中間・学期末試験・ターム末試験の実施 / Mid-term & Final & 1st and 2nd Term Examination

中間試験について/Mid-term Examination

【実施期間 / Examination Period】

春学期:5月27日(月) ~ 6月7日(金)
Spring Semester : May 27 (Mon) ~ June 7 (Fri)

秋学期:11月6日(水) ~ 11月19日(火)
Fall Semester : November 6 (Wed) ~ November 19 (Tue)

【試験時間 / Examination Time
In principle, examinations will be conducted at the same period with usual classes.

【時間割情報 / Examination Time Table】
※Examination time table will be announced through the student portal site PLAS.

学期末試験について/Final Examination


Except for some classes, in principle, final examinations will be conducted at the same period with your usual classes. However, examination time of each class will differ. Regarding the examination time, please see below.
Examinations for some exceptional classes such as common examinations, combined classes and classes which will be conducted on the different day from their usual class time etc. may be conducted on Saturday.

【実施期間 / Examination Period】

Spring Semester : July 22 (Mon), 2024 ~ July 29 (Mon), 2024

                              (Spare Day : July 30 (Tue))


Fall Semester : January 22 (Wed), 2025 ~ January 28 (Tue), 2025

                         (Spare Day : January 29 (Wed) and January 30(Thu), 2025 )

第1時限   9:00~10:00   /  1st period  9:00~10:00

第2時限 10:45~11:45   /  2st period 10:45~11:45

第3時限 13:05~14:05   /  3st period 13:05~14:05

第4時限 14:50~15:50   /  4st period 14:50~15:50

第5時限 16:35~17:35   /  5st period 16:35~17:35

第6時限 18:20~19:20   /  6st period 18:20~19:20


Examinations which will be 90 minutes can be found on the list of the examination time table.

【時間割情報 / Examination Time Table】

You can check the final examination time table through the student portal site PLAS as well. For more details, please check this following attachment.


オンライン試験に関する注意事項 / Precautions on the Online Examinations

We would like to inform you of the precautions on the online examinations.

【不正行為について / Cheating in Examinations

Cheating in University examinations is an absolute offence. According the the article 46 in the Soka University Rules and Regulations, one of two penalties will be applied unless the circumstances are exceptional:

Failure of the course credits and grades for the current semester or the whole academic year.

For more details about the academic dishonesty, please see and check the academic guidance book.


【解答について / Regarding the Answer




The exam will automatically end when the time limit is reached, and your answer will be submitted. Please be sure to submit your answer within the designated time limit. By clicking Submit (Finish the test), you can submit your answer. You can check the time limit at the top right side of the screen during the online examination. After submission, any of the modification cannot be acceptable.

User Guide Manual can be found on the student portal site PLAS. Please make sure to check the manual before attending online examinations.

【 ネットワークについて / Internet Network Environment





To avoid having internet network problems, please note these following precautions.

Please use the fastest and most stable network line as much as possible.

Please refrain from using Wi-Fi connected devices at the same time when taking the online examination.

ExWhen using a PC for the exam, it is better to disconnect a smartphone or other devices.


【ポータル利用上の注意 / Precautions on Accessing the Portal site PLAS

If you log in and operate the portal site with multiple windows at the same time, it may cause of the malfunction and system troubles. Thus, please refrain from logging in to the portal site with multiple windows or internet browsers. Furthermore, please be reminded that the exam will be halted when you open another tab or window while taking the online exam.


※ネットワークトラブルが発生した場合 / Network Troubleshooting


When you have some network troubles during your online examination, please try to re-log in to the portal site and re-start the exam.

Even if a network trouble occurs and you log-out from the portal site during the examination, you can re-start your exam as many times as you need within the exam.

Unless your network troubles are solved with this troubleshooting, please contact academic affairs office. In this case, we ask for you to prepare a screenshot with a date and time.