追試験の実施/Make-up Examinations

筆記試験 / Paper Examination

【実施日 / Examination Day】
Spring Semester : August 22 (Tue) and August 23 (Wed), 2023

Fall Semester : February 19 (Mon) and February 20 (Tue), 2024

【試験時間 / Examination Time】
第1時限 10:00~11:00   /  1st period  10:00~11:00

第2時限 11:30~12:30   /  2st period 11:30~12:30

第3時限 13:30~14:30   /  3st period 13:00~14:00

第4時限 15:00~16:00   /  4st period 14:45~15:45

第5時限 16:30~17:30   /  5st period 16:30~17:30

【時間割情報 / Examination Time Table】
※Make-up Examination Time Table will be announced through the student portal site PLAS.

【注意事項 / Notes 】
There will be a seating plan for make-up examinations. Please make sure to see and check your seat before you enter the examination room. If you are required to take make-up examinations (for more details, see make-up examination time table) at the designated room, please take an make-up examination at the designated room.

レポート試験 / Final Paper

Themes for the final papers will be announced to each student via Email. Once you complete to write a final paper, please submit it through the google form (see below) within the designated period.



  • メールを確認したら必ず返信をお願いします。
  • レポートの提出期限は、各セメスターの追試験最終日の正午12時です。期限後の提出は、理由の如何を問わず一切認められません。
  • Please reply to our E-mail as soon as you receive our E-mail.
  • All the final papers should be submitted by each of semesters on the last day for make-up examinations at 12 noon. Please make sure that any of the final paper cannot be acceptable after the deadline.

確認事項 / Check Points

受験の可否 / Check the availability of the Make-up Examinations
Only classes listed in the make-up examination list will be conducted. If there is no make-up examination you applied in the list, please contact Academic Affairs Office.

 試験の日時 / Examination Schedule
Even though you are absent from a make-up examination(s) with unavoidable reasons, make-up examinations cannot be offered twice. We ask for your kind understanding.

学生証 / Student ID Card
You will not be able to take a make-up examination(s) without your student ID card. In the case that you forget to bring your student ID card on the examination day, please issue a 定期試験受験許可証 and submit it to the Academic Affairs Office. We (Academic Affairs Office) will give you an official stamp on your 定期試験受験許可証 and you will be able to take a make-up examination(s) with the certificate.
* 定期試験受験許可証 can be issued by a Papyrus-mate.

不正行為 / Cheating

Cheating in University examinations is an absolute offence. According the the article 46 in the Soka University Rules and Regulations, strict penalties will be applied unless the circumstances are exceptional.


                                                           教務部教務課Academic Affairs Office