AKADEMIAは、文学部11メジャーのなかの一つで、哲学・社会人類学・平和研究の学際的かつ国際的な学位プログラムです。授業はすべて英語で行われるので、留学生は日本語の壁を感じることなく専門分野の学位を取得でき、日本人学生は留学生と共に英語で学べ、世界を体験する貴重な機会となります。 AKADEMIAの学生は、哲学、社会人類学、国際日本学、平和学、比較文化、宗教人類学、倫理学、創価教育学などのコースを受講します。 これらの授業の多くは、ジェンダー、や人種、多様性、持続可能性といった、地球市民として行動するために考えるべきグローバルな問題を扱います。AKADEMIAでは、このような分野横断的なプログラムを通して、世界市民・地球市民とは何か問い、自分にしかできない価値創造を世界のどこにいても実践できる人材の育成を目指します。 ※本プログラムは全て英語で行われますが、英語力に不安がある方のための語学サポートプログラムも用意しています。皆さんのご参加を歓迎いたします。


Introduction to Soka Akademia Philosophy-Social Anthropology-Peace Studies
Philosophy I

Core Issues in Metaphysics, Epistemology and Ethics

This is an introductory course to philosophy for those who do not have any background knowledge about the subject. Philosophy is an active subject in the sense that in learning philosophy we do not just remember what great thinkers in the past said but discuss some fundamental issues which have been the object of interest for centuries. Indeed, Socrates, who is thought as a father of western philosophy, regards philosophy as a craft. Given this nature of philosophy, the course attempts to enhance students’ discussion skills by facilitating their active engagement with traditional philosophical issues, as well as their good understandings of the topics covered by the course. The course covers core areas of the subject, namely, epistemology, metaphysics and ethics.This is an introductory course to philosophy for those who do not have any background knowledge about the subject. Philosophy is an active subject in the sense that in learning philosophy we do not just remember what great thinkers in the past said but discuss some fundamental issues which have been the object of interest for centuries. Indeed, Socrates, who is thought as a father of western philosophy, regards philosophy as a craft. Given this nature of philosophy, the course attempts to enhance students’ discussion skills by facilitating their active engagement with traditional philosophical issues, as well as their good understandings of the topics covered by the course. The course covers core areas of the subject, namely, epistemology, metaphysics and ethics.

Philosophy II

Contemporary Philosophy and Buddhism

This is an introductory course to eastern philosophy for those who do not have any background knowledge about the subject. The course covers some basic information about Shakyamuni, Mahayana Buddhism (with special emphasis on the Lotus Sutra) and Nichiren. In this course, we give particular focus on the Japanese Buddhist priest Nichiren (1222-1282). In recent decades, there has been vibrant scholarship on Nichiren, and some interesting research has been done on this controversial Japanese figure, both in Japanese and other languages including English. Given this state of affairs, we choose Nichiren as a sample eastern philosophy from which we may gain some valuable insights for considering various contemporary issues utilizing the recent work available in English.

Comparative Cultures: Anthropology 

This is a course in socio-cultural anthropology. The course starts with asking the seemingly simple question: “What does it mean to be human?” Over the weeks we explore this in light of anthropological approaches to the study of the body, personhood, communication, social relations, identity, gender, race, rituals, taboos, consumption, material culture, and processes of globalization amidst times of uncertainty and algorithms. An underlying query concerns the issue of universality and relativism: to what extent do all humans, societies, and cultures have something in common and to what extent is each of them unique. A hallmark of anthropological comparative work is the ability to see universal human patters (e.g. all societies have gender stratification, food taboos, marriage and systems of kinship relations, social sanctions, morality) but simultaneously accounting for how these forms can vary significantly in different socio-cultural contexts and over time, which show us just how socially constructed ideas about who we are is. To avoid placing our values at the center of our analysis (ethnocentrism), students will learn anthropological approaches that aim to understand different societies and people’s behaviour from the inside. Students will learn to take cultural relativism as a methodological principle. This module is a requisite for entering the Global Japan Studies seminar in AKADEMIA. Course book: Pountney, L. & Maric, T. (2021) “Introducing Anthropology: What Makes Us Human?”

