Parallel Sessions

13:30-15:00 Parallel Sessions 1

Session Title Presenter Affiliation Presentation theme
Global citizenship education and John Dewey


Chair: Andrew Gebert
Jason Goulah DePaul University, USA Daisaku Ikeda and African American Pragmatism: Race, Identity, and Cosmopolitan Becoming in the Dewey-Soka Heritage
Robert Sinclair Soka University, Japan Growth, Education and the Search for a Cosmopolitan Identity: Some Deweyan Reflections
Obelleiro Gonzalo DePaul University, USA It's a fast, entangled world: Dewey and Ikeda on Interconnectedness, Impermanence, and Global Citizenship 
Global citizenship education in contemporary world I


Chair: Hikoro Tomioka
Maria Guajardo Soka University, Japan Global Citizenship Education: A Gendered Perspective is Possible
Paul Horness Soka University, Japan Enhancing Global Citizenship through Study Abroad
Toko Itaya DePaul University, USA The Vulnerability of Foreign Immigrants in Japan and the Role of Global Citizenship Education in Rethinking Community
Educational Practices for Global Citizenship


Chair: Takahiro Sakaguchi
Ichiro Sugimoto Soka University, Japan Integration of Global Citizenship Education into Curriculum: A case study of International Fieldwork
Kazumi Matsui Soka University, Japan A study on the Significance of a Japanese Language Teacher Dispatch Program: Using Russia as an Example
Hideo Ozaki  Soka University, Japan Learners' definition of courage and adaptive behavior in humanistic English language education

15:15-16:45 Parallel Sessions 2

Session Title Presenter Affiliation Presentation theme
Thought formation of John Dewey: Japanese Perspectives


Chair: Takao Ito
Shigeru Yukiyasu  Okayama University, Japan The Formation of the Thought of J. Dewey and the Process of the Growth of Experience
Yoshinobu Nishizono Naruto University of Education, Japan “The Characteristics of Dewey's Theory of Art and Religion and their Commonality as Experience.”
Takashi Yamamoto Okayama Prefectural University, Japan How Emerson attracted Dewey from the perspective of “Self-culture” as the Cornerstone of “Inquiry”: Chapter 2 in “The Formation of the Thought of J. Dewey and the Process of the Growth of Experience"
Global citizenship education in contemporary world II


Chair: Nozomi Inukai
Tamy Kobashikawa Soka Amazon Institute, Brazil Experience on value-creating through sowing seeds project: voices of Amazonian people
Tulika Mehra

Maria Guajardo
Soka University, Japan Global Citizenship and Critical Inquiry: A Process of Transformation
Flore Ghetti

Miyuki Banno
Soka University, Japan Environmental Education as key element of Global Citizenship Education
Global citizenship in the history of pedagogy


Chair: Junichi Kanzaka
Yuichi Miyamoto Hiroshima University, Japan Being a Cosmopolitan in the age of Nationalism - Humboldtian Geneology in Spranger and Makiguchi
Tetsuko Tessa, Watanabe Soka University, Japan The Aims of the Curriculum: Russell, Dewey and Makiguchi
Alesse Nunes Soka University, Japan Exploring global citizenship education in Dewey, Freire, and Ikeda: The ecopedagogy for sustainable happiness in the three authors' intersection

17:00-18:30 Parallel Sessions 3

Session Title Presenter Affiliation Presentation theme
On John Dewey's "letters from China and Japan"


Chair: Andrew Gebert
Takao Ito Soka University, Japan Experience and philosophy - Dewey's observations on Japan
Naoyuki Yamada Kansai University, Japan John Dewey's view of Japan's budding democracy in 1919
Liu Xing Hiroshima University, Japan John Dewey and the 1920s of China
Masaki Onuma Beijing Normal University, China Exploration of Dewey’s impression on China with his letters
Global citizenship education, value-creating education and John Dewey


Chair: Hikoro Tomioka
Olivier Urbain

Yoko Urbain
Soka University Japan , Min-On Music Research Institute, Japan

Soka University Japan , Saint Marianna University School of Medicine, Japan
From Global Citizenship to Planetary Belonging:
Dewey’s “organic unity of life,” Ikeda’s “interconnectedness,” and Indigenous wisdom
Nozomi Inukai DePaul University, USA Assessment for Global and Democratic Citizenship in the Dewey-Soka Heritage
Yuji Nakaya Soka University, Japan Search for Global Citizenship: In Relation to Dewey’s Philosophy of Citizenship, the Public and Democracy
Several approaches to global citizenship education


Chair: Junichi Kanzaka
Christopher Chiong-Meng Boey University of Malaya, Malaysia & Institute of Oriental Philosophy, Japan Educating Global Citizens in a Time of Crisis
Li Yann-Liang Chinese Culture University, Taiwan A Study of the Create New Profit Sources for Company from Global Citizenship Education
Hiroshi Taji Shibutani Public High School, Japan Value-creating education and quality of education: Exploring the meaning and role of value platform created by people
Beng Hwee Tan Soka University, Japan Developing Global Citizens: Hip Hop Based Educational Approaches in Soka Education