Main Papers and Publications |
Books Aizu Izumi, Sakura Osamu, et al. Artificial Life - The Intersection of Information, Life and CG, May 1994, Kyoritsu Shuppan. Takanori Shibata, Toshio Fukuda, et al. The Near Future of Artificial Life - Technology for Creating New Life, October 1994, Jiji Press Kanji Ueda, Katsunori Shimohara, et al. Methods of Artificial Life, October 1995, Industrial Research Association. Haruo Takagi, Kyoichi Kijima, et al. Humans and Society in the Multimedia Era - Polyagent Society, 1995.11., JUSE Press. Kaoru Hirota, Takashi Washio, et al. Introduction to Intelligent Systems Engineering, November 1996, Shokodo. Simulated Breeding − a Framework of Breeding Artifacts on the Computer. A. Adamatzky and M. Komosinski eds., Artificial Life Models in Software, pp. 301−322. Springer, 2005.
Journal Articles Tatsuo Unemi. Reinforcement Learning Based on Instances, Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 7, [4], 697-707, 1992. 7. Tatsuo Unemi. A Simple Evolvable Development System in Euclidean Space, Lectures on Mathematics in the Life Science, American Mathematical Society, 26, 103-110, 1999. 4. T. Unemi, SBART 2.4: an IEC Tool for Creating 2D Images, Movies, and Collage, Leonardo, 35, No. 2, pp. 171, 189-191, MIT Press, 2002. T. Unemi, Simulated Breeding - a Framework of Breeding Artifacts on the Computer, Kybernetes, 32, No. 1/2, pp. 203-220, 2003. T. Sasaki, I. Okada, and T. Unemi, Probabilistic participation in public goods games, Proceedings of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences, 274, No. 1625, pp. 2639-U8, Oct. 22, 2007.
International Conference Proceedings Tatsuo Unemi, Masahiro Nagayoshi, et al. Evolutionary Differentiation of Learning Abilities - a case study on optimizing parameter values in Q-learning by a genetic algorithm, A-LIFE IV, 331-336, Cambridge, MA, 1994. Tatsuo Unemi and Takeshi Koike. Evolution of a Botanical Development System in 3D Euclidean Space, A-LIFE VI, 467-471, LA, CA. 1998. Tatsuo Unemi. Should Seeds Fly or Not? A-LIFE VII, 253-259, Portland, OR. 2000. Tatsuo Unemi, SBEAT3: A Tool for Multi-part Music Composition by Simulated Breeding, A-LIFE VIII, 410-413, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2002. Tatsuo Unemi, Yoshiaki Kaneko and Ichiro Takahashi, War and Peace among Artificial Nations - a model and simulation based on a two-layered multi-agent system, ECAL 2003, Springer-Verlag LNCS/LNAI series, LNAI 2801, pp. 146-153 , 2003. Tatsuo Unemi and Daniel Bisig, Playing Music by Conducting BOID Agents - A Style of Interaction in the Life with A-Life, A-LIFE IX, 546-550, Boston, MA, 2004. Tatsuo Unemi and Daniel Bisig, Music by Interaction among Two Flocking Species and Human, Third Iteration, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 171-179, 2005. Tatsuo Unemi and Daniel Bisig: Flocking Messengers, in C. Soddu ed. Proceedings of the 9th Generative Art Conference, Milan, Italy, pp. 272-280, 2006. Tatsuo Unemi and Daniel Bisig: Identity SA - an interactive swarm-based animation with a deformed reflection. in C. Soddu ed. Proceedings of the 10th Generative Art Conference, Milan, Italy, pp. 269-279, 2007. Tatsuo Unemi, Yoshiaki Matsui and Daniel Bisig: Identity SA 1.6 - An artistic software that produces a deformed audiovisual reflection based on a visually interactive swarm. in Proceedings of the ACE 2008 International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 297-300, 2008. Tatsuo Unemi: SBArt4 - Breeding Abstract Animations in Realtime, Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2010 - IEEE CEC 2010), 4004-4009, July 18-23, Barcelona, Spain, 2010. Tatsuo Unemi: SBArt4 for an Automatic Evolutionary Art, Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2012 - IEEE CEC 2012), 2014-2021, June 10-15, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 2012.
Major awards, exhibitions and collaborative works |
Awards Flocking Messengers (Tatsuo Unemi / Daniel Bisig), Honorary Mention, Vida 9.0 Concurso Internacional sobre Arte y Vida Artificial, 2006. MediaFlies (Daniel Bisig / Unemi Tatsuo), Excellence Award, 10th Japan Media Arts Festival Art Division, 2006. Cycles (Daniel Bisig / Tatsuo Unemi), Audience Prize, Media Art Biennale WRO 2011 Alternative Now, 2011.
Exhibition Flocking Orchestra (Tatsuo Unemi / Daniel Bisig) and MediaFlies (Daniel Bisig / Tatsuo Unemi), Lonardo II Art Show, in ACE 2006, Bel Age Hotel, West Holywood, CA, USA, June 14-16, 2006. Flocking Messengers (Tatsuo Unemi / Daniel Bisig), Telefónica booth in ARCO 2007, IFEMA, Madrid, Spain, February 14-19, 2007. MediaFlies (Daniel Bisig / Tatsuo Unemi), Japan Media Art Festival, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan, February 24-March 4, 2007. Flocking Messengers (Tatsuo Unemi / Daniel Bisig) and MediaFlies (Daniel Bisig / Tatsuo Unemi), ArtEscapes, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, April 11-May 18, 2007. Flocking Orchestra (Tatsuo Unemi / Daniel Bisig), Velocity Festival of Digital Culture, Lanternhouse, Ulverston, UK, October 11 - November 3, 2007. ZugVoegel and Identity SA (Tatsuo Unemi / Daniel Bisig), Winter Fest, Hiroshima City University, November 26 - December 1, 2009. Cycles (Daniel Bisig / Tatsuo Unemi), ISEA RUHR 2010 Exhibition, Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte Dortmund, Germany, August 20 - September 5, 2010. --, lab30 Exhibition, Kulturhaus Abraxas, Augsburg, Germany, November 5-7, 2010. --, Media Art Biennale WRO 2011, Pasaz Pokoyhof, Wroclav, Poland, May 10-June 19, 2011.