法学研究科長 飯田 順三
博士前期課程では税理士試験科目免除制度に対応する税理士有資格の教員を配置しています。 現在まで、すべの論文が国税審議会で認定されているという実績があります。本年度から、社会人学生にとっても学習しやすいように、オンライン対応の授業を設定しました。これからもこの制度を利用した学生が増えることを期待しています。
法学研究科長 飯田順三
A Message from the Dean of Graduate School of Law
After completing your undergraduate or master’s course studies, you are now entering a deeper forest of study. Naturally, your motives for entering graduate school may vary. However, even if your reasons are different, the fact remains that you will learn more about what academia is during the next two or three years.
Specifically, in the postgraduate program, a thesis or research paper will be submitted at the end of the second year. A doctoral dissertation will be presented at the end of the third year of the doctoral program. The most crucial task in the postgraduate program is to produce a coherent research result. The essential job in the program is how to make a high-quality product. In a sense, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the purpose of graduate school is to write a thesis, so this effort is significant.
The necessary skills will be cultivated in writing this treatise, explicitly setting the theme, collecting materials, and writing. In addition, those abilities gained from writing a treatise will be fully demonstrated when you play an active role in society.
You will also take the required courses in parallel with your thesis writing. Unlike undergraduate lecture courses, small-group classes with a few students and a faculty member will be intellectually stimulating. Each faculty member is a specialist with many years of research experience in their field of study. You will receive appropriate academic guidance from them. In addition, you will be guided by faculty members who are passionate about what they see you learning.
In the Master's Program, a qualified tax accountant faculty member is available to students who wish to prepare a thesis based on the Tax accountant examination. The National Tax Council has approved all master theses that our students submitted. Starting this year, we have set up online classes to make learning easier for working students. We hope that more students will take advantage of this system.
This whole human society has various irrationalities, absurdities, and injustices. The purpose of learning is to solve these complex problems. The study of Soka University is a place of learning that challenges these problems, always seeking how to remove unhappiness from real people and make them happy, correct injustice in real human society, and make it a valuable world.
I hope you enjoy your academic life here at the Graduate School of Law and that you will further develop into someone who creates value for society. We, the faculty and staff, will spare no effort in providing you with the necessary guidance and assistance.
I sincerely welcome you all to the Graduate School of Law.
April 1, 2024
Professor Junzo IIDA
Dean of Graduate School of Law