Faculty Overview
Message from the Dean
Nice to meet you all.
Thank you very much for your interest in Soka University's Faculty of Business Administration.
Since its establishment in April 1976, the Soka University Faculty of Business Administration has striven to uphold the humanistic philosophy set forth by the university's founder, Mr. Ikeda, and to cultivate leaders who will play an active role at the forefront of society.
In addition to deepening the expertise of business administration, Faculty of Business Administration has focused on active learning education and English education necessary for a global society, while also thinking about and pursuing together with students the concept of humanistic management that society demands. As a result, many of our graduates are active around the world, demonstrating humanistic leadership.
We are living in an age of great social change, increasing uncertainty, and unpredictability. We believe that the type of people needed in this social environment are those who possess the spirit of value creation and humanistic philosophy that our founder always emphasized.
For those of you who have enrolled in Faculty of Business Administration, we will put students first and make every effort to help you grow. Let's grow together in Faculty of Business Administration Administration, where we can help you become humanistic and global talent who can contribute to people and society, rather than just pursuing the interests of the organization or yourself.

Koji Yoshimoto
Philosophy and Goals
Faculty of Business Administration has adopted "humanistic management" as its philosophy. This was established as the philosophy of the school based on Founding Spirit of our university. In other words, the philosophy of "humanistic management" is a way of looking at the actions of an individual person, as well as organizational, business, and social activities, from the perspective of the dynamic universal spirit that lies deep within the human heart. Based on this philosophy, the following three points are the aims and educational goals of our school.
1. Human resource development based on humanism
We aim to develop intelligent individuals who have a deep understanding of humanity that delves into the spiritual dimension and asks the question, "What is human happiness?", and who have the ability to create value through that understanding.
2. Cultivating knowledge and wisdom for problem solving
We aim to develop talented individuals who can demonstrate problem-solving abilities by using the latest information technology (IT) skills to widely gather information and by using highly specialized knowledge to solve complex social problems.
3. Cultivating international talent
We aim to develop specialists who can act from a global perspective and have immediate impact in areas such as marketing, finance, and accounting.
Soka Management Theory
It publishes one to three issues every year as a forum for the presentation of research results by faculty members of Faculty of Business Administration. It also plans special features aimed at student learning. It is an academic journal that anyone can access online.
Soka Management Theory Volume 47 (PDF)
・Research on average hourly annual wages
- Analysis from before COVID-19 to the pandemic -
Hidehiro Hiraoka
・Considerations regarding the future of the US bond market
~The Taylor Rule and the Financial Measures of 1944 and 1983
Hirohisa Shimura
・"Environmental Governance" and Sustainable Strategies in Singapore
- National Initiatives and the Role of Public Agencies -
Nakamura Miyuki
・Herbal Technologies for the Future:
A New Type of Small-scale Farming in Japan Through a Case Study of Kenji Maeda's Herb Farming Methodologies
Yoshihisa GODO / Tai Wei LIM
・Comparative management research on gender in companies:
Germany as an example
Mihoko Satogami
- Prospects for developing a new employee employability skills scale
~ Centered on Bangladesh ~
Mohammad Khasro MIAH / Michiko Izumiya
・A Research Note: Revisiting the Examination of the Internal Labor Market Clarified by Doeringer and Piore with Reference to the Practice of Employment and Wages in Japanese Management
Kosuke MORI / Naoki KURIYAMA

Soka Management Review No. 46 (PDF)
・A Research Note on Teleworking Challenges for Better Working Modality
under the COVID-19 Pandemic from 2020 to 2021 in Japan
・Research on hourly operating profit
--Industry-specific analysis in Japan before COVID-19--
Hidehiro Hiraoka
・Overview of the covered bond market in Denmark
Hirohisa Shimura
・Exploratory research on CSV business of Korean companies
Koji Yoshimoto
・Investments, Trade and Port Management in the Maritime Silk Road (MSR):
Comparative Japanese and Chinese Approaches
Tai Wei LIM
・A study on competitive behavior in platform businesses
- Comparing the platform strategies of system equipment companies and web service companies -
Masanori Yasuda
・Supporting foreign workers using machine translation
-Towards achieving the SDGs
Kazuma Hatano
The quantitative expansion and decline of in-company schools and training institutes in postwar Japan
-Focusing on the postwar reconstruction period and the period of high economic growth-
Takahiro Ohba

