
専門分野 | Sociology |
研究テーマ | Media Sociology; Youth and Gender Studies; Ethnicity and Identity; Poverty and Elderly; Migration and Refugees; |
研究室情報 | 中央教育棟 AW905 |
担当科目 | Sociology of Globalization, SeminarⅠ&Ⅲ, Principal of Sociology, Transnational Migration, SeminarⅡ& Junior Paper |
主な経歴・職歴・学歴 | Ph.D. in Media Sociology, Doshisha University, 2008 Before pursuing my Ph.D. studies, I worked as a print and broadcast media journalist. My multilingual proficiency in English, Chinese (Cantonese, Taiwanese, and Mandarin), Malay, and Japanese allows me to navigate the sea of information and present a diverse social world to the students. My cross-cultural experiences have enabled me the adaptability and versatility to conduct field research in different cultural and social settings. I succeeded in the Public Policy Research Funding, a Hong Kong government research grant, and managed the funding amounted to approximately JPY 9,160,000. I also publish my works in high-impact SSCI journals, such as Men and Masculinities (SSCI 5-year impact factor: 2.6) and Journal of Adolescence (SSCI 2021 impact factor: 3.25). |
メッセージ・ひとこと | Sociology is an exciting academic discipline that studies different aspects of social activities and poses questions even in the seemingly mundane routine of human lives: Why are you leading your life this way? |
専門分野 | Sociology |
研究テーマ | Media Sociology; Youth and Gender Studies; Ethnicity and Identity; Poverty and Elderly; Migration and Refugees; |