematic System), 9:4-12.
  234. Toda, T., Kikuchi, T., Hamasaki, T., Takahashi, I., Fujiki, T., Kuwahara, V., Yoshida, T., and Taguchi, T., 2000.
    Seasonal and annual variations of environmental factors at Manazuru Port, Sagami Bay, Japan from 1995 to 1999.
    -Actinia, 13:31-41.
  235. *Shimode, S. T. Toda and T. Kikuchi, 2000.
    Ryocalanus spinifrons, new species of Ryocalanidae (Copepoda: Calanoida), from the south-western part of Sagami Bay, Japan.
    -Hydrobiologia, 432:127-133.
  236. *Satoh, F., K. Hamasaki, T. Toda and S. Taguchi, 2000.
    Summer phytoplankton bloom in Manazuru Harbor, Sagami Bay, central Japan.
    -Plankton Biology and Ecology, 47(2):73-79.
  237.  *Kuwahara, V. S., T. Toda, K. Hamasaki, T. Kikuchi and S. Taguchi, 2000.
    Variability in the relative penetration of ultraviolet radiation to photosynthetically available radiation in temperate coastal waters, Japan.
    -Journal of Oceanography, 56:339-408.
  238. *Kuwahara, V. S., H. Ogawa, T. Toda, T. Kikuthi and S. Taguchi, 2000.
    Variability of bio-optical factors influencing the seasonal attenuation of ultraviolet radiation in temperate coastal waters of Japan.
    -Photochemistry and Photobiology, 72(2):193-199.
  239. *Ban, S., H.-W. Lee, A. Shinada and T. Toda, 2000.
    In situ egg production and hatching success of marine copepod Pseudocalanus newmani in Funka Bay and adjacent waters off southwestern Hokkaido, Japan: associated to diatom bloom.
    -Journal of Plankton Research, 22(5):907-922.

(Paper publications published before 2000 are omitted.)



  1. Toda, Tatsuju, 1986.
    Some problems in the classification of calanid copepods.
    -Marine and Biological Sciences, 8 (3): 182-192.
  2. Toda, Tatsuju, 1997.
    Recent studies on deep-sea plankton.
    -Marine and Biological Sciences, 19(5): 401-405.
  3. Toda, Tatsuju and Nagao, N., 2008.
    Development of low-environmental-impact organic waste treatment technology by multi-functionalizing unit processes,
    -Chemical Engineering, 53(9):15-19.


  1. "Illustrated Guide to Marine Plankton of Japan" - Contributing writers: Calanoida, Monstrillaida -
    -Tokai University Press, 1574 pp, 1997. ISBN4-486-01289-5.
  2. "The Latest Science of Aquatic Invertebrates" - Contributing author: Research on deep-sea near-benthic zooplankton communities -
    -Tokai University Press, 341pp, 1999. ISBN4-486-01430-8
  3. "Malaysian Marine Ecosystem: Opportunities & Recent Researches" - Contributor: The distribution and abundance of Diadema setosum in Pulau Tioman, Malaysia, 81-91pp/Preliminary results of recruitment coral in Pulau Redang, 91-98pp.
    -Marine Park Section, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE)(Government publication), 244pp, 2006. ISBN983-42949-4-6.
  4. “Bacterial communities in the fed-batch composting reactor revealed by 16S rDNA clone analysis and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis.” - Contributor (Watanabe, K., N. Nagao, T. Toda and N. Kurosawa.): Sustainable Biotechnology: Natural Resources and New Perspectives.
    -Springer, submitted.
Conference presentation

[International Conference] 105 items
[Domestic Conference] 189 results

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Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Private University Academic Research Advancement Promotion Project
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Soka University News: "Professor Toda Ryuju's research project in Faculty of Science and Engineering has been selected for JST-JICA's "SATREPS""
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Specialized field

Restoration Ecology, Aquatic Ecology, Aquatic Bioproduction Science, Water Treatment Technology and Engineering, Plankton Engineering

Research theme
  1. High-rate methane fermentation and microalgae cultivation using liquid fraction derived from aquatic plant biomass
  2. Methane fermentation granule formation using water hyacinth juice as a substrate
  3. Optimization of pyrohydrolysis and steam explosion as pretreatments for methane fermentation of aquatic plants
  4. Optimization of mixing and structure of a non-powered mixing methane fermentation tank and evaluation of its treatment performance using fluid analysis
  5. Examination of ammonia fermentation conditions for methane fermentation treatment of chicken manure
  6. Useful substance production by microalgae through salinity acclimation
  7. Evaluation of the effect of adding soil extracts on microalgae cultivation
  8. Evaluation of the effects of CO2 supply concentration and intermittent agitation on microalgae cultivation
  9. Mass cultivation of microalgae using CO2 derived from biogas
  10. Evaluation of photosynthetic activity and growth rate of microalgae under different nitrogen supply conditions
  11. Studies on pigment accumulation in marine copepods