小林 幸夫(教授)

コバヤシ ユキオ

専門分野 数理物理・物性基礎
担当科目 線型代数学Ⅰ・Ⅱ、数学演習Ⅰ・Ⅱ、物理学A(基礎力学)、線型数理、確率統計、常微分方程式、基礎物理学、ケーススタディⅠ・Ⅱ、卒業研究Ⅰ・Ⅱ、演習Ⅰ・Ⅱ
研究テーマ タンパク質の立体構造構築原理に関する物理化学的研究



理工学研究科 情報システム工学専攻

  • 専門分野 数理物理 (蛋白質の立体構造構築原理, 複合系のトンネル効果に関する量子力学, 固体内電子によるX線非弾性散乱)
    担当科目 線型代数学I・II, 確率統計, 常微分方程式, 線型数理, 基礎力学, コンピュータ数理モデル A・B
    研究テーマ 理論物理学の一環として, 数理科学を応用して, 生体高分子の構造形成原理に関する理論的研究, 複合系 (簡単な量子3体系) のトンネル効果に関する量子力学, 固体内電子によるX線非弾性散乱に関する理論的研究に取り組んでいる。
    主な著書論文 著書:
    (1) Yukio Kobayashi: "Relations among Powers of 2, Combinations, and Symbolic Algebra",
    Reasoning and Sense-Making Activities for High School Mathematics: Selections from Mathematics Teacher a slight modified title from ours) (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2012) pp. 82-84. ISBN 978-0-87353-655-4.
    (2) 小林幸夫:『数学オフィスアワー 現場で出会う微積分・線型代数 〜 化学・生物系の数学基礎を実践する 〜』(現代数学社, 2011) B5 変形判, 572 pp. ISBN 978-4-7687-0419-6.
    (3) 小林幸夫:『数学ターミナル 線型代数の発想 楽屋裏から「なぜこう考えるのか」を探ってみよう』(現代数学社, 2008) B5 版, 380 pp. ISBN 978-4-7687-0378-6.
    (4) 日本バイオインフォマティクス学会編:『バイオインフォマティクス事典』 (共立出版, 2006)
    第 3 章物理科学 古典力学 pp. 211 - 218.
    (5) 日本生物工学会編:『生物工学ハンドブック』 (コロナ社, 2005)
    3.2.3 [2] pp. 185 - 188.
    (6) 小林幸夫:『力学ステーション』(森北出版, 2002) 256pp. ISBN 4-627-16061-5 C3042.
    (7) Nobuhiko Saito and Yukio Kobayashi: "The Physical Foundation of Protein Architecture" (World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2001) 150 pp. ISBN 981-02-4710-9.
    (1) Yukio Kobayashi: "X-Ray Raman Profiles of Solid Lithium on the KKR Method", Journal of The Physical Society of Japan 60 (1991) 659-665. 
    (2) Yukio Kobayashi: "Note on the Evaluation Method of the Configurational Partition Function of a Polypeptide Molecule : Relationship between the Matrix Method and the Generating Function Method", Journal of Chemical Physics 104 (1996) 6405-6406.
    (3) Yukio Kobayashi and Nobuhiko Saito: "Refolding of Myoglobins of Nonhomologous Sequences by the Island Model" , Journal of Protein Chemistry 16 (1997) 83-98.
    (4) Yukio Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Sasabe and Nobuhiko Saito: "Ab initio Method for Predicting Tertiary Structures of Globular Proteins", Fluid Phase Equilibria 144 (1998) 403-413.
    (5) Yukio Kobayashi: "A Geometric View of a Vector Identity", College Mathemetics Journal (Mathemetical Association of America) 29 (1998) 309-310.
    (6) Yukio Kobayashi: "Trigonometric Identity: The Difference of Two Sines or Two Cosines'', College Mathematics Journal: an official publication of the Mathematical Association of America 29 (1998) 133.
    Proofs without words II More exercises in visual thinking, ed. Roger B. Nelsen (The Mathematical Association of America, 2000) p.53 [秋山仁 ・ 奈良智惠 ・ 酒井利訓訳:『証明の展覧会II --- 眺めて愉しむ数学』(2003, 東海大学出版会) p. 68] に所収.
    (7) 小林幸夫:「物理量の概念の誤解と混乱」, 日本物理教育学会誌 (Journal of the Physics Education Society of Japan) 47 (1999) 338 - 340.
    (8) 小林幸夫:「量の対数の解釈と表記」, 日本物理教育学会誌 (Journal of the Physics Education Society of Japan) 48 (2000) 492-495.
