障害学生支援室 The Center for Disability Services

障害学生支援室について About our Center


The Center for Disability Services was opened in March 2021. The Center provides support for students with disabilities by working with clinical psychologists, faculty, and units within and outside the institution to ensure educational and research opportunities.
We accept consultations regarding study and student life, as well as applications for reasonable accommodation in classes and other activities. Please feel free to contact us.



【窓口時間】 平日9:30~17:00

【場  所】 中央教育棟1階・学生課事務室内
【問い合わせ】 電話番号:042-691-9433

Where can you find us

Opening Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:00~17:00 (excluding national holidays)
Student Affairs Office, 1st Floor, Global Square, Soka University

Click here for the floor map

Tel: 042-691-9433 (the Center for Disability Services)

Email: syougai-support@soka.ac.jp

授業における合理的配慮について Reasonable Accommodation in Class


本学は、障害のある学生および入学志願者から社会的障壁の除去を必要としている旨の意思の表明があった場合、 その実施に伴う負担が過重でないときは、障害者の権利利益を侵害することとならないよう、個々の状況に応じて、社会的障壁の除去の実施について必要かつ合理的な配慮をするように努めます。





②障害の内容や程度がわかる書類 (例:障害者手帳、診断書、心理検査結果等の写し)






Reasonable Accommodation in Class

Basic idea of providing reasonable accommodation

Reasonable accommodations are modifications or adjustments to the tasks, environment or to the way things are usually done that enable individuals with disabilities to have an equal opportunity to participate in an academic program.

Accommodations are reasonable unless they:
• Alter or remove essential requirements.
• Fundamentally alter the nature of the program.
• Impose undue financial or administrative burden.
• Pose a threat to others.

Who is eligible to receive reasonable accommodation?

Student with disability who are in undergraduate, graduate, “Bekka” (learning Japanese), undergraduate non-degree program, and research program.


How to apply

Students with disabilities should submit an Application for Reasonable Accommodation” to the Center for Disability Services.

Please submit the application form and the proof document (a copy of disability certificate, doctor’s certificate, etc.)
Please download Reasonable Accommodation Application form here (PDF)
Please download Reasonable Accommodation Application form here (Word)

Medical certificate
If your doctor's judgment is indicated as being necessary for consideration, please submit the following Medical certificate.
(Be sure to consult with the Center for Disability Services before requesting the doctor's opinion.)
The doctor will fill in the form in Japanese, so the contents are written in Japanese.

Medical certificate(Word)

Flow to start reasonable accommodation

1.Apply for a reasonable accommodation with a proof document to the Center for Disability Services
2.Make an appointment with a support staff (clinical psychologist or social worker)
3.Develop a reasonable accommodation plan
4.Have a committee meeting with faculty, staff and the Center staff
5.Communicate to the student via email for confirmation
6.The student email back for confirmation or request(s) to reach consensus
7.The Center communicates to the student via PLAS for final confirmation
8.The student prints the support plan and communicates to faculty/instructors either face-to-face or email
9.Reasonable accommodations start

For more information
Please click on the image below to view.
