

国際平和学研究科は、グローバル化の加速に伴いかつてない変化をしている国際社会を牽引する創造的「世界市民」(Global Citizenship)を養成するために、「平和で持続可能なグローバル社会の構築」に関する高度な研究を推進し、その成果に基づいた教育を実施します。


国際平和学研究科長 小出 稔




国際平和学研究科は、「国際関係論」と「平和学」を含む「国際平和学」を対象として研究と教育を行い、政策構想力と提言力を有する創造的「世界市民」(Global Citizenship)を養成します。



  1. グローバル化を深める社会が直面する様々な政策課題を、自他共の幸福と繁栄を 目指す世界市民の視座から、創造的に解決する人材の輩出
  2. 「国際関係論」と「平和学」の両研究分野における高度な学識とスキルを有する 人材の輩出


Master’s Thesis Assessment Criteria

Master’s thesis assessment consists of the evaluation of a thesis and final examination (oral presentation). The passing score is 70 points or above.

Evaluation of a master’s thesis (90 points)
  1. Does the student provide a well-written thesis with a clearly structured argument? (15 points)
  2. Is the overall research topic of the thesis realistic and well thought-out? (15 points)
  3. Does the student specify a reasonable research question(s) and support its execution with sufficient evidence? (15 points)
  4. Has the student demonstrated a sufficient understanding of appropriate theories (including International Relations and Peace Studies), methods, practices, and techniques applicable to the research put forward in the thesis?  (15 points)                                                                   
  5. Does the thesis show originality in the application of knowledge (i.e., theory and/or empirical evidence)? (15 points)
  6. Does the student sufficiently show an ability to communicate and evaluate the research findings/results? (15 points)
Evaluation of a final examination (10 points)
  1. Does the student present the research in an effective manner? (10 points)

Master’s Thesis Evaluation Committee and Evaluation Procedures

At the end of the first semester, students select an academic advisor among SIPS faculty members teaching Seminars according to their respective research interests and topics. The students also select a sub-advisor from the remaining of full-time SIPS faculty members. These two faculty members for each student constitute a Master’s Thesis Advisory Committee.

Students submit their master’s theses by the designated period in the second semester of Year 2. Upon submission, each Master’s Thesis Advisory Committee organizes a Master’s Thesis Evaluation Committee by appointing one additional member who is selected from Soka University full-time faculty members teaching a course(s) at the graduate level or from outside of Soka University and is approved by the Dean of the School of International Peace Studies, and conducts a final examination for the submitted master’s theses.. This final examination is open to the public and conducted during the Final Examination Period in the second semester. Students make oral presentations on their theses, followed by a Q&A session with the examiners. The three examiners then meet behind closed doors to decide whether to approve the submitted theses.