ザッパ アキーレ

専門分野 | My research interests include Semantic Web Technologies, Semantic Data Mashup, Linked Data, Data Management, Data Governance, Knowledge Engineering, Big Data Integration, Semantic Integration in various domains: Life Sciences & Health Care, Wellbeing, Smart Cities, Genomic, Finance. Workflow Management, IoT Semantic Interoperability, IoT semantic Data & Systems Integration. I have been a University of Galway Academic Council Researcher Representative Member for 6 years and the W3c Advisory Committee Representative for Insight @ University of Galway for 9 years. During my time in W3c I was also a member of W3c Groups like the HCLS IG, Web of Things (WoT) IG and WG, Spatial Data on the Web WG. I worked for the main Insight Semantic Web and Linked Data Strand and UIoT and Stream Processing Unit, with collaboration with different units and involvement in multiple National and International projects, especially European Projects with large Consortia. |
研究テーマ | Applications of Semantic Web Technologies and Linked Data Principles |
研究内容 | I am specialised in Data Management, IT, Computer Science, Knowledge Engineering, Project Management in Multidisciplinary Domains, and has 15 years’ experience in research across a range of funded projects in Ireland and Italy. Core research interests are focused on semantic web technologies, data integration, IoT, Life Sciences and data management. Highly analytical, innovative, and has displayed advanced research project management capacity. Working collaboratively as part of local and international teams, enjoys complexity, and possesses a portfolio of advanced technical skills. Progressive history of publications and brings strong intellectual curiosity, relationship management, and presenting skills. Eager to take up a senior leading role. |
主な経歴・職歴・学歴 | 学歴 1998.9.1 Enrollment to Faculty of Electronic Engineering Università 2006.7.28 Master Degree in Biomedical Engineering, Università degli Studi Genova, Italy. 2010.1.1 Enrollment to School of BioEngineering, Ph.D. Student Università 2013.4.30 Ph.D. in Bioengineering at Università degli Studi diGenova (DIBRIS), 職歴 1997.3.5 ICT Consultant, Private teacher 2002.3.1 IT Consultant, www.technival.com, www.hgn.it , websites 2007.5.1 Internship in Information Technology – IT Marketing,©Swimming 2008.1.1 Research Assistant, IST (National Cancer Research Institute) Genova, 2009.1.1 Research Associate, CNR (National Research Council) – IEIIT Via De Marini, 6 – 10151, Genova, Italy 2010.1.1 Ph.D. Student in Bioengineering, Research Assistant, at Università
•November 2012 – December 2012, Visiting Researcher DERI Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Galway, Ireland •September 2012 - October 2012, Visiting Researcher Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK •September 2011 – October2011, Visiting Researcher Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK
2014.5.1 Senior Post Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Galway, |
所属学会・団体 | 2018.4.2 AIOTI – Alliance for the Internet of Things Innovation, member. 2018.5.1 BDVA Big Data Value Association, member. 2009.6.1 BITS Bioinformatics Italian Society, member. 2015.6.21 ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute, action groups member. 2016.6.1 Force11, member. 2010.4.12 ISCB International Society for Computational BiologyISCB International Society for Computational Biology, member. RDA Research Data sharing Alliance, member. 2015.2.10 W3C (The World Wide Web Consortium) Insight Centre for Data Analytics W3C AC Advisory Committee Representative, Member of groups: HCLS , Web of Things, RDF-Star, Spatial Data on the Web WG, Dataset Exchange Working Group, Bioschemas for lifesciences Group, schema.org, |
主な論文・著書 | ・Concepts and Design Thinking Innovation Addressing the Global Financial Needs: The INFINTECH Way Foundations Part I M Serrano, B Khorsand, J Soldatos Et al. 2023 Now Publishers M Serrano, B Khorsand, J Soldatos Et al.
