2019年02月13日 16時10分

留学日記(春季研修インド・セントスティーブンスカレッジ 2019年2月13日)

My first day of the program was an exciting day. The air travel as long as 11 hours was exhausting, but I got enlightened when I saw lights of towns like stars spread below the airplane. It was very beautiful and it gave me a sense of reality of my visiting India. Since the arrival, I have already had many culture shocks for just a few hours after the arrival, such as the frequency of car horns or the way in which a car moves around in a traffic jam. Although I might feel tired to face these kinds of shocks in experiencing a new life in India, I want to somehow enjoy them and make this program more worthful. For that sake, I would like to follow advice from Prof. Williams, take memo everytime, and enjoy class starting tomorrow.

ページ公開日:2019年02月13日 16時10分
  • キャンパスガイド2023文学部
  • 英語DD
  • 中国語DD
  • 【留学日記】イギリス・バッキンガム大学 夏期語学研修
  • 【留学日記】インド・セントスティーブンカレッジ 春季語学研修