Soka Management Review No. 45 (PDF)
・Considerations regarding consolidation and elimination of financial institutions in Denmark
- The role of Finansiel Stabilitet -
Hirohisa Shimura
・Corporate Governance at Singapore State Holding Company Temasek
- Regarding the relationship between ownership and governance of state-run enterprises (SOEs) -
Nakamura Miyuki
・A Brief Narrative and Survey of Interdisciplinary Learning and the Corporatization of Skills
Tai Wei LIM
・Impact and current situation of COVID-19 on the Indian tourism industry
Gautam Prakash
・Research Note: Efforts to Ensure Compliance with Labor Provisions in Trade Agreements
- Developing a collaborative approach with stakeholders -
Hideyuki Tsujizuka and Naoki Kuriyama

Soka Management Review No. 44 (PDF)
・Commentary on the publication of the collection of essays in honor of Professor Dborough's retirement
Naoki Kuriyama
・Considerations on the Customer Experience Management Cycle
David Marutschke
・The Basics of Business Ethics and CSR in JAPAN
Hiroo Takahashi
・A Case Study of Non-Mainstream Local Governance and the Political Economy
of Business Revitalization in Osaka
T.W. Lim / Y. Godo
・Formation of the Concepts of Human Resource and Human Resource Management:
Transformation from Industrial Relations and Personnel Management(A Research Note)
・Overview of the Danish financial system
Hirohisa Shimura
・South Korea's electricity trading market - Pre- and post-regulation reform and issues -
Xu Mingyu
・ Professor Emeritus Philippe Dborough’s profile and research achievements

Vol.43 No.2
Vol.43 No.2
Soka Management Review No. 43 No. 2 (PDF)
・A Research Note for Japanese Perspectives on Responsible Management
Naoki Kuriyama
・Considerations on university management based on humanistic management at Kenyo University
Hirohisa Shimura
The impact of apprenticeships on labor unions and labor-management relations during the postwar reconstruction period and the early period of high economic growth
- Focusing on the 1950 dispute between Hitachi and Toyota -
Takahiro Ohba
・Language issues for foreign workers from the perspective of humanistic management
Kazuma Hatano
・Diversification of Private Labels in the Japanese Retail Industry
David Maltschke
・The history of electricity deregulation in Korea and its review
Xu Mingyu
・Role of Policies and FDI in Shaping of the Automobile Industry in India
Shrestha Sahadev

Vol.43 No.1
Vol.43 No.1
Soka Management Review No. 43 No. 1 (PDF)
Collection of essays in honor of the retirement of Professor Nobuo Sakuma
・Commemorative Collection of Papers in Honor of the Retirement of Professor Nobuo Sakuma
Naoki Kuriyama
・Panasonic's history during and after the war
Akira Komatsu
・Organizational Narrative Approach
Masayasu Takahashi
・A study on service innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises
- Focusing on cases of corporations entering the licensed childcare business -
Yoshimi Inoue
・Corporate Governance Research Methods
--The conflict between economic objectives and institutional research--
Masato Kamekawa
- Institutional change and cultural inconsistency
- Focusing on ongoing work style reform -
Yoshitaka Ohira
・Thoughts on the Field: Approaching Bernard
Yasuyuki Ishii
・Rethinking Corporate Governance in the Age of Globalization
- Considering the example of Nissan Motors -
Yumiko Miwa
・A study on changes and characteristics of technology cooperation between Japan and Korea
Lee Hong Bae
・Reasons behind increased sales at duty-free shops for Korean cosmetics companies
Lee Hyun-bae
・Marketing Renewable Energy
―Current State and Challenges
Carsten Herbes
・Practical issues in M&A management
-How to gain competitive advantage through M&A-
Koichi Nakamura
・Preliminary study on CSR and leadership in small and medium-sized enterprises
-Research on socially responsible leadership and its succession-
Yoshinori Yaguchi
- Supervisory board nomination committees and co-determination systems for German listed companies
Murata University
・ Professor Emeritus Nobuo Sakuma's profile
・List of research achievements of Professor Emeritus Nobuo Sakuma

Vol.42 No.2
Vol.42 No.2
Soka Management Review No. 42 No. 2 (PDF)
・Symbolic Leadership and Humanistic Management Approach of Konosuke Matsushita:
A Study on the Implications of the Approach in the High Growth Period
of Japanese Manufacturing in Post-war Japan
Naoki Kuriyama
・ESG Investment Strategies of Public Institutional Investors: From the Perspective of Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs)
Miyuki Nakamura
・Current status of Danish corporate governance
Hirohisa Shimura
・Humanistic management and English education
Kazuma Hatano
・Online Retailing in India: Present Situation and Future Growth Opportunities
Shrestha Saroj
・Characteristics of Service Industry & Japanese Service Industries in Asia
Hiroo Takahashi

