List of Teaching Staff

Master's and Doctoral Degree Program

Environmental and Ecological System Engineering

Global Environmental Chemistry

SATO Shinjiro

Specialized field
Soil chemistry, Soil physics
Biochar, Waste treatment, Biomass recycling, Methane fermentation
Tropical forest, Plant production
Organic farming, Controlled/Slow-release fertilizer, Nutrient cycling
Heavy metals, Pollution treatment, Phytoremediation
Research theme
1. Utilization of Organic Waste Materials in Soil towards Building a Recycling Society
Soil amendment and crop production using biochar
Fertilizer effects of anaerobic digestion effluents on crop production
2. Conservation of Tropical Soils

Biosphere Science


Specialized field
Fisheries science
Environmental science
Applied Aquatic Science
Research theme
Physiological ecology of marine phytoplankton
Biological production in the sea

TODA Tatsuki

Specialized field
Environmental dynamic analysis
Environmental impact assessment/environmental policy
Environmental technology/environmental material
Resource maintenance studies
Earth resources system engineering
Living organisms diversity/classification
General fishery studies


Specialized field
Living organisms diversity/classification
Molecular biology
Applied microbiology
Research theme
1. Taxonomy of thermophilic microorganisms
2. Taxonomy of cold adapted microorganisms
3. Development of host-vector system of thermoacidophilic archaea
4. Biogeography of zooplankton


Specialized field
Science education
Environmental dynamic analysis
Weather/oceanic physics/hydrology
General fishery studies
Research theme
Apparent and Inherent Optical Properties in Marine Ecosystems

Environmental Chemistry System Engineering

Sustainable Environmental Engineering


Specialized field
Chemical engineering materials properties/transfer operation/unit operation
Research theme
Study on the mechanism of powder electrification

IDA Junichi

Specialized field
Nano materials/nano bioscience
Functional materials/device
Research theme
1. Synthesis of Thermo-Responsive Polymer and its Application for Heavy Metal Ion Recovery
2. Development of amine modified mesoporous silica membrane for carbon dioxide separation


Specialized field
Biochemical Engineering, Environmental Microbiology
Research theme
1) Microbial engineering research on the composting process and soil application of compost
2) Research on elucidating the detailed mechanisms of methane fermentation and improving efficiency
3) Research on green chemistry for the production of commodity chemicals from biomass

Master' Degree Program ONLY

Environmental and Ecological System Engineering

Global Environmental Chemistry

Khatri Pradeep

Specialized field
Atmospheric science, atmospheric remote sensing
Research theme
1. elucidation of aerosol and cloud dynamics and their effects on climate using remote sensing data
2. development of ground-based remote sensing methods for aerosols and clouds and their application analysis
3. evaluation and improvement of the accuracy of aerosol and cloud products based on satellite observations