
Nursing care to enhance patient's resilience



Based on literature reviews, I conducted semi-structured interviews to find out how nurses in the United States take care of patients, especially in regards to the care to enhance the resilience of the patients.
Field Research
現在病院で働いている米国看護師7人に対して、①患者のレジリエンスを高めるために看護ケアを行っているか、②それはどのような看護ケアか という質問を主に、半構造式インタビューを行った。
また、先行研究の結果から、「レジリエンスを高めるケアには、あなたは~ができるということを伝える”I can”因子、あなたはこういう人間であると認識させる“I am”因子、あなたにはこのような存在がいるということを認識させる”I have”因子という大きく3つに分かれた支援の方法がある。」(Grotberg, 2003)ということが明らかとなった。

As a preparatory study, I conducted literature reviews. Journal articles I searched in Japanese and in English concluded that nurses can enhance patients' resilience through nursing care. In a Japanese article, it is stated that there are three contributing factors to enhance patient’s resilience. First contributing factor is the ability of patients with which they can cope with any difficulties; that is called “I can” factor. Second is a self-identification of patient; that is called “I am” factor.
The third is a possession of resources and inherited potential of the patients, called “I have” factor. I found out that nurses can help patients' resilience being enhanced through focusing on these three factors. Based on the literature reviews, the following research questions were formed: 1) Do nurses provide nursing care in order to enhance their patients' resilience? 2) How do the nurses provide their nursing care to enhance the patients’ resilience? In order to find out the answers, semi-structured interviews were planned and conducted to 8 nurses who work for hospitals.
インタビューの結果、アメリカでは3つの要素の中で”I can”因子に含まれる看護ケアが、患者のレジリエンスを高めるケアとして日常で一番多く提供されているということが明らかになった。

Interview results revealed that in order to enhance patients' resilience, American nurses often encourage, support and empower what the patients can do. I learned that American nurses focus on care as “I can” factor to enhance patient’s resilience.
  • キャンパスガイド2023看護学部