Anthropological Approaches to Contemporary Japan

This module addresses a range of topics related to modern and contemporary Japan. Students will learn to analyze the significance of discourses (meaning-systems), norms and embodied everyday practices. We start by considering sources of Japanese identity that have both historical and mythical foundations, and move onto to study contemporary Japan where a social ethos often expressed as ‘harmony’ (wa) reveal the way social practice embody social hierarchies and where public conformity to social rules is typically regarded as virtuous behaviour. Students study various contemporary social issues related to changing family relations, gender, media, minorities, AI robotics, diversifying Japan, popular culture and Cool Japan and more. Students will learn how gender socialization and stratification go to the heart of social, cultural and political life, and the implications of a still strong ethno-nationalist discourse that predominates across institutions from school and work places to government agencies. Each week students read chapters from Yoshio Sugimoto (2021) “An Introduction to Japanese Society”, and Brian McVeigh (2014). “Interpreting Japan”. This module is a requisite for entering the Global Japan Studies seminar in AKADEMIA.

Introduction to Peace Studies I

Violence, Conflict and Peace in the Contemporary World

Introduction to Peace Studies targets the 1st and 2nd-year undergraduate students who don’t have any background knowledge of Peace and Conflict Studies. These courses aim to introduce and examine the key areas of conflict analysis, conflict resolution, and peacebuilding as well as a few topical issues relevant to Japan and East Asia. Wherever possible, moreover, the courses will introduce theoretical thoughts that may be useful for students’ conflict analysis. Introduction to Peace Studies I specifically pays attention to two main areas of learning: (1) sources of conflict and (2) contemporary issues of Peace and Conflict. The classes between Weeks 1 and 7 will review a range of factors that cause or exacerbate violent conflicts at international, state, and sub-state levels. The classes between Weeks 8 and 15 will overview selected topics that have emerged as the main agenda of the contemporary academic debates.


Introduction to Peace Studies II 

Concepts, Actors, and Modalities of Peace Processes

Introduction to Peace Studies targets the 1st and 2nd-year undergraduate students who don’t have any background knowledge of Peace and Conflict Studies. These courses aim to introduce and examine the key areas of conflict analysis, conflict resolution, and peacebuilding as well as a few topical issues relevant to Japan and East Asia. Wherever possible, moreover, the courses will introduce theoretical thoughts that may be useful for students’ conflict analysis. Introduction to Peace Studies II specifically pays attention to two main areas of learning: (1) key concepts of Peace and Conflict and (2) actors and modalities of peace processes. The classes between Weeks 1 and 6 will critically review a range of concepts and theories of peace-supporting activities. Then, the classes from Week 7 will look into different forms and procedures of conflict resolution and peacebuilding. In addition to reviewing the topic areas, this module will focus on developing students’ skills to critically examine and review scholarly works.

Metaethics Metaethics is a branch of philosophy that enquires some foundational issues underlying our normative and evaluative judgements such as “torturing a child is wrong”, “we should help others” and “education is important”. It is unclear whether these judgements represent some objective facts or they simply express our emotional reactions, and in metaethics we ask these questions and consider the theoretical underpinning for those judgements. The course will cover the following topics: the overview of the current metaethical debates in philosophy, cognitivism vs non-cognitivism in metaethics, moral/evaluative realism and relevant epistemological issues, moral fictionalism, moral abolitionism and moral explanations.
Anthropology of Religion and Morality Students learn theories, debates and case studies derived from the Durkheim/Mauss and Weberian traditions of the study of moral sentiments, judgments, and social-political practices; students will learn how moral questions are embedded in the substance of the social rather than pertaining to some discrete categories separated from other spheres of human activities (e.g. political, social, economic, cultural). Anthropological studies show how morality - honour, dignity, self-worth, and virtuous comportment - are historical contingent, but also critical to understanding human consciousness and actions. Anthropology of religion has given rise to some of the discipline’s most enduring questions pertaining to cultural difference, community, rationality and legitimization, symbolization and myths, meaning and motivation, relativism, time, emotions, hierarchy and more. The study of moral life and symbolic meaning, whether classified as ‘religion’, or some other phenomena such as nationalism or Humanoid AI techno fetishism, involves also the study of statecraft, the modern constructions of ‘race’ and ‘gender’, consumerism and capitalist values, and the search for social status and dignity, harmony and conflict, processes of alienation, objectification, death, suffering, salvation, well-being and happiness. Readings for each week are taken from Michael Lambek (2008) Anthropology of Religion, and Didier Fassin (2015) A Companion to Moral Anthropology.
Peace Studies Workshop

Peacebuilding and Development
This module aims to introduce the theoretical, normative and practical underpinnings of the development and peacebuilding in conflict-affected societies. Some thematic areas that will be covered include the socio-cultural consequences of colonial/neo-colonial rule, the contemporary debates on the liberal peacebuilding models and their alternatives, the complex relations between poverty, economic growth and conflict, and the roles of external actors in promoting post-conflict peacebuilding. Moreover, the course will offer students an opportunity to develop their critical views on a wide range of challenges facing contemporary practice of humanitarian aid, post-conflict reconstruction, and economic and social development.
Advanced Joined Seminar for Academia Philosophy-Social Anthropology-Peace Studies.

