
Financial Support for International Graduate Students


The following is information regarding financial support for international students.
At Soka University Graduate Schools, we have three types of financial support for international students:
(1)Soka University Academic Fee Exemption Scholarship for International Students
(2)Soka University Makiguchi Memorial Education Fund Scholarship for International Students (For MA students only)
(3)Teaching Assistantship opportunity.

1. 創価大学外国人学生学費減免奨学金 Soka University Academic Fee Exemption Scholarship for International Students



At Soka University Graduate School, international students are granted full exemption Tuition and Educational Enhancement fee (not including the admission fee or the registration fee).
If you wish to apply for the Soka University Academic Fee Exemption Scholarship for International Students, please submit the following documents by the designated due date. This documentation is required to verify your household income and to determine if you are eligible to receive the academic fee exemption.
After screening your documents, the notification of acceptance for the academic fee exemption will be sent via email before your enrollment. 

①学費減免申請書 The Application Form for Academic Fee Exemption
②家計支持者の年収証明書類 The annual income certificate of your household supporter

  • 2022年1月-12月の家計支持者収入(原則として父母)を公的機関が証明する書類(課税に関する証明書等)をアップロードしてください。*
  • 学費減免申請には、原則としてご両親の年収証明書を提出する必要があります。企業の給与証明書や地方自治体が発行する課税証明書など、年収がわかる書類を提出してください。
  • 両親のどちらも年収がない場合でも、必ず無収入であることを公的に証明する書類(年金受給証明など)を添付してください。
  • ご両親が家計支持者ではない場合で、他の親族が家計支持者の場合は、その方の年収証明書をご提出ください。
  • 個別の理由等で父母の年収証明書類の提出が難しい場合は、年収証明を出せない父母の署名のもと、理由も記載の上で事情書等(任意形式)を作成・提出ください。
  • 申請者本人が家計支持者の場合は、申請者本人の年収証明書をご提出ください。
  • 配偶者がいる場合は、配偶者の年収証明書もご提出ください。
  • 証明書類が日本語または英語でない場合、日本語訳か英訳書類を添付してください。
  • 入学後は、毎年学費減免の継続審査を行います。(最初の1年間で20単位の取得が必要)その際、成績等の状況より、学費減免が継続できない場合があります。
  • 学費減免は、最大で標準修業年限(2年間)まで継続することができます。
  • 上記の書類が提出されない場合、不受理となります。
  • In order to apply for the academic fee exemption, please attach a certificate of annual household income in 2022 (January - December). *
  • In principle, please submit documents that show the annual income of your both parents, such as a certificate of income from a company or an income tax certificate issued by the local government. It must show the annual income.
  • Even if neither of your parents/one of your parents has an annual income, please be sure to attach official proof of no income (e.g. tax exemption form, pension receipt, etc.).
  • If there is difficulty submitting the official documents to prove no income from your parents, we will not be able to accept your application.
  • If it is difficult to submit this document due to personal reason(s) and/or other reason(s), please write a statement of reason with your parent’s signature.
  • If the applicant's parents are not sharing the household income, and you have another relative who shares the household income with you, please submit the annual income certificate of that relative.
  • If the applicant is self-funded and will be able to cover all the costs of study at Soka University by his/herself, please submit the applicant's annual income certificate.
  • If the applicant has a spouse, please submit the spouse's annual income certificate as well.
  • If the documents are not in Japanese or English, please attach a Japanese or English translation.
  • After enrolment, a review of exemptions for the subsequent academic year will be conducted yearly. Depending on the grades, an exemption may not be granted for the subsequent year. (20 credits must be earned in the first year)
    Academic Fee Exemption can be granted for the standard term (2 years) at most.
  • If the above documents are not submitted by the due date, the application will not be accepted.

③経費支弁書 Statement of Financial Eligibility
Current bank Statement (balance certificate) of your Financial supporter: More than JPY800,000

  • 大学院在学中における学費、生活費について、支弁の裏付けになる書類(銀行残高証明書等)を所定の用紙に添付し、提出すること。(最低でも1セメスター分の家賃・生活費は担保できる80万円以上は入金されていること)
  • 証明書類が日本語または英語でない場合、日本語訳か英訳書類を添付してください。
  • As a minimum amount that can be spent on monthly living expenses for a semester, it is desirable to have a balance statement of 800,000JPY or more.
  • If the documents are not in Japanese or English, please attach a Japanese or English translation.

Copy of your passport (the page with the name and face photo)
Front and back copies of the residence card (Only those who have the residence card in Japan)

提出方法/How to submit

Please submit the above documents via the Google form listed below.
【注意事項 / Notes】


  • 入学金 


入学金 納入額

備  考







入学金 納入額

備  考





If you have submitted/are going to submit the application for the Academic Fee Exemption, please deposit the admission fee of 200,000JPY (100,000JPY for the graduates of Soka undergraduate / Japanese Language / Correspondence education programs)  by the payment deadline under the premise that your tuition fee will be waived.
So, please deposit the following fees by each payment deadline. This fee is NOT exempted by the scholarship.
  • Admission fee 

【Master's Program】

Admission Fee


JPY 100,000

Graduates of Soka University’s undergraduate program;
Graduates of Soka’s Institute of Japanese Language program;
Graduates of Soka’s Division of Correspondence Education program

JPY 200,000

Excluding the above-mentioned


【Doctoral Progaram】

Admission Fee



Those who completed the Master's program at Soka University

JPY 200,000

Excluding the above-mentioned

For students in the Master's program

2. 創価大学牧口記念教育基金会留学生奨学金 Soka University Makiguchi Memorial Education Fund Scholarship for International Students


International Graduate Students in the Master's program are offered financial support for covering living expenses during the student’s graduate program. This financial support consists of the monthly stipend scholarship of JPY30,000. (JPY360,000 in a year).

*Continuing eligibility for all scholarships is dependent upon full-time enrollment and academic performance.
*If a student receives a scholarship from elsewhere, financial support from Soka University will not be granted.
*An orientation regarding this scholarship will be held during the first – second week of your first semester. If you wish to apply, please attend the orientation.
*The orientation date will be announced later.

3. ティーチング・アシスタント(TA)Teaching Assistant-ship Opportunity

The university has Teaching Assistantship (TA) opportunities as a form of financial aid for graduate students each year. TA opportunities are open to all successful applicants; however, please note that there are a limited number of TA positions and an application process will be conducted. Therefore, please be advised that not all applicants can be guaranteed fixed salary payments as TAs.
The income per month for TAs can be a maximum of JPY20,000. Applicants with a daily conversation level of Japanese language skills will have an increased possibility of being awarded a TA position.
After your enrollment, an orientation regarding this Teaching Assistantship will be held in the first month of your first semester. If you wish to apply, please attend the orientation.
The orientation date will be announced later.
お問い合わせ Contact Information
 〒192-8577 東京都八王子市丹木町1-236
 創価大学学事第2課大学院係 担当:下山
E-mail: gsoffice@soka.ac.jp

Graduate School Section, Faculty Affairs Office, Soka University
Toshiaki Shimoyama (Mr.)
1-236 Tangi-cho, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo, 192-8577
TEL: 042-691-9423, E-MAIL: gsoffice@soka.ac.jp
《Office Hours》 Monday – Friday, 9:30am – 5:00pm, Saturday, 9:30am-12:00pm