Main Papers and Publications |
- Angata K, Sawaki H Tsujikawa S, Ocho M, Togayachi A, and NarimatsuH. Glycogene expression profiling of hepatic cells by RNA-Seq analysis for glyco-biomarker identification. Frontiers in Oncology, Oncol. 2020 Jul 28;10:1224.
- Narimatsu H., Kaji H, Vakhrushev S, Clausen H, Zhang H, Noro E, Togayachi A, Nagai-Okatani C, Kuno A, Zou X, Cheng L, Tao SC, Sun Y. Current technologies for complex glycoproteomics and their applications to biology/disease-driven glycoproteomics. J Proteome Res. 2018. 17(12):4097-4112.
- Togayachi A, Azusa Tomioka, Mika Fujita, Masako Sukegawa, Erika Noro, Daisuke Takakura, Michiyo Miyazaki M, Shikanai T, Narimatsu H.,Kaji H. Identification of poly-N-acetyllactosamine-carrying glycoproteins from HL-60 human promyelocytic leukemia cells using a site-specific glycome analysis method, Glyco-RIDGE. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom. 2018. 29(6):1138-1152.
- Matsuoka R, Shiba-Ishii A, Nakano N, Togayachi A, Sakashita S, Sato Y, Minami Y, and Noguchi M. Heterotopic production of ceruloplasmin by lung adenocarcinoma is significantly correlated with prognosis. Lung Cancer. 2018. 118: 97-104.
- Togayachi A, Iwaki J, Kaji H, Matsuzaki H, Kuno A, Hirao Y, Nomura M,Noguchi M, Ikehara Y, Narimatsu H. Glycobiomarker, fucosylated short-form secretogranin III levels are increased in the serum of patients with small cell lung carcinoma. J Proteome Res. 2017. 16(12):4495-4505.
- Tsuji S, Washimi K, Kageyama T, Yamashita M, Yoshihara M, Matsuura R, Yokose T, Kameda Y, Hayashi H, Morohoshi T, Tsuura Y, Yusa T, Sato T, Togayachi A, Narimatsu H., Nagasaki T, Nakamoto K, Moriwaki Y, Misawa H, Hiroshima K, MiyagiY, Imai K. HEG1 is a novel mucin-like membrane protein that serves as a diagnostic and therapeutic target for malignant mesothelioma. SciRep. 2017. 7:45768.
- Toyoda M, Kaji H, Sawaki H, Togayachi A, Angata T, Narimatsu H.,Kameyama A. Identification and characterization of sulfated glycoproteins from small cell lung carcinoma cells assisted by management of molecular charges. Glycoconj J. 2016. 33(6):917-926.
- Watanabe R, Kakizaki M, Ikehara Y. Togayachi A. Formation of Fibroblastic Reticular Network in the Brain after Infection with Neurovirulent Murine Coronavirus. Neuropathology. 2016. 36(6):513-526.
- Kakizaki M, Togayachi A, Narimatsu H., Watanabe R. Contribution of Lewis X carbohydrate structure to neuropathogenic murine coronaviral spread. Jpn J Infect Dis. 2016. 69(5):405-413
- Ito H, Kaji H, Togayachi A, Azadi P, Ishihara M, Geyer R, Galuska C,Geyer H, Kakehi K, Kinoshita M,Karlsson NG, Jin C, Kato K, Yagi H,Kondo S, Kawasaki N, Hashii N,Kolarich D, Stavenhagen K, Packer NH, Thaysen-Andersen M, Nakano M,Taniguchi N, Kurimoto A, Wada Y,Tajiri M, Yang P, Cao W, Li H, Rudd PM, Narimatsu H. Comparison of analytical methods for profiling N- and O-linked glycans from cultured cell lines: HUPO Human Disease Glycomics/Proteome Initiative multi-nstitutional study. Glycoconj J. 2016. 33(3):405-415.
