Lecture by Mr. Masaru Morimoto, the Chairman at Showa Aircraft Industry & Urban Development

SDGs Course Taught by Visiting Lecturers
Mr. Masaru Morimoto who is the Chairman at Showa Aircraft Industry & Urban Development held a lecture with the IBSP students on January 28 titled “Leading A Company in 1990-2020 and Future”. He explained in detail the leadership challenges he faced in various companies. He has led the companies such as Signature Japan, Club Med, Nissen and Trecenti, Coca-Cola Japan, Delta Air Lines and his present company.
He discussed the common collective actions taken with the various organizations (shared visions, optimization of resources, investing in employees, not being trapped in past, and always trying, challenging, and changing the organization) and standardized actions in leadership. The latter includes implementing leader/manager (aged 30+) interviews, carrying out group interviews for mid to low-ranking employees, fixing organization charts, planning for key management deployments, and checking/ascertaining customers’ voices. And he also discussed the common framework of management routines (macro and microeconomic analysis, SWOT analysis, LY action review, marketing planning, strategy action, and annual business planning).

His explanations complete with concrete examples helped the students understand what management is about. Mr. Morimoto started his present appointment in 2021.
Since then, his mission has been to convert businesses into organizations with more value-added and sustainable features. He made extensive business efforts to achieve those goals.
The excerpts of comments from the student attendees are as follows.
“Mr. Morimoto’ vast experience in the corporate world is amazing. In fact, his current project is wonderful. I am able to learn about how to do future planning.”
“Mr. Morimoto’s lecture was very informative and I got to learn new things from his experience which will certainly help me in the future.”
“Mr. Morimoto's speech about solving problems for companies informed me that I should work hard for my future employers to solve their problems and achieve my goals.”
“The intelligent idea for the real estate model to succeed is to let the government, company, and society have a win-win outcome in different areas, especially in the ESGs I am interested in. I think I should introduce this model to my country."