Major in Peace and Conflict Studies

As a seminar in Peace Studies, students can choose a topic relevant to conflict resolution and peacebuilding in conflict-affected societies.


Major in Global Japan Studies 
Social Anthropology

The Major in Global Japan Studies is also a Major in Social Anthropology with reference to Japanese society and with a focus on the intersection of the local-global context. Few societies, including Japan, can be fully understood without considering how social phenomena intercept with their global contexts. In this study program, we take account of the historical, socio-political and economic changes but focus on contemporary social issues and people's actual social practices in their lived realities. To be able to do so students learn from social anthropological research methodologies and studies, which are based on long-term and in-depth empirical research. Such studies provide insights into actual social practices. We consider for example the extent to which human emotions (at the core of our experience) are socially constructed, and how what may be thought of as `normal` and `natural` behavior link to particular socially constructed moralities and hierarchies of power. Understanding normalized behavior and implicit rules are key to understanding human societies including wider issues of conflict and peace.

Major in Philosophy
In this seminar group, each student chooses his/her own research topic issue related to some contemporary philosophical debates and conducts his/her research project. Through pursuing such a philosophical project via regular tutorials (discussion groups consist in a small number of students and the instructor), it is expected that the student gain both analytical and dialogue skills. The examples of the projects students may choose are as follows: The nature of moral judgements; The objectivity and subjectivity of morality; Causation; Personal Identity; Mereology; Death, suicide; Ethics in social work; Cosmopolitanism; The value of art; The meaning of life; Religion and morality; Rational proof of divine beings; Human nature; Dignity; Paradoxes (Zeno’s paradoxes, Theseus’s ship, etc.); Happiness, wellbeing. In addition to these regular activities, the seminar group pursues some joint activities between the university and Soka schools in Japan (mainly in Tokyo). In the past, we visited Tokyo Soka Elementary School and Soka Junior High School observing their morality classes. The seminar group seeks the possibility of having some valuable interactions between the philosophical activities at the university and the educational activities in Soka Schools.



《社会人類学》 フィスカーネルセン アネメッテ 准教授

現在日本社会にグローバル コンテキスト前提とした社会人類学的視点に依拠しつつ、文化と感情、ジェンダーと性、多様性、沖縄、移民、身体、儀礼、象徴、AIと親密さ、メディア、政治と宗教、ナショナリズムなどのテーマについて学びます。また、論文作成のための文献調査やフィールドと民族誌インタビューを実施しながら、現代社会を多角的に分析できるスキルを涵養します。

《現代哲学》 蝶名林 亮 准教授


《平和学》 スンヨン・リー 教授


Graduation thesis(卒業論文)

