
IRISE launched its official Youtube Channel and Instagram!

IRISE’s Official Instagram Handle: soka_irise_official


This account was created to share the latest updates from the institute to a wider audience, including Soka University students.

The account will feature the latest updates from the institute.

The account’s posts are written in both Japanese and English, featuring various contents.
Please follow us on Instagram and we look forward to any suggestions and comments.

IRISE’s Official Youtube Channel – Soka University History Channel

Soka University’s history will be introduced here with a variety of topics and themes. As part of learning about the university’s history, this channel is open exclusively to current students and university staff. The youtube links are uploaded on the university’s portal site every month, including introductions to specific places of interest on campus, and the origin of past significant events and traditions. English subtitles are also available.

We look forward to the comments and requests from students and faculty staff.
