

国際教養学部の理念は、地球社会、地域社会が直面する課題を認識し、向き合い、平和の実現に果敢に挑戦できる知力と人間力を有し、新たな価値を創造する人材=「世界市民」を育成することにあります。 この理念を実現するため、知識習得の面では、<歴史・社会・文化>、<政治・国際関係>、<経済・経営>分野の幅広い教養教育と専門性の深化を、英語を用いて学んでいきます。そしてその知識を、更に価値の創造に変換していくために、国際性・多様性豊かな教員による少人数教育、多様な背景をもつ学生間のアクティブ・ラーニング、海外必修留学プログラムを通じて養成していきます。

国際教養学部での学びは決して平坦ではありません。Comfort Zoneを自ら飛び出し、挑戦を続けていくことは、苦労の連続かもしれません。しかしその本気の取り組みを通じて今までの「認識」が変わり、「世界の見え方」が変わった時、その知見は誰人も奪えない自分だけの財産となるでしょう。そしてその経験こそが、如何なる状況も乗り越えられる自信となることでしょう。


杉本一郎 学部長

Dean's Message

The philosophy of the Faculty of International Liberal Arts is to cultivate individuals who possess the intellectual and human capacity to recognize, confront, and boldly challenge the issues facing global and local societies, thereby realizing peace and creating new values—individuals we call "global citizens." To realize this philosophy, in terms of knowledge acquisition, students will learn a wide range of liberal arts education and deepen their expertise in the fields of <history, society, culture>, <politics, international relations>, and <economics, management> using English. Furthermore, to transform this knowledge into the creation of new value, we foster development through small-group education by faculty with diverse international backgrounds, active learning among students with various backgrounds, and mandatory study abroad programs.

Learning in Faculty of International Liberal Arts is never easy. Stepping out of your comfort zone and continuing to challenge yourself may be a series of hardships. However, when your "perception" changes and the "way you see the world" changes through your serious efforts, that insight will become your own invaluable asset that no one can take away. And that experience will surely become the confidence to overcome any situation.

In the present era of significant changes, learning never ends. What is needed at such times is the experience and courage to embrace new knowledge and to draw your own roadmap for learning and acquisition. The founder, Mr Daisaku Ikeda, defined creative individuals as those who create necessary values for society, provide healthy values, or return them to society. Faculty of International Liberal Arts is home to many colleagues who possess such spirit and aspiration. Let us all strive and learn together to build our school!




名称 国際教養学部 国際教養学科
入学定員 90名(男女共学)
取得学位 学士(国際教養学)
学費等 入学金・学費