- Iio E, Ocho M, Togayachi A, Nojima M, Kuno A, Ikehara Y, Hasegawa I, Yatsuhashi H, Yamasaki K, Shimada N, Ide T, Shinkai N, Nojiri S, Fujiwara K, Joh T, Mizokami M, Narimatsu H., Tanaka Y. A novel glycobiomarker, Wisteria floribunda agglutinin macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor, for predicting carcinogenesis of liver cirrhosis. Int J Cancer. 2016 Mar 15;138(6):1462-1471.
- Noro E, Togayachi A, Sato T, Tomioka A, Fujita M, Sukegawa M,Suzuki N, Kaji H, Narimatsu H. Large-scale identification of N-glycan glycoproteins carrying Lewis x and site-specific N-glycan alterations in Fut9 knockout mice. J Proteome Res. 2015. 14(9):3823-3834.
- Sasaki R, Yamasaki K, Abiru S, Komori A, Nagaoka S, Saeki A, Hashimoto S, Bekki S, Kugiyama Y, Kuno A, Korenaga M, Togayachi A, Ocho M, Mizokami M, Narimatsu H., Ichikawa T, Nakao K, Yatsuhashi H. Serum Wisteria Floribunda Agglutinin-Positive Mac-2 Binding Protein Values Predict the Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma among Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C after Sustained Virological Response. PLoS One. 2015. 10(6):e0129053.
- Tamaki N, Kurosaki M, Kuno A, Korenaga M, Togayachi A, Gotoh M,Nakakuki N, Takada H, Matsuda S, Hattori N, Yasui Y, Suzuki S,Hosokawa T, Tsuchiya K, Nakanishi H, Itakura J, Takahashi Y, Mizokami M, Narimatsu H., Izumi N. Wisteria floribunda agglutinin positive human Mac-2-binding protein as a predictor of hepatocellular carcinoma development in chronic hepatitis C patients. Hepatol Res. 2015. 45(10):E82-88.
- Hirao Y, Matsuzaki H, Iwaki J, Kuno A, Kaji H, Ohkura T, Togayachi A, Abe M, Nomura M, Noguchi M, Ikehara Y, Narimatsu H. Glycoproteomics Approach for Identifying Glycobiomarker Candidate Molecules for Tissue Type Classification of Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma. J Proteome Res. 2014. 13(11):4705-4716.
- Akiyoshi S, Nomura KH, Dejima K, Murata D, Matsuda A, Kanaki N, Takagi T, Mihara H, Nagaishi T, Furukawa S, Ando KG, Yoshina S, Mitani S, Togayachi A, Suzuki Y, Shikanai T, Narimatsu H., Nomura K. RNAi screening of human glycogene orthologs in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and the construction of the C. elegans glycogene database (CGGDB). Glycobiology. 2015. 25(1):8-20.
- Yamasaki K, Tateyama M, Abiru S, Komori A, Nagaoka S, Saeki A, Hashimoto S, Sasaki R, Bekki S, Kugiyama Y, Miyazoe Y, Kuno A, Korenaga M, Togayachi A, Ocho M, Mizokami M, Narimatsu H.,Yatsuhashi H. Elevated serum levels of WFA+ -M2BP predict the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in hepatitis C patients. Hepatology. 2014. 60(5):1563-1570.
- Kashiwazaki H, Kakizaki M, Ikehara Y, Togayachi A, Narimatsu H.,Watanabe R. Mice lacking α1,3-fucosyltransferase 9 exhibit modulation of in vivo immune responses against pathogens. Pathol Int. 2014.
- Toshima T, Shirabe K, Ikegami T, Yoshizumi T, Kuno A, Togayachi A, Gotoh M, Narimatsu H., Korenaga M,Mizokami M, Nishie A, Aishima S, Maehara Y. A novel serum marker, glycosylated Wisteria floribunda-positive Mac-2 binding protein (WFA+-M2BP), for assessing liver fibrosis. J Gastroenterol. 2015. 50(1):76-84.
