Projects| Institute of Plankton Eco-engineering

Projects List

KAKENHI (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)

A low-cost treatment process for nitrogen containing wastewater using a consortium of microalgae and nitrifying bacteria immobilized into light-shielding hydrogel: a case study in Mexico

This project aims to develop a low-cost treatment process for high nitrogen-containing wastewater in a consortium of “microalgae and nitrifying bacteria” applying the newly developed technique “light-shielding hydrogel beads” for protecting the bacteria from light irradiation. This process is suitable for sun-belt regions such as Mexico where strong daily light is irradiated.


This project aims to establish a method of management and validated processes in Lake Tana, Ethiopia.

SATREPS (JICA & JST) 2016-2021


The project aims to establish a novel microalgae mass culture system using recycled nutrients from aquaculture waste

Private University Research Branding Project (MEXT, Japan) 2017-2020

PLANE3T Project

This project aims To construct a sustainable recycling society that contributes to environmental conservation and the elimination of hunger in developing countries

KAKENHI (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)

Production of super copepod by establishing continuous large-scale culture techniques

KAKENHI (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)

Production of super copepod by establishing continuous large-scale culture techniques

Copepods can be used as live feeds for fish in aquaculture industry. We develop "super copepods" fed by microalgae containing high value compounds such as EPA, DHA and carotenoids, therefore "super copepods" show high survivability and productivity.This project finally aim to establish mass cultivation technology for super copepods.

KAKENHI (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)

Development of biochar-based purification technology for anaerobic digestion effluent: application for microalgal cultivation

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Global Change Observation Mission-Climate (GCOM-C)

High-frequency Validation of Radiometric Measurements, Inherent Optical Properties and Phytoplankton Functional Types in the Coastal Waters of Sagami Bay

Accurately measure quality in situ radiometric and bio-optical properties at high temporal frequency from a coastal (Case II) survey station in Sagami Bay, Japan towards vicarious validation of GCOM-C/SGLI ocean color products.

Sin-kamigoto Town Office

Barren ground countermeasure project in Shin-kamigoto cho

This project aims at transplanting Sargassaceae larvae to restore seaweed beds at Arikawa Bay in Shin-kamigoto.