
How nurses provide EOL care based on the decisions of patients and their families.


終末期における看護師は"imfomation broker," "advocator," "suoporter"という3つの役割を果たしていることが明らかとなった。終末期において患者や家族、他職種とのコミュニケーションが非常に重要である。

Nurses who provide terminal care take three roles:Information broker, advocator, and supporter. Good communication between patients, their families, and other medical staff is significantly important.
Field Research

I participated in a palliative care lecture at UCSF, interviewed adult nurse practitioners (ANP) who provide palliative care and nurses who work at terminal care units at various health institutions. Interview questions include how nurses provide the end of life (EOL) care based on the decisions patients and their family make and how nurses support patients and their family in decision making in advance? Based on the literatures that I reviewed, I categorized the interview answers into the summary of nursing roles, strategies, and outcomes that are relevant to the research. As a result, it cleared that nurses have three roles: "Information broker," "Advocator," and "Supporter."

Nurses encounter situations where the decisions of patients and their family are different almost every day. Nurses talked to them in family meetings many times and carefully listened to them. I learned that nurses don’t deny or recommend what to do, but they support their decisions. In a process of decision making it’s important for nurses to know about their patients before asking their wishes. Nurses make effort to lessen patient’s total pain and cooperate with other medical staff to support the life as patients’ wishes. Three roles nurses have are essentials to provide care based on the decisions of patient and their family. And through my interviews with ANP, I found that higher the knowledge and skills nurses had, the better care relevant to the wishes of their patients and their family was provided.
  • キャンパスガイド2023看護学部