- Sogabe M, Nozaki H, Tanaka N, Kubota T, Kaji H, Kuno A, Togayachi A, Gotoh M, Nakanishi H, Nakanishi T, Mikami M, Suzuki N, Kiguchi K,Ikehara Y, Narimatsu H. A Novel Glyco-biomarker for Ovarian Cancer
That Detects Clear Cell Carcinoma. J Proteome Res. 2014 Mar 7;13(3):1624-1635.
- Ocho M, Togayachi A, Iio E, Kaji H, Kuno A, Sogabe M, Korenaga M,Gotoh M, Tanaka Y, Ikehara Y, Mizokami M, Narimatsu H. Application of a glycoproteomics-based biomarker development method:
Alteration in glycan structure on colony stimulating factor 1 receptor is a possible glycobiomarker candidate for evaluation of liver cirrhosis. J Proteome Res. 2014. 13: 1428−1437.
- Kumar A, Torii T, Ishino Y, Muraoka D, Yoshimura T, Togayachi A, Narimatsu H., Ikenaka K, Hitoshi S. The Lewis X-related α1,3-Fucosyltransferase, Fut10, Is Required for the Maintenance of Stem Cell Populations. J Biol Chem. 2013. 288: 28859-28868.
- Kaji H., Ocho M, Togayachi A, Kuno A, Sogabe M, Ohkura T, Nozaki H,Angata T, Chiba Y, Ozaki H, Hirabayashi J, Tanaka Y, Mizokami M,Ikehara Y, Narimatsu H. Glycoproteomic Discovery of Serological Biomarker Candidates for HCV/HBV Infection-Associated Liver Fibrosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma. J Proteome Res. 2013. 12(6):2630-2640.
- Hirao Y, Ogasawara S, Togayachi A, Matsuno Y, Ocho M, Yamashita K,Watanabe M, Nakamori S, Ikehara Y, Narimatsu H. Identification of core proteins carrying the sialyl Lewis a epitope in pancreatic cancers. J. Mol. Biomark. Diagn. (2012) Volume 3, Issue 3. 1000124.
- Liu, TW, Kaji H, Togayachi A, Ito H, Sato T, Narimatsu H. A chemoenzymatic approach toward the identification of fucosylated glycoproteins and mapping of N-glycan sites. Glycobiology. 2012.22(5): 630-637.
- Fan X, Kondo Y, Tokuda N, Ohmi Y, Ando R, Umezu T, Zhang Q, Furukawa K, Shibata K, Togayachi A, Narimatsu H, Okajima T, Kikkawa K, Furukawa K. Strong antibody reaction against glycosphingolipids injected in liposome-embedded forms in beta3GN-T5 knockout mice. Nagoya J Med Sci. 2011. 73(3-4): 137-146.
- Sato T, Kudo T, Ikehara Y, Ogawa, H, Hirano T., Kiyohara, K, Hagiwara, K, Togayachi A, Ema M, Takahashi S, Kimata K, Watanabe H, and Narimatsu H. Chondroitin sulfate N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1 is necessary for normal endochondral ossification and aggrecan metabolism. J. Biol. Chem.,2011. 286: 5803-5812.
- Peng C, Togayachi A, Kwon YD, Xie C, Wu G, Zou X, Sato T, Ito H, Tachibana K, Kubota T, Noce T, Narimatsu H,and Zhang, Y.Identification of a novel human UDP-GalNAc transferase with unique catalytic activity and expression profile. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 2010. 402: 680-686.
- Togayachi A, Kozono Y, Ikehara Y, Ito H, Suzuki N, Tsunoda Y, Abe S, Sato T, Nakamura K, Suzuki M, Goda HM, Ito M, Kudo T, Takahashi S, and Narimatsu H. Lack of lacto/neolacto-glycolipids enhances the formation of glycolipid-enriched microdomains, facilitating B cell activation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2010. 107: 11900-11905.
