




International Relations, Peace and Security, Human Rights, International Law


Global Approaches to Peace, Responsibility to Protect, Development of International Law


Building on previous research and writing in International Relations, International Institutions and Global Governance my current research examines deeper some recent normative and policy developments, such as the norm Responsibility to Protect, the need of reforms in the United Nations, the increasing role of BRICS in global governance. My interest is how international relations and international law will develop in the future to address the major global challenges, such as continuing armed conflicts, terrorism, proliferation of dangerous weapons, human displacement, human rights violations, climate change etc.


When undertaking a new research project, I ask myself the following: Is the research novel? What new knowledge does it bring? Does it fill a gap in the existent body of the discipline? Does it interact with other disciplines? Is the subject of inquiry clearly formulated? What will be the outcomes of the research? Are these outcomes feasible to achieve? Who will benefit from these outcomes? I search for partners, if the research is collaborative and we fundraise and work together. If this is a single-authored publication, I consult the top experts in the world sharing my plan and hypothesis, and later my initial findings and I take their advice accordingly.
In education I follow student-centered approach, or demand-driven, rather than supply-driven educational process. My teaching is both interactive and deductive. Students are the raison d’etre of the University and I am happy to spend all my time with them. They are all equal and deserve equally to benefit from my experience to learn and develop their analytical skills. I support students to acquire deep and comprehensive knowledge of all phenomena in their interest, to prepare themselves for the professions they would like to undertake, and to flourish in their educational dreams.

  • 2014-2018 Professor and Vice Dean, Law School, Jindal Global University, India
  • 2004-2014 Senior Academic Officer, United Nations University, Tokyo
  • 2002-2004 Legal Expert, TACIS project on human rights, EU Delegation in Moscow, Russia
  • 1999-2002 Asst. Professor, University of Exeter, UK
  • 1996-1999 PhD Candidate, Kings College London
  • PhD King’s College London
  • MSc London School of Economics
  • MA and BA Moscow Institute of International Affairs

Let us enjoy the classes together and develop further our knowledge and learning about the diverse and multicolored world, in which we live in. Welcome to agree and disagree, to debate and question, to provoke and challenge. A balance of continuity and change makes history progress.