Visiting Professor for Fall 2016 Professor Anne Burns

Visiting Faculty Members

Visiting Professor for Fall 2016 Professor Anne Burns

Since 2010, Professor Anne Burns has been a Professor of TESOL in the School of Education at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, where she works with doctoral students from a variety of different countries, including Australia, Cambodia, Iran, Japan, and Vietnam. She is also an Emeritus Professor at Aston University, Birmingham, an Honorary Professor at the University of Sydney, and an Adjunct Professor at Macquarie University, Sydney.

Previously, Professor Burns worked at Macquarie University (1990-2010), in the Department of Linguistics and in the National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research (NCELTR), a federal government funded centre for the Australian Adult Migrant English Program. There she coordinated the Professional Development and Research Section (1992-1998) and then became the Associate Director (1998-2003). From 2000-2005, she was the Dean of the Division of Linguistics and Psychology, and also served on the University Council.

Professor Anne Burns

Professor Burns has published numerous books, chapters and articles on English language teaching, and presents extensively at national and international conferences and teacher training and professional development seminars throughout Asia, North and South American, and Europe. She is known especially for her work in action research and teacher development and has been associated with action research programs (funded by the Australian Government, British Council, British Academy, and Cambridge English) for hundreds of language teachers in Australia, Chile, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. The English Australia- Cambridge English Action Research Program she has conducted with the English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) sector in Australia won an award in 2013 for Innovation-Best Practice, and has been replicated in the UK since 2014.

Professor Burns has also worked professionally in a number of other capacities. In 2006, she was appointed as a member, and later from 2009-2011, as the Chair of the TESOL Research Standing Committee. She has also been a member of the AILA Executive Board (International Association for Applied Linguistics) since 2009. She is the Academic Adviser (with Professor Diane Larsen-Freeman) for the prestigious Oxford University Press Applied Linguistics Series, and a Senior Consultant to National Geographic Learning/Cengage for ELTeach, an online professional development program for teacher development in English for teaching and pedagogical knowledge. Recently she was appointed series editor (with Jill Hadfield) for the Research and Resources Series, published by Routledge.

Recent Publications
  • Burns, A; Khalifa, H, (eds.), forthcoming 2016, Action research and language assessment, Cambridge: Cambridge English/Cambridge University Press
  • Burns, A: Siegel, J. (eds.), forthcoming 2016, International perspectives on teaching the skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, Palgrave Macmillan, London,
  • Richards JC; Burns A, 2012, Tips for teaching listening: A practical approach, 1st, Pearson Education, New York.
  • Goh C; Burns A, 2012, Teaching speaking: A holistic approach, Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • Burns A; Richards JC, (eds.), 2012, The Cambridge guide to pedagogy and practice in second language teaching, The Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • Burns A, (ed.), 2012, Researching language teacher cognition and practice, Multilingual Matters, Bristol, UK.
  • Burns A, 2011, Doing action research in English language teaching: A guide for practitioners (Chinese translation), Wai yu jiao xue chu ban she, Beijing.
  • Burns A, 2010, Doing action research in English language teaching. A guide for practitioners, Routledge, New York.
Book Chapters
  • Burns AC, 2015, 'Renewing classroom practices through collaborative action research.', in Dikilitas K; Smith R; Trotman W (ed.), Teacher-researchers in action, International Association of Teachers as a Foreign Language (IATEFL), Faversham, Kent, pp. 9 - 18.
  • Burns AC; Borg S, 2015, 'Integrating grammar in adult TESOL classrooms', in Christison M; Christian D; Duff PA; Spada N (ed.), Teaching and learning English grammar, Routledge, New York, pp. 159 - 177.
  • Burns AC, 2014, 'Classroom action research and teacher professional development', in Recent issues in language teacher education: Challenges and directions, UNS Press, Surakarta, pp. 89 - 98.
  • Burns AC; Edwards E, 2014, 'Introducing innovation through action research in an Australian national programme: Experiences and insights', in Innovations in the continuing professional development of English language teachers, The British Council, London, pp. 65 - 88.
  • Burns A, 2013, 'Action research', in Malmkjaer K (ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning, edn. 2, Routledge, London UK, pp. 6 - 9.
  • Burns A; Hill DA, 2013, 'Teaching speaking in a second language', in Tomlinson B (ed.), Applied Linguistics and Materials Development, edn. 1, Bloomsbury, London, pp. 231 - 248.
  • Burns A, 2013, 'Innovation through action research and teacher-initiated change', in Hyland K; Wong LCL (ed.), Innovation and Change in English Language Education, edn. 1, Routledge, Oxon, pp. 90 - 105.
  • Burns A, 2013, 'Adult immigrant programs in Australia - a connection with Sweden', in Axelsson M; Carlson M; Franker Q; Sandwell K (ed.), Profession, politik och passion, edn. 1, Forfattarna, Göteborg, pp. 1 - 19.
  • Burns A, 2013, 'English as an international language: Considerations for English language teaching', in Burns (ed.), Contextualising the pedagogy of English as an international language, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcaste upon Tyne, pp. 26 - 40.
Journal articles
  • Freeman D; Katz A; Garcia Gomez P; Burns A, 2015, 'English-for-Teaching: rethinking teacher proficiency in the classroom', ELT Journal: An international journal for teachers of English to speakers of other languages, vol. 69, no. 2, pp. 129 - 139,
  • Humphries S; Burns A, 2015, ''In reality it's almost impossible': CLT-oriented curriculum change', ELT Journal: An international journal for teachers of English to speakers of other languages, vol. 69, no. 3,
  • Lee I; Mak P; Burns A, 2015, 'EFL teachers' attempts at feedback innovation in the writing classroom', Language Teaching Research,
  • Burns AC, 2015, 'The action research in ELICOS program: Refining the development of a national model', Research Notes, no. 60, pp. 4 - 8.
  • Burns AC, 2014, 'Professional learning in Australian ELICOS: An action research orientation', EA Journal, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 3 - 20.
  • Copland F; Garton S; Burns A, 2014, 'Challenges in Teaching English to Young Learners: Global Perspectives and Local Realities', TESOL Quarterly: A journal for teachers of English to speakers of other languages and of standard English as a second dialect, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 738 - 762,
  • Burns A; Kurtoglu-Hooton N, 2014, 'Implementing action research in the modern language classroom', Scottish Languages Review, vol. Spring/Summer, no. 27, pp. 21 - 28.
  • Burns AC, 2014, 'Systematic inquiry made public: Teacher reports from a national action research program', Research Notes, vol. May 2014, no. 56, pp. 4 - 7.
  • Burns AC; Vu NTT, 2014, 'English as a medium of instruction: Challenges for Vietnamese tertiary lecturers', Journal of Asia TEFL, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 1 - 31.
  • Burns AC, 2014, 'Concepts for teaching speaking in the English language classroom', LEARN Journal, no. Special Issue, 2014 (in celebration of the 80th anniversary of Thammasat University), pp. 12 - 22.
  • Burns AC, 2013, 'Reflections on the third year of a national action research program', Research Notes, no. 53, pp. 3 - 4.

For a more complete list of Professor Burns' publications, please see