- Kondo Y, Tokuda N, Fan X, Yamashita T, Honke K, Takematsu H, Togayachi A, Ohta M, Kotzusumi Y,Narimatsu H,Tajima O, Furukawa K, and Furukawa K. Glycosphingolipids are not pivotal receptors for Subtilase cytotoxin in vivo: sensitivity analysis with glycosylation-defective mutant mice. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 2009. 378:179-181.
- Togayachi A, Kozono Y, Ishida H, Abe S, Suzuki N, Tsunoda Y, Hagiwara K, Kuno A, Ohkura T, Sato N, Sato T, Hirabayashi J, Ikehara Y, Tachibana K and Narimatsu H. Polylactosamine on glycoproteins influences basal levels of lymphocyte and macrophage activation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2007. 104: 15829-15834.
- Tateno H, Uchiyama N, Kuno A, Togayachi A, Sato T, Narimatsu H, and Hirabayashi J. A novel strategy for mammalian cell surface glycome profiling using lectin microarray. Glycobiology, 2007. 17:1138-1146.
- Kudo T, Fujii T, Ikegami S, Inokuchi K, Takayama Y, Ikehara Y, Nishihara S, Togayachi A, Takahashi S, Tachibana K, Yuasa S, and Narimatsu H. Mice lacking 1,3-fucosyltransferase IX demonstrate disappearance of Lewis x structure in brain and increased anxiety-like behaviors. Glycobiology, 2007. 17: 1-9.Others
- Makoto Onaga and Akira Togatani: Development of glycoproteomics technology and its application to medicine. Development of serum glycan biomarkers for liver disease: An application example of glycoproteomics technology to the development of disease glycan biomarkers, Medical Progress, Vol. 249, No. 8, pp. 661-665, May 2014.
- Hisashi Narimatsu, Hiroyuki Kaji, Hiroaki Tateno, Akihiko Kameyama, Akira Togayanai, Toshisuke Kawazaki, Masako Maeda, Toshihide Shikanai, Issaku Yamada, Hiromichi Sawaki: Glycosylation Integrated Database JCGGDB, Experimental Medicine Special Issue "The Third Life Chain: Glycosylation Functions and Diseases", 208(1676)-213, June 2013.
- Tsukasa Shikano, Yoshiyuki Matsuo, Hisashi Narimatsu, Yuzuru Ikehara, Yoichi Niima, Akira Togayanai, Akihiko Kameyama, Jun Hirabayashi, Yasunori Chiba, Toshihide Shikanai, Hiromi Ito, Atsushi Kuno, and Hisashi Narimatsu: Understanding Glycotechnology Properly, Hakujitsusha, September 2008.
- Akira Togataniuchi, Yuko Kozono, Takashi Sato, Atsushi Kuno, Jun Hirabayashi, Yuzuru Ikehara, Hisashi Narimatsu: Role of polylactosamine glycans in the immune system, Genetic Medicine MOOK No. 11 "Development of clinical glycan biomarkers - elucidation of glycan functions and their applications", pp. 210-216, Medical Do Co., Ltd., September 2008.
- Akira Togataniuchi, Yuko Kozono, Takashi Sato, Atsushi Kuno, Jun Hirabayashi, Yuzuru Ikehara, and Hisashi Narimatsu: Regulation of Cellular Functions by Polylactosamine Sugar Chains, Protein, Nucleic Acid, Enzyme, September Special Issue, "Uniqueness and Universality of Sugar Chain Information", 53: 1590-1597, Kyoritsu Shuppan, September 2008.
- Satoru Ogasawara, Akira Togataniuchi, Takashi Sato, and Hisashi Narimatsu: Mucin synthesis genes, THE LUNG perspectives, 15: 68-74, January 2007
- Koichi Tachibana, Akira Togataniuchi, Juan-Da Kwon, and Hisashi Narimatsu: Cloning of human glycogenes is almost complete, Biotechnology Journal, 6: 289-293, April 2006, and others.