Vol.42 No.1
Vol.42 No.1
Soka Management Review Vol. 42 No. 1 (PDF)
Collection of essays in commemoration of the retirement of Professor Kaoru Yamanaka
・On the occasion of the publication of the collection of essays in commemoration of the retirement of Professor Kaoru Yamanaka
Special contribution paper by Chikayuki Kinoshita
・Major papers written by Professor Kaoru Yamanaka

Vol.41 No.2
Vol.41 No.2
Soka Management Review Vol. 41 No. 2 (PDF)
・Management of older workers and evolution of the psychological contract in Japan
Dborough Philip
- The genealogy of humanistic perspectives in the development of human resource management concepts
Research notes for undergraduate textbooks
Naoki Kuriyama
・Sony Group's business strategies and financial information analysis
Hidehiro Hiraoka
・Corporate Governance in Singapore
- The process and significance of introducing a governance code -
Nakamura Miyuki

Vol.41 No.1
Vol.41 No.1
- Inaugural speech
Naoki Kuriyama PDF (1093KB)
- Editorial Founding Spirit and the pursuit of humanistic management
Kaoru Yamanaka PDF (1174KB)

Invited Papers
- Special contribution to the "Soka University Faculty of Business Administration Administration 40th Anniversary Collection"
Humanistic management as Konosuke Matsushita's royal road to success
Chikayuki Kino PDF (1406KB)
- An Introduction to Humanistic Management
Ernst von KimakowitzPDF(1566KB)
- Wisdom, Courage and Compassion and the Five Key Drivers of Humanistic Management
Ernst von KimakowitzPDF(1153KB)
General Papers
- A study on humanistic management proposed by the Humanistic Management Center: A research note based on the results of exchanges with Faculty of Business Administration at Soka University
Naoki Kuriyama PDF (1835KB)
- An Overview of "Humanistic Management"
Kaoru Yamanaka PDF (1492KB)
- Integrated Reporting and Humanistic Management of Value Creation
Hidehiro Hiraoka PDF (1506KB)
- Humanistic Management and Financial Markets for Building a Sustainable Society
Sachiyo Nomura PDF (1761KB)
- A consideration of the potential of humanism to open up the future of capitalism
Yasuda, Masanori PDF (1293KB)
- Humanistic Business
Dylan ScudderPDF(1187KB)
- Employee Well-being and Engagement - a Growing Challenge for the Japanese Economy
David MarutschkePDF(1328KB)
- The true image of humanistic management as seen in CSR, CSV, and SDGs
Kaoru Yamanaka PDF (686KB)
- Elderly workers in Japan: the need for a new approach
Philippe DebrouxPDF(882KB)
- Labour Standards of international CSR initiatives and the standpoints of Asian Employers Organizations ― Referring to a survey for Asian Empoyers Organisatios in 2011

Volume 37 No.1, 2, 3
Volume 37 No.1, 2, 3
- Female Entrepreneurship in Asia : The Case of Japan,South-Korea, Malaysia and Vietnam
Philippe DebrouxPDF(688KB)
- Panasonic's structural reform and financial analysis: Towards becoming a truly environmentally innovative company
Hidehiro Hiraoka PDF (908KB)
- M&A Strategies of Indian, French and Japanese Automobile Companies
Sedain Madhav Prasad PDF (1650KB)
- Stakeholder Engagement in Conflict-Affected Areas:A Perspective on Recent Practice
Dylan ScudderPDF(677KB)

Volume 36 No.1, 2, 3
Volume 36 No.1, 2, 3
- The power of Japanese social entrepreneurs as seen in the "55 Social Businesses"
Kaoru Yamanaka PDF (1020KB)
- The role of companies and people as socially contributing organizations as seen from the ideas of the three wise men
Kaoru Yamanaka PDF (754KB)
- Sustainable Human Resource Management (HRM) in East and Southeast Asia
Philippe DebrouxPDF(773KB)
- Intellectual Property Management at Intel
Masatomo Inuzuka PDF (913KB)
- Environmental Liabilities and Investment Decisions: An Asset Retirement Obligation (ARO)-Based Approach
Hidehiro Hiraoka PDF (740KB)
- The Changing Process of Investment Trends in the Government-Affiliated Fund GIC: Considerations from the Perspective of the Financial System
Nakamura Miyuki PDF (487KB)