Yoshie Mori 森 良恵(from France)
[ENGLISH] I entered Soka University, and specifically the Faculty of Letters in order to learn about the meaning of “global citizen”, and to know how we can analyze a society and its culture through a humanistic view. I took classes related to sociological studies in Japanese and some in English as well, since I wanted to challenge myself at the linguistic level. I gradually started to have an interest in analyzing Japanese society and its culture. In order to deepen my understanding on socio-cultural studies from an anthropological perspective I decided to enter the seminar in AKADEMIA. Learning about Japanese society in English was a great challenge but with the great support of my professor, studying in AKADEMIA allowed me to develop and discover new potential that I never thought I could gain. I could develop my English skills as well as my ability to critically observe things that are happening around me, and to broaden my perspective on cultural differences while also keeping a humanistic view on things. Thinking back about my experience in Soka University, I feel grateful to have been able to study in AKADEMIA, and I encourage many people to challenge themselves in this course, to develop and discover new skills and potential. After graduating I will be working in translation, where I’ll be using my first language as well as Japanese and English, and other skills that I could develop during my university years.
【日本語】 私は、「世界市民」とは何かを知りたく、社会と文化を人間的なアプローチで観察することを学びたかったため創価大学の文学部の入学を決めました。社会学の授業を受け、その中でも英語で行われる授業にも挑戦しました。それから日本社会と文化の観察と分析に興味を持ち始め、文化人類学的視点から社会を分析することを学べられるAKADEMIAのゼミに入りました。文化人類学を英語で学ぶのは大変でしたが、先生の厚いサポートがあったため、自分でも想像しなかったスキルや能力を習得することができました。英語のスキルや、観察力と分析力を磨くことができ、人間的な観点から異文化を理解する力を身に付けることができました。創価大学での経験を振り替えてみると、AKADEMIAに入れたことに感謝しています。なので、自分のスキルやポテンシャルを磨き、発見したい方にはお勧めしたいです。 卒業後は創価大学で磨いてきた言語におけるスキルと身に付けてきた力を発揮できる翻訳に関する仕事に就職します。
Graduation thesis Yoshie Mori(卒業論文 森 良恵)
Yuka Nakamura 中村 悠香(form Japan)
[English] I enrolled in the Faculty of Letters at Soka University because I wanted to learn about the proposition "what is human" from an academic perspective. I took courses in Global Japan Studies, Anthropology, and Sociology, and found it interesting to learn in depth about Japanese culture and society, what kind of "normal" things exist in Japan, and why and how they became "normal". Therefore, I joined the AKADEMIA seminar, where I could learn about the various cultures of Japanese society from a cultural anthropological perspective. Since the language of instruction was English, I was worried about whether I would be able to convey my opinions to others, but thanks to the kind and warm support of the teachers, I was able to speak up in class with confidence and cultivate the language and communication skills to actively exchange opinions with others. The wonderful thing about AKADEMIA is that I can study with international students from all over the world and feel as if I am studying abroad, even though I am at Soka University in Japan. I would recommend AKADEMIA to anyone who is interested in discovering new interests while developing academic and practical language skills. After graduation, I will be working for a security service company as a career track employee, leading Japanese society in a more prosperous direction from the human perspective that I learned at Soka University!
Graduation thesis Yuka Nakamura(卒業論文 中村 悠香)
VALENTI ANDREW アンドリュー バレンティ(form Italy)
[English]I decided to apply to the Faculty of Letters, and to be part of AKADEMIA as my fields of interest have always been related to the sphere of humanities sciences. When I chose my Major at the very beginning I was not 100% sure whether this was the best choice for me. However, I eventually got more and more passionate and interested as I followed the various courses that AKADEMIA offers, in my case regarding social anthropology and Global Japan studies. Not only did I acquire new knowledge, but most importantly I broadened my scale of values as I naturally started to be attracted by various social issues facing contemporary people and society. Especially, I got interested in gender equality upon which I decided to write my thesis. This made me so proud of myself because I did not just write something because I needed to do it as a final task for my graduation; rather I felt I was developing the basis for the person I wanted to be in my future, a person who stands up for injustice, fighting through dialoguing with people. Along with my studies, I could also improve my English skills as well as becoming pretty fluent in Japanese, language skills that I will use in my next step to become a teacher here in Japan, applying the special educational values I learned at Soka University.
【日本語】私は、もともと人文科学の分野に興味があり、文学部・アカデミアに入学することを決めました。しかし、専攻を決めた当初は、これが自分にとってベストな選択なのかどうか、100%の確信が持てませんでした。ですが、アカデミアで社会人類学や日本学研究など、さまざまな科目を受講するうちに、だんだん情熱と興味が湧いてきました。新しい知識を得るだけでなく、何よりも自分の価値観の幅が広がり、社会が抱えるさまざまな問題に自然と惹かれるようになったのです。特に、男女共同参画に興味を持ち、卒論を書くことにしました。卒業のための最終課題として必要だから書いたのではなく、不正の前に立ちはだかり、人々との対話を通じて不正と闘う、将来の自分のあり方の基礎が固まった気がして、とても誇らしい気持ちになりました。 また、このプログラムでは英語力の向上と日本語の習得ができました。創価大学で学んだ特別な教育価値を活かして、将来、日本で教師になるためにこのスキルを使って行きたいと思います。
Graduation thesis VALENTI ANDREW(卒業論文 アンドリュー バレンティ)
  • キャンパスガイド2023文学部
  • 英語DD
  • 中国語DD
  • 【留学日記】イギリス・バッキンガム大学 夏期語学研修
  • 【留学日記】インド・セントスティーブンカレッジ 春季語学研修