






    ● データから見える世界を先入観なく観察し、現実社会の実相を深く認識する「現実認識力」
    ● データの背後に隠れた一人ひとりに思いをはせ、問題を発見・定義し、解決への道筋を構想する「問題発見力」
    ● データから得た知見をよりよい意思決定と合意形成のために活かし、善の連帯を築く「価値創造力」




“Data Science Education for Value Creation”


Soka University strives to foster “individuals who are able to freely employ knowledge in order to bring forth the wisdom to creatively confront the challenges of our ever-changing reality” (Mission Statement). Fostering versatile problem-solving skills, therefore, is one mission of Soka University. In the present fast-changing and uncertain time, it is ever important to foster such skills.


Minor in Data Science provides students with the experience to create value from data and foundational skills as contributive global citizens. Specifically, the Minor aims to develop students’ abilities in:


- Recognizing Reality: To recognize reality by observing the world seen through data without bias;

- Discovering Problems: To imagine individuals behind data and statistics, find and define problems, and envisage the solution; and

- Creating Value: To utilize the knowledge acquired from data for better decision-making and consensus-building.

Fostering creative individuals with these attributes require inter- and multi-disciplinary thinking. Minor in Data Science builds upon students’ specialty in their faculty. Collaborative learning and problem-solving are emphasized, thereby developing practical skills through the fusion of each specialty and data science.