Volume 35 No.1, 2, 3
Volume 35 No.1, 2, 3
- Social enterprise evaluation criteria and their application
Kaoru Yamanaka PDF (528KB)
- Realizing the "SGI Day" Commemorative Proposals by Social Entrepreneurs
Kaoru Yamanaka PDF (428KB)
- Verification and pursuit of various hypotheses regarding the improvement of purchasing motivation: I -- Dealing with the gradual decline in purchasing motivation in stores --
Takayuki Watanabe PDF (1620KB)
- Verification and Examination of Hypotheses Regarding Increasing Purchasing Motivation: II -- A New Logic Hypothesis for Supermarkets --
Takayuki Watanabe PDF (538KB)
- Investment Strategies of Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs): Focusing on the Case of Singapore's Temasek Holding Company
Nakamura MiyukiPDF (534KB)
- The benefits of unique ownership structures for Chinese listed companies on corporate performance and corporate governance
Nishimura, Susumu PDF (487KB)
Volume 34 No.2・3
Volume 34 No.2・3
- The Evolution of Human Resource Managementin in East and South-East Asia
Philippe DebrouxPDF(124KB)
- The DRAM Strategy of the Korean Semiconductor Industry: Focusing on the Case of Samsung Electronics
Masatomo Inuzuka PDF (570KB)
- Analysis of elevator riding manners using multi-agent simulation --Application of management science (2)--
Isamu Okada PDF (732KB)
- Analysis of Investment Trends in Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs): From the Perspective of Strategic Asset Allocation
Nakamura MiyukiPDF (373KB)
- Redesigning the student portfolio system based on the results of the trial operation of S-Link
Masamitsu Mochizuki, Masanori Takagi, and Yoshimi Teshigahara PDF (878KB)
- Moral Hazard and Financial Restrictions in the Banking Industry: A Preliminary Study
Yutaka Domae PDF (319KB)
- The capital maintenance provisions of the UK Companies Act 2006
Shigeru Shinohara PDF (246KB)
Vol.34 No.1
Vol.34 No.1
Special Feature in Commemoration of the Retirement of Professor Tsutami Takahashi
- On the occasion of the publication of the collection of essays in commemoration of the retirement of Professor Tsutami Takahashi
Maeda Kiyotaka PDF (123KB)
- Faculty of Business Administration and Me
Takahashi Tsutami PDF (1871KB)
- The impact of new product development
Toyohiro Kono PDF (243KB)
- Board of Directors: Authority and Responsibility
Toshio Takahashi PDF (426KB)
- Concept and typology of eco-products
Takao Nuki PDF (414KB)
- Current status and challenges of Japanese business management
Hirokuni Togawa PDF (364KB)
- A Study on Product Innovation: The Evolution of Product Groups from the Perspective of "Function & Benefit Concept"
Ichiro Ozawa PDF (605KB)
- Why organizational capabilities as a source of product innovation are not improving
Endo Kenya PDF (509KB)
- A Study on Organizational Consistency Issues: Starting from Strategic Human Resource Management
Sugio Baba PDF (349KB)
- Mechanism of ethical learning in organizations: Presentation of a conceptual model
Toshiyuki Yamada PDF (476KB)
- Three-stage relative criteria type block method preliminary examination design problem -- Application of management science (1) --
Isamu Okada PDF (346KB)
Book Review
- Book Review: "The Process of Former Level Strategy" by Shigemitsu Ashizawa
(Hakuto Shobo, December 2009) Nobuo Sakuma PDF (196KB)
Vol. 33 No. 3 (February 2009)
Vol. 33 No. 3 (February 2009)
- Chinese Business Ethics
Kanayama, Gon PDF (456KB)
- Business Ethics in the UK: In light of CSR Trends
Nobuyuki Demise PDF (381KB)
- Korean companies and "ethical management"
By Jaeho PDF (406KB)
- Business Ethics in America
Yukiko Suzuki PDF (423KB)
- Business ethics in Germany
Ken Matsuda PDF (520KB)
- Institutional Investors and Corporate Governance Reform
Nobuo Sakuma PDF (408KB)