    (9) Yukio Kobayashi and Nobuhiko Saito: "Secondary Structure Prediction and Folding of Globular Protein: Refolding of Ferredoxin", Journal of Protein Chemistry 20 (2001) 647-654.
    (10) Yukio Kobayashi: "Derivative of trigonometrical functions via matrices'', The Mathematical Gazette: A Journal of the Mathematical Association 85 (2001) 116 - 117.
    (11) Yukio Kobayashi: "Combining trigonometrical functions through vector multiplication'', The Mathematical Gazette: A Journal of the Mathematical Association 85 (2001) 124 - 125.
    (12) 小林幸夫:「銀樹のフラクタル成長を題材にした情報系の物理実験教育」, 日本物理学会: 「大学の物理教育」誌 (Physics Education in University) 2001-1 (2001) 46 - 49.
    (13) 小林幸夫:「剛体の平面運動における回転中心」, 日本物理学会誌 (BUTSURI) 57 (2002) 767 - 768.
    (14) 小林幸夫:「物理量の測定の意味:物理教育と算数・数学教育の接点」, 日本物理教育学会誌 (Journal of the Physics Education Society of Japan) 50 (2002) 243 - 247. 
    (15) 小林幸夫:「力学系と電気系の対応に関する注意」, 日本物理学会: 「大学の物理教育」誌 (Physics Education in University) 2003 - 1 (2003) 29 - 33.
    (16) Yukio Kobayashi: "A geometrical key to solution of differential equation: d^{2}x(t)/ dt^{2} &eq; - \omega^{2} x(t)'',
    The Mathematical Gazette: A Journal of the Mathematical Association 87 (2003) 163 - 166.
    (17) Yukio Kobayashi, Koichi Takahashi, Takashi Niitsu and Setsuko Shimoida: "Mathematical Modeling of Metal Leaves", Mathematics Magazine 76 (2003) 295 - 298.
    (18) Yukio Kobayashi: "A Simple Derivation of the Doppler Effect Formulae'', Physics Update 8 (2003) 22 - 24.
    (19) 小林幸夫:「液体の混合による体積と浮力の変化の実験」, 『子供の科学』 6月号 (2005, 誠文堂新光社) pp. 68 - 69.
    (20) Yukio Kobayashi: "Instantaneous Center of Rotation in Plane Motion of Sliding Rod", Physics Update 9 (2005) 35-37.
    (21) Yukio Kobayashi and Jim Boyd: "A Geometrical Interpretation of the Triple Angle Formulas", An International Journal Mathematics and Informatics Quarterly 15 - 3 (2005) 93 - 95.
    (22) 小林幸夫:「物理量の四則演算のしくみ:単位量の意味」, 日本物理教育学会誌 (Journal of the Physics Education Society of Japan) 53 (2005) 326 - 331.
    (23) 小林幸夫:「要素粒子数と物質量の概念に関する注意」, 日本化学会: 「化学と教育」誌 (Chemistry and Education) 53 (2005) 643 - 644.
    (24) Yukio Kobayashi: "Relations Among Powers of 2, Combinations, and Symbolic Algebra", Mathematics Teacher 99 - 8 (2006) 577 - 578.
    (25) Yukio Kobayashi, Hiroshi Wako and Nobuhiko Saito: "Statistical Mechanical Theory of Protein Conformation and Its Transition", Journal of The Physical Society of Japan 76 (2007) 074802 (12 pages).
    (26) Yukio Kobayashi and Jim Boyd: "Triangles As Viewed from Above", An International Journal Mathematics and Informatics Quarterly 17-3/4 (2007) 116-120.
    (27) Yukio Kobayashi: "Intuitive Understanding of Solutions of Partially Differential Equations", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 39 (2008) 365-371.
    (28) Yukio Kobayashi: "Remarks on viewing situation in a rotating frame", European Journal of Physics 29 (2008) 599-606.
    (29) Yukio Kobayashi: "Simple demonstration in the classroom: intuitive visualization of relative circular motion in a two-body problem", Physics Education 45 (2010) 654-657.