A Zappa, CH Le, M Serrano, E Curry 2022 Springer
・Data Platforms for Data Spaces Anjomshoaa A, Elvira SCáceres, Wolff C, Baún JCarlos Pé, Karvounis M, Mellia M, Athanasiou S, Katsifodimos A, Garatzogianni A, Trügler A, Serrano M, Zappa A, Glikman Y, Tuikka T, Curry E 2022 Springer
・Data Marketplaces with a Free Sampling Service Rafael Gen´es-Dur´an∗, Oscar Esparza∗, Juan Hern´andez-Serrano∗, Fernando Rom´an-Garc´ıa∗, Miquel Soriano∗ Achille Zappa†, Martin Serrano†, Susanne Stahnke‡, Birthe B¨ohm‡, Edgar Fries‡, Vasiliki Koniakou§, Bruno Michel¶ and Jose L. Mu˜noz-Tapia∗ 2022 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing
・AIoTES: Setting the principles for semantic interoperable and modern IoT-enabled reference architecture for Active and Healthy Ageing ecosystems. Clara I. Valero a, Alejandro M. Medrano Gil b, Regel Gonzalez-Usach a, Matilde Julian a, Giuseppe Fico b, Maria Teresa Arredondo, Thanos G. Stavropoulos, Dimitrios Strantsalis, Antonis Voulgaridis, Felipe Roca, Antonio J. Jara, Martín Serrano, Achille Zappa, Yasar Khan, Sergio Guillen, Pilar Sala, Andreu Belsa, Konstantinos Votis, Carlos E. Palau 2021 Elsevier
・Convolutional Embedded Networks for Population Scale Clustering and Bio-ancestry Inferencing Md. Rezaul Karim, Michael Cochez, Achille Zappa, Ratnesh Sahay, Oya Beyan, Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann, Stefan Decker 2020 IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
・Deep learning-based clustering approaches for bioinformatics Md Rezaul Karim, Oya Beyan, Achille Zappa, Ivan G Costa, Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann, Michael Cochez, Stefan Decker 2020 Briefings in Bioinformatics
・2nd Connected World/Web & Semantic Interoperability Workshop 2019 (IoT-CWSI 2019) A Zappa, M Serrano 2019 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Internet of Things
・The BIG-IoT API-semantically enabling IoT interoperability. A Bröring, A Ziller, V Charpenay, AS Thuluva, D Anicic, S Schmid, A Zappa, 2018 IEEE Pervasive Computing
・Improving data workflow systems with cloud services and use of open data for bioinformatics research Md Rezaul Karim, Audrey Michel, Achille Zappa, Pavel Baranov, Ratnesh Sahay, Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann 2018 Briefings in bioinformatics
・Advancing IoT platforms interoperability O Vermesan et al. 2018 Taylor & Francis
・Recurrent deep embedding networks for genotype clustering and ethnicity prediction Md. Rezaul Karim, M. Cochez, O. Beyan, Achille Zappa, R. Sahay, Stefan Decker, D. Rebholz-Schuhmann 2018 Computer Science ArXiv
・Matching offerings and queries on an Internet of Things marketplace V Charpenay, H Nguyen, M Ibrahim, A Zappa, A Bröring 2018 Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2018)
M Karim, A Zappa, R Sahay, D Rebholz-Schuhmann 2017 SeWeBMeDA, ESWC, ceur
・An architecture for interoperable IoT ecosystems Stefan Schmid, Arne Bröring, Denis Kramer, Sebastian Käbisch, Achille Zappa, Martin Lorenz, Yong Wang, Andreas Rausch, Luca Gioppo 2017 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer
・Overcoming the heterogeneity in the internet of things for smart cities Aqeel Kazmi, Zeeshan Jan, Achille Zappa & Martin Serrano 2017 Springer
・“A first RDF implementation of the COSMIC database on mutations in cancer”. Zappa A, Romano P 2012 EMBnet.journal
・“Hazel and other sources of paclitaxel and related compounds” Miele M, Mumot A, Zappa A, Romano P, Ottaggio L 2012 Phytochemistry
・“Towards linked open gene mutations data.” Zappa A, Splendiani A, Romano P 2012 BMC bioinformatics
・“IBWS: IST Bioinformatics Web Services”. Zappa A, Miele M, Romano P 2010 Nucleic Acids Research, |