主な論文・著書 |
会津泉, 佐倉統, ほか. 人工生命 - 情報と生命と CG の交差点, 1994. 5., 共立出版.
柴田崇徳, 福田敏男, ほか. 人工生命の近未来 - 新たな生を作るテクノロジー, 1994. 10., 時事通信社
上田完次, 下原勝憲, ほか. 人工生命の方法, 1995. 10., 工業調査会.
高木晴夫, 木嶋恭一, ほか. マルチメディア時代の人間と社会 - ポリエージェント ソサエティ, 1995. 11., 日科技連出版社.
廣田薫, 鷲尾隆, ほか. 知能工学概論, 1996. 11., 昭晃堂.
Simulated Breeding − a Framework of Breeding Artifacts on the Computer. A. Adamatzky and M. Komosinski eds., Artificial Life Models in Software, pp. 301−322. Springer, 2005.
畝見達夫. 実例に基づく強化学習法, 人工知能学会誌, 7, [4], 697-707, 1992. 7.
Tatsuo Unemi. A Simple Evolvable Development System in Euclidean Space, Lectures on Mathematics in the Life Science, American Mathematical Society, 26, 103-110, 1999. 4.
T. Unemi, SBART 2.4: an IEC Tool for Creating 2D Images, Movies, and Collage, Leonardo, 35, No. 2, pp. 171, 189-191, MIT Press, 2002.
T. Unemi, Simulated Breeding - a Framework of Breeding Artifacts on the Computer, Kybernetes, 32, No. 1/2, pp. 203-220, 2003.
T. Sasaki, I. Okada, and T. Unemi, Probabilistic participation in public goods games, Proceedings of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences, 274, No. 1625, pp. 2639-U8, Oct. 22, 2007.
Tatsuo Unemi, Masahiro Nagayoshi, et al. Evolutionary Differentiation of Learning Abilities - a case study on optimizing parameter values in Q-learning by a genetic algorithm, A-LIFE IV, 331-336, Cambridge, MA, 1994.
Tatsuo Unemi and Takeshi Koike. Evolution of a Botanical Development System in 3D Euclidean Space, A-LIFE VI, 467-471, LA, CA. 1998.
Tatsuo Unemi. Should Seeds Fly or Not? A-LIFE VII, 253-259, Portland, OR. 2000.
Tatsuo Unemi, SBEAT3: A Tool for Multi-part Music Composition by Simulated Breeding, A-LIFE VIII, 410-413, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2002.
Tatsuo Unemi, Yoshiaki Kaneko and Ichiro Takahashi, War and Peace among Artificial Nations - a model and simulation based on a two-layered multi-agent system, ECAL 2003, Springer-Verlag LNCS/LNAI series, LNAI 2801, pp. 146-153, 2003.
Tatsuo Unemi and Daniel Bisig, Playing Music by Conducting BOID Agents - A Style of Interaction in the Life with A-Life, A-LIFE IX, 546-550, Boston, MA, 2004.
Tatsuo Unemi and Daniel Bisig, Music by Interaction among Two Flocking Species and Human, Third Iteration, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 171-179, 2005.
Tatsuo Unemi and Daniel Bisig: Flocking Messengers, in C. Soddu ed. Proceedings of the 9th Generative Art Conference, Milan, Italy, pp. 272-280, 2006.
Tatsuo Unemi and Daniel Bisig: Identity SA - an interactive swarm-based animation with a deformed reflection. in C. Soddu ed. Proceedings of the 10th Generative Art Conference, Milan, Italy, pp. 269-279, 2007.
Tatsuo Unemi, Yoshiaki Matsui and Daniel Bisig: Identity SA 1.6 - An artistic software that produces a deformed audiovisual reflection based on a visually interactive swarm. in Proceedings of the ACE 2008 International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 297-300, 2008.
Tatsuo Unemi: SBArt4 - Breeding Abstract Animations in Realtime, Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2010 - IEEE CEC 2010), 4004-4009, July 18-23, Barcelona, Spain, 2010.
Tatsuo Unemi: SBArt4 for an Automatic Evolutionary Art, Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2012 - IEEE CEC 2012), 2014-2021,June 10-15, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 2012.
主な受賞・展示・共同創作 |
Flocking Messengers (Tatsuo Unemi / Daniel Bisig), Honorary Mention, Vida 9.0 Concurso Internacional sobre Arte y Vida Artificial, 2006.
MediaFlies (Daniel Bisig / 畝見達夫), 優秀賞, 第10回文化庁メディア芸術祭アート部門, 2006.
Cycles (Daniel Bisig / Tatsuo Unemi), Audience Prize, Media Art Biennale WRO 2011 Alternative Now, 2011.
Flocking Orchestra (Tatsuo Unemi / Daniel Bisig) and MediaFlies (Daniel Bisig / Tatsuo Unemi), Lonardo II Art Show, in ACE 2006, Bel Age Hotel, West Holywood, CA, USA, June 14-16, 2006.
Flocking Messengers (Tatsuo Unemi / Daniel Bisig), Telefónica booth in ARCO 2007, IFEMA, Madrid, Spain, February 14-19, 2007.
MediaFlies (Daniel Bisig / Tatsuo Unemi), Japan Media Art Festival, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan, February 24-March 4, 2007.
Flocking Messengers (Tatsuo Unemi / Daniel Bisig) and MediaFlies (Daniel Bisig / Tatsuo Unemi), ArtEscapes, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, April 11-May 18, 2007.
Flocking Orchestra (Tatsuo Unemi / Daniel Bisig), Velocity Festival of Digital Culture, Lanternhouse, Ulverston, UK, October 11 - November 3, 2007.
ZugVoegel and Identity SA (Tatsuo Unemi / Daniel Bisig), Winter Fest, Hiroshima City University, November 26 - December 1, 2009.
Cycles (Daniel Bisig / Tatsuo Unemi), ISEA RUHR 2010 Exhibition, Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte Dortmund, Germany, August 20 - September 5, 2010.
--, lab30 Exhibition, Kulturhaus Abraxas, Augsburg, Germany, November 5-7, 2010.
--, Media Art Biennale WRO 2011, Pasaz Pokoyhof, Wroclav, Poland, May 10-June 19, 2011.