    (30) Yukio Kobayashi: "Integral representation of the pictorial proof of \sum_{k=1}^{n} k^{2} = \frac{1}{6} n (n+1) (2n+1)", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 42 (2011) 235-239.
    (31) Yukio Kobayashi:"Geometrical meaning of arithmetic series \sum_{k=1}^{n} k$, $\displaystyle \sum_{k=1}^{n} k^{2}, and \sum_{k=1}^{n} k^{3} in terms of the elementary combinatorics", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 42 (2011) 657-664.
    (32) 小林幸夫:「音のドップラー効果の原因に対する波長の意味」, 日本物理教育学会誌 (Journal of the Physics Education Society of Japan) 59 (2011) 108-111.
    (33) Yukio Kobayashi: "Pedagogical framework of elementary mechanics comparable to elementary electromagnetism: introductory approach without reliance on equation of motion", Physics Education (Indian Association of Physics Teachers) 28 (2012) Article Number: 6 (10 pages) ISSN 0970-5953.
    (34) Yukio Kobayashi: "Common characteristics of elementary second-order ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients from a unified viewpoint", Far East Journal of Mathematical Education 9 (2012) 185-193.
    (35) Yukio Kobayashi: "Proof without words: tangent double angle identity", College Mathematics Journal 44 (2013) 47.
    (36) Yukio Kobayashi: "Recursion formulae of 1^{\ell} + 2^{\ell} + \cdots + n^{\ell} and their combinatoric meaning in terms of the tree diagrams", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 44 (2013) 132-142.
    (37) Yukio Kobayashi: "Proof without words: triangular sums", College Mathematics Journal 44 (2013) 189.
    (38) Yukio Kobayashi: "Visual thinking of mathematical concepts", Far East Journal of Mathematical Education 10 (2013) 157-174.
    (39) Yukio Kobayashi:
    "Proof without words: componendo et dividendo, a theorem on proportions", The College Mathematics Journal 45 (2014) 115.
    (40) Yukio Kobayashi:
    "Simple and intuitive mathematics for learning elementary physics", JPS Conference Proceedings 1 (2014) Proceedings of the 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC12) 17036 [4 pages] DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7566/JPSCP.1.017036 e-ISBN: 978-4-89027-101-6.
    (41) Yukio Kobayashi:
    "Commutative law for the multiplication of matrices as viewed in terms of Hankel's principle", European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 7 (2014) 405-411.
    (42) Yukio Kobayashi:
    "Derivation of some formulae in combinatrics by heuristic method", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 46 (2015) 469-476. [Erratum 46 (2015) 795.]
    (43) Yukio Kobayashi:
    "Elementary remarks on the ambiguous explanation of pressure in chemical thermodynamics",
    Physics Education (IAPT) 31 (2015) Article Number: 5 (7 pages) ISSN 0970-5953.
    (44) 小林幸夫:「拘束条件のある物体系の内力のする仕事」, 日本物理教育学会誌 (Journal of the Physics Education Society of Japan 63 (2015) 104-107.
    所属学会 日本物理学会:新著紹介小委員会委員 (1996年11月〜1998年9月)
    人工知能学会:第2種研究会(分子生物情報研究会)連絡委員 (1998年5月〜)
    応用物理学会物理教育分科会副庶務幹事 (2007 年4 月〜2009年3月), 編集副委員長 (2011 年 4 月〜)

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