Vol. 33 No. 2 (February 2009)
Vol. 33 No. 2 (February 2009)
- Analysis of the current situation of Japanese companies in the semiconductor industry and product strategy management
Masatomo Inuzuka PDF (680KB)
- Corporate and business evaluation indicators using the IRR approach -- CRR and CFROI --
Hidehiro Hiraoka PDF (281KB)
- Stimuli on the sales floor and purchasing decision-making: II --Issues on the sales floor observed in the actual purchasing decision-making process (part 2)--
Takayuki Watanabe PDF (542KB)
- "Society and Business" in the Age of Globalization: In Relation to Neoliberalism
Hiroyuki Kunishima PDF (451KB)
- Report: Management Education for Sustainable Development and Our Faculty
Achievements of the Global Program (GP) - Marking the 5th Anniversary of the GP
Naoki Kuriyama PDF (405KB)

Vol. 33 No. 1 (February 2009)
Vol. 33 No. 1 (February 2009)
- Stimuli on the sales floor and purchasing decision-making: I - Issues on the sales floor observed in purchasing decision-making (part 1) -
Takayuki Watanabe PDF (913KB)
- A Study on the Relationship between Stakeholders and Human Resource Management (HRM) -- Tracing the Lineage of Development of HRM Theory and Competitive Strategy Theory --
Naoki Kuriyama PDF (566KB)
- Cash flow concepts for the financial evaluation of companies and businesses
Hidehiro Hiraoka PDF (371KB)
- The Position of SRI (Socially Responsible Investment) in Financial Transactions
Nakamura MiyukiPDF (495KB)
- Designing an electronic portfolio system to record student life
Masamitsu Mochizuki, Masanori Takagi, and Yoshimi Teshigahara PDF (1413KB)

Vol.32 No.1-3 (February 2008)
Vol.32 No.1-3 (February 2008)
- Curriculum design for first-year IT education based on the results of a questionnaire survey on information processing abilities
Kaoru Yamanaka PDF (460KB)
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development in Asia:a Growing Awareness
Philip Dboulud PDF (115KB)
- The Concept and Direction of Human Resource Management through Improvement of Working and Living Conditions: With Reference to the Perspective of the 2007 ILO General Conference Report "Sustainable Enterprises"
Naoki Kuriyama PDF (443KB)
- Earnings information for financial evaluation of companies and businesses
Hidehiro Hiraoka PDF (660KB)
- Moral Hazard in the Banking Industry, Deposit Funding Externalities, and Interest Rate Deregulation: A General Equilibrium Analysis
Yutaka Domae PDF (290KB)

- "Soka Management Essay Collection" Table of Contents (Vol. 1 to Vol. 32) PDF (497KB)
Vol. 31 No. 3 (March 2007)
Vol. 31 No. 3 (March 2007)
30th Anniversary Faculty of Business Administration Administration Special Issue: Current Status and Issues of Business Education
- Celebrating the 30th anniversary Faculty of Business Administration Administration
Maeda Kiyotaka

Featured Articles
- Executive education: The MBA course and its opposite
Tsuneo Sasaki
- Trends in business graduate schools for working adults and examples of launching graduate schools at mid-sized latecomer universities: Focusing on the experience of Momoyama Gakuin University's "Japan-China Collaborative Business Course"
Nobuyuki Kataoka
- Development of regional management education
Takenori Saito
- An Introduction to Management Education: The Significance of "Success Factor Analysis" and "Manager Ranking"
Hirokazu Tsujimura
- Management Change and Management Education: Based on the Case of Misumi Corporation
Yuji Yoshida
General Papers
- Financial deepening and financial restraint through deposit funding
Yutaka Domae
Vol. 31 No. 1 & 2 (February 2007)
Vol. 31 No. 1 & 2 (February 2007)
- The Development of a Stable and Sustainable Employment System in East and South-East Asia
Philippe Dborough
- Environmental Regulation and Competitive Strategy: Reexamination of the "Porter Hypothesis"
Amaya Naga
- International development of partnerships among companies, labor unions, and NGOs in promoting CSR: The beginnings of a multi-stakeholder approach in labor
Naoki Kuriyama
- A Note on the New Theory of Civil Society and Civil Management
Hiroyuki Kunishima
- The Common Pool Deposit Market and Interest Rate Regulation
Yutaka Domae
Volume 31, Issue 3, March 2007
Volume 31, Issue 3, March 2007
30th Anniversary of Faculty of Business Administration Administration
Special Feature: Current Status and Issues of Management Education
Celebrating the 30th anniversary Faculty of Business Administration Administration
Kiyotaka Maeda...i
Featured Articles
Executive education: The MBA course and its opposite
Morimoto Mitsuo…1
Management education in Japanese universities: Who teaches what and how?
Tsuneo Sasaki...13
Nobuyuki Kataoka...21
Development of regional management education
Takenori Saito…39
Hirokazu Tsujimura…51
Management Change and Management Education: Based on the Case of Misumi Corporation
Yuji Yoshida...63
General Papers
Financial deepening and financial restraint through deposit funding
Toyo Domae…75
Vol. 30 No. 2 & 3 (March 2006)
Vol. 30 No. 2 & 3 (March 2006)
- External Oversight and Corporate Governance in Japan
Nobuo Sakuma
- rporate Social Responsibility in Asia: the Beginning of the Road
Philippe Dborough
- Competitive Strategies of Taiwanese Semiconductor Manufacturers
Masatomo Inuzuka
- Website visitor exit and on-site transitions
Takehisa Kaneko
Vol. 30 No. 1 (January 2006)
Vol. 30 No. 1 (January 2006)
- CSR and the Importance of Humanistic Leaders
Kaoru Yamanaka
- Financial Globalization and the Roles of Competition-Restriction Policies
Yutaka Domae
- Construction and operation of a mobile phone teaching support system
Isamu Okada
- Survey report on the faculty preference of students of Faculty of Business Administration and Faculty Faculty of Economics when taking the entrance examination
Kaoru Yamanaka
Volume 30, Issue 2 & 3, March 2006
Volume 30, Issue 2 & 3, March 2006
External Oversight and Corporate Governance in Japan
Nobuo Sakuma...1
Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia: the Beginning of the Road
Philippe Dborough…17
Competitive Strategies of Taiwanese Semiconductor Manufacturers
Masatomo Inuzuka…31
Website visitor exit and on-site transitions
Takehisa Kaneko...45
Volume 30, Issue 1, January 2006
Volume 30, Issue 1, January 2006
CSR and the Importance of Humanistic Leaders
Kaoru Yamanaka…1
Financial Globalization and the Roles of Competition-Restriction Policies
Toyo Domae…17
Construction and operation of a mobile phone teaching support system
Isamu Okada...41
Kaoru Yamanaka…63
Volume 29, Issue 3, March 2005
Volume 29, Issue 3, March 2005
Environmental Management and SRI
Nobuyuki Tokoro...1
Corporate Social Responsibility in the Age of Globalisation
Gyorgy SZELL…17
Consumers' true feelings and pretenses regarding environmental issues
Takehisa Kaneko…33
Free management consultation for small and medium-sized enterprises
Masamitsu Mochizuki/Kanji Sato…55
Isamu Okada...65
Environmental policies and incentives for companies to reduce emissions
Naga Amaya…77
Volume 29, Issue 1 & 2, December 2004
Volume 29, Issue 1 & 2, December 2004
Humanistic Management and the Spirit of Innovation in Management at Matsushita Electric Industrial
Kaoru Yamanaka…1
Leadership Skills and Humanistic Management
Masatomo Inuzuka…15
On the Potential of Simulation Research for Computational Social Sciences: Modelogy (2)
Isamu Okada...41
The Position of Data Mining in Internet CRM
Takehisa Kaneko…57
Takayuki Watanabe...71
Volume 28, Issues 1, 2, and 3 Combined March 2004
Volume 28, Issues 1, 2, and 3 Combined March 2004
Special Feature: Corporate Social Responsibility
Featured Articles
Rationale for Corporate Social Responsibility and the Stakeholder Approach
Morimoto Mitsuo…1
The origins of social responsibility theory and A. Marshall's economic chivalry
Katsuhiko Sakurai...15
Changing position of social responsibility as companies grow
Takahide Taiki…27
The Significance and Challenges of the United Nations Global Compact
Toru Umeda...39
Innovation and Corporate Social Responsibility
Tsutami Takahashi...55
Current status of operations and corporate governance of companies with committees
Nobuo Sakuma...65
Reflexions on the Debate on Corporate Social Responsibility
Philippe Debroux…79
Naoki Kuriyama...89
A framework for value creation in corporate management
Hidehiro Hiraoka…105
General Papers
An Attempt at Humanistic Management
Kaoru Yamanaka…115
Memorandum on Sustainable Economic Growth
Toyo Domae…129
Towards a modelology based on the development of simulation techniques (1)
Isamu Okada...141
Report on academic activities of members of the Japan Academy of Management