Information Systems Science

Program Overview

Information systems are proliferating and playing foundational roles in many aspects of society. This trend is going to accelerate and new services based on new technology will expand. Accordingly, methods for accumulating, processing, and transmitting information will change, resulting in the transformation of how we do business and live our lives., There is now an urgent need to address problems such as information leakage.

The purpose of the Information Systems Science major is to foster excellent and creative engineers and researchers who will support our information-oriented society. Our educational and research activities focus on the construction of information systems including computer and software systems for communication, control, networking, and multimedia processing. Our fields of activity include: establishing mathematical fundamentals for supporting information systems; applying information systems for artificial intelligence, artificial life and greater quality of life; solving various issues by leveraging sophisticated information systems; and implementing information systems for opto-electronics, image information and multimodal information. All of these educational and research activities have the goal of cultivating students who have a deep knowledge of information systems, can consider information systems in our society from a wide range of different angles and perspectives, and can flexibly adapt to new situations.

Chair of